>Still no Net Navis


>Still no Medabots


Because politics stealing from people and a dumb generation controlled by youtubers and social network opinions.

If everyone was honest and had sufficient effort we could have a world like classic Megaman or EXE.

Use some logic.
Navis would be horribly inefficient.

I want both of these, reeeeeee

>you will never send your qt grill netnavi to sad panda to find you something to fap to whilst being embarrassed to bring it back for you

Sad time to be alive lads

Real Navis are an impossible idea now. But fake ones aren't. Why don't we have an awesome virtual representation of the web? Why can't we connect to hotspots, by jacking in with Navis, and fighting "viruses", and retrieving area specific items?

>you will never tell your two qt grill navis to make out

>an alternative: desktop stripper

buy a tamagachi

>phones/tablets have a digital assistant

>still no endless war created by an evil German scientist and his robot armies

>a dumb generation controlled by youtubers and social network opinions

The fact that you say that tells me that you yourself are controlled by "social network opinions", only you don't think they're social networks. Also Megaman is basically apocalyptic.

Bionic stablished, mega systems online

It's Bio-link, user.

Bio-link established.
M.E.G.A. systems, ONLINE

Don't worry boys, gimme a good 20 years to make it happen.

>Still no flying cars



>Capcom can never capitalize on a MMBN / NetNavi app or game for mobile.

My smartphone is basically a PET anyway

Its combos like this that make me rethink my desire of an MMO Battle Network, I'd get destroyed in net battles.

MMO should involve a chip scanner device that'll allow you to scan weapons for your Navi and allow you to battle with them, chips should be regulated to store packs and online orders, not having either the device or chips should leave you helpless in battle. This will unfuck the battle system for newbies as well as be a good anti-piracy measure.

>Capcom actually made a PET toy that worked like a pedometer years ago
>I would shake it around until i encountered a virus battle
>eventually got some chips and lived he childhood dream.

I still have this and even some of the chips, shit was fucking crazy.

Capcom did more than that. They made Battle Chip gates that could plug in to the games and completely change the way you played them.

They made toys of the BN3, BN5, and BN6 PETs as well, too bad those never came out of Japan, they worked much better than what we got, especially the BN5 and BN6 ones.

Don't forget the e-Reader cards that could customize MegaMan far more than the in-game NaviCust could ever hope to imagine.

There's a new mobile game coming out this year, but it's probably going to be an endless runner or more shit like XOver.