Can we get a happy games thread?

Can we get a happy games thread?
Post games that are just about fun and being happy and relaxed and you can just sink into the chair and push buttons occasionally and be healed.

For me it's Ape Escape 3, this shit is my jam, it can cure any depression in an instant and it's a fun and satisfying game to actually play and not just look at to the boot.

Other urls found in this thread:

for me it's Sup Forums is shit, nobody cares about video games here, post yumi

Banjo Kazooie

Yumi is a miracle of the universe

Paper Mario 64, the gameplay & story is pretty simple so you can just chill & play it, also the art style with it's watercolored backgrounds make it really comfy.

Kirby also comes to mind, especially Dream Land 3, 64 and Epic Yarn.

Super Mario Sunshine is the comfiest game I've ever played. pic related is my favorite level

MGS 3 snake eater
there are just so many ways to play through even the first area it's insane
the gameplay and variety of your options and what you can do and just the fun of frolicking and sneaking through the jungle to funky tunes gets me in the zone

lost counts how many times I played through it, ageless title
really relaxing too for some reason

Ape Escape 2 is really good but not as good as 3
Other happy games:

Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future
Bokura no Kazoku
Tearaway Unfolded

Spyro probably
2 and 3 especially so
They do get a bit stressing and tiresome after awhile when you just end up trying to get everything and search through the whole level multiple times.

I regret giving that game away just for a couple of euros in GameStop.

Biggest childhood regrets