>game features magical glowing orbs
Why is this so overdone?
Game features magical glowing orbs
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why do muslims pretend to be friends with non-muslims?
that shit look gay af nigga
*tuba music starts playing*
This is some evil overlord type shit going on in this pic.
They can't last without outside help.
This is legitimately creepy
I can't wait til women aren't allowed to drive and go to school in the west
What the fuck is even going on in that pic?
*cuck porn music starts playing*
he pussied out on saying "Radical Islamic Terrorism" though, he never said it
The monstars are absorbing the talent from the NBA stars.
It's okay when Trump does it though, so no cucking.
Money. The Saudis are donating millions of dollars to the Trump family while Trump is giving them billions of dollars in weapons.
They like being gifted billions of dollars.
It's a mysterious concept, a bit exotic and alien to a Westerner.
He said Islamic Extremism, basically the same thing, kinda almost hinting that all Islam is extreme.
It's like that scene with the ball and the gungas at the end of Phantom Menace
If they were true Big Ballers, they would be impervious to absorption.
We're not giving them these weapons for free. We're selling them the weapons, which is still pretty shitty.
Yeah, great as in great in numbers.
Clearly we need to stop this infestation.
Trump is literally America's Berlusconi
the photo is like it's from an opening of an anime.
>Main antagonist has his hands reaching out over the globe
*cuckold music starts playing on the background*
*Sup Forums screeching intensifies*
*/r/thedonald upvotes itensify more*
They really are. Their entire religion is a death cult.
the only difference is, Trump has a far bigger brain dead fanbase and more legal leeway
No, you're fucking retarded.
If you actually watched the Stream he was clearly indicating that there's a difference between Muslim extremists and the actual normal muslims.
>t. sheltered american and/or mussie
I'm european and I have enough experience with mudslimes, thank you. You'd be weary of them especially if you hung out with chechens
congrats you just described all the religions in existence
Yeah, the difference is they just watch and cheer.
Clearly he didn't want to start a war just yet.
All the other ones realized that murder and violence went out of fashion so they restructured a bit to catch up with the times.
I would have been faster to just say you never met one
Must be why they get along with leftists so much, they both worship death.
da googis?
No, Christianity was always a religion of the opressed and lower classes hence all the suffering, persecution, redemption and thy neighbour BS.
Meanwhile mudshit is a religion of as warlord that killed and raped constantly.
>He doesn't want peace
>He wants President Trump to crash and burn so he can churn out a, "TOLD YA SO"
Face it, you are wrong about Trump.
>Alex Jones right know
How so? I'm still considering reporting a few chechens I know because they post ISIS sympathetic posts on face and explicit pro-ISIS imagery. These are also considered "moderate" normal mussies too who work and study in college
Christians kill the most people per year dingus
what is the medias response to this trip so far??
this is screaming for an arnoldpasta
Quran 3:28-Let not the believers Take for friends or helpers Unbelievers rather than believers: if any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah: except by way of precaution, that ye may Guard yourselves from them.
I live in Canada.
90% of the people I meet are filthy mudslimes.
It's just 4D chess you cucks.
rly activates those almondes
>Inner city black caps someone
>Christian kill counter + 1
Donald "Islam is one of the world's greatest faiths" Trump.
Most of the American masses are pretty braindead whether they support Trump or not
>thy neighbour BS
thats catholicism
By meet you mean pass by on in street in fear cause of your lack of social interaction
A liberal calling someone braindead. I bet you think people can change their gender.
What Christians?
The funny part is you can clearly see the rise in terrorism attacks in the western world right around the time that refugees started to get accepted. Before that time, it was all in some shithole countries like Baghdad, Iraq, Pakistan etc.
>all the people who have different opinions than me are brain dead liberals
cool freedom of speech brah
>The biggest terrorist sponsor
Niggers do.
Have you forgotten to take your meds again ?
At least educate yourself. There's an actual definitive difference between the definition of gender and the definition of sex. Even if you are trolling, educate yourself so you don't troll like the rest of the brain dead rednecks.
The Saudis are entirely dependent on the US last I checked,
White people bomb thousands a year and scream FREEDOM
Social interaction with them either involves them saying something in their language and pretending to not understand you or shittalking behind your back. Have you really not met muslims? They're the absolute worst kind of people.
Is that David Cross?
Not him, by my Muslims friends are normal people.
Maybe you shouldnt have brought down the world trade center, ahmed
no,those are americunts. and americunts are not white