We always like to talk about sonic autists and undertale autists. But let's try to branch out this thread, OK?
Video game autism thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>"I can feel the baby kicking, Crash!"
I like mario but this OC shit is fucking cancer
Because that autism is absolutely legendary in terms of how fucky it really is. Look at what Sonic spawned, it spawned a fucking monster of a human that made effigies to a hedgehog. Who has collections upon collections of the most pure, concentrated autism the world has ever seen, so much that it lays dormant in every sonic fan, waiting to emerge when some sort of singularity is reached.
Also Undertale is sjw trash, so that just breeds autism peroid.
Autism is important dont mock autism.
How else would we have competitive e-sports? Sandbox games? Stat bars and special abilities?
Autism has contributed a lot to video games!
Bowser fag are as cringy
what the fuck are bowserfags?
>princess peach son
t. bowserfag
That's not autism, that's creativity and competition be spirit.
Just because the teacher wrote "Wow! Creative!" On your third grade story about Link in Hyrule doesn't mean autism = creativity
Does anyone else here unironically have crippling autism?
Bowser a slow ass fatty fused with another slow character wherehog sonic, but that some how makes him faster? Is the concept based on 2 negatives make a positive.
Seems more like MONKEY SEE, MONKEY DO than using creative energy, if you ask me!
Rayman autists are overlooked.
>King George
come on now
Why the fuck is bowser always depicted as gay?
You know what as I was typing that I realized the answer.
How do people have time for this shit?
>Since Peter likes to think
>Peter's shoes and shorts colors are the same as the colors of Luigi's shirt and overalls
The ultimate attack
why are anthros so popular with autist?
That monkey suit is a pretty cool concept I'll give him that.
>Ma Jr
As dumb as it sounds
The chick who did this actually draws a lot of neat comics. I remember a long while ago I used to read them. I may not be remembering this right, but they honestly don't come off as autistic as you might think
>when you have no job so you just sit at home fantasizing about having sex with cartoon turtle dragons
Same with grownup koopa children
Fuck this whole channel. Film Theories are worse though.
I'm not sure if I should laugh or cry.
This may be autism, but big boss Mario will never not be cool
>He just removed the moustache of Sunshine Mario
What a fucking hack
>that time when the creator of the FNAF didn't have the lore follow his theories so he threw an autistic fit and called FNAF4 "wrong"
Because autism is a prerec for being a furry.
Autism is a powerful tool, too much for the average mortal man. Once in a blue moon comes along one capable of bending the autism to their will, and as a result we get fucking awesome video games
That gave me a chub.
I was not expecting something so... literal
Mario Jr. looks good, but Mario looks way too old.
They are lucky mario game aren't bad like sonic games due to this they can so go unoticed.