PS4 has no gam-
PS4 has no gam-
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God dam fucking sni
PC faggot here, and I agree 100%. PS4 is winning by a long shot. All we can do is hope for some ports further down the line. I wish I could play Yakuza 0 and 6 atleast. Played all of the other Yakuza games and loved them.
Ace Combat 7, Nioh and KH III will be on PC in the near future
We should thank Sonymongers for the awesome beta testing
PC faggot here, I absolutely love dick. Someone please fuck me in the face and/or ass, preferably both. I've got an insatiable lust for cock.
PS4 faggot here, and I agree 100%. PC is winning by a long shot. All we can do is hope for some ports further down the line. I wish I could play MB:W and HoI atleast. Played all of the other of those games and loved them.
damn you're mad. is r/pcmasterrace down or something?
>playing shitty half-broken indie games and grand strategy
kek, are you 12?
No user, I just don't see how your post had anything to do with you being a faggot. On the other hand, I am a massive faggot, and I really want your dick inside of me.
I wasted $500 on a graphics card and new intel i5 only to find out that Steam is trash and there's nothing good about PC gaming other than console emulators.
PC isn't meant for AAA gaming my dude, it's for emulating old shit and playing niche games like Football Manager and Osu. Also for watching movies and anime or whatever. The memers that claim otherwise are ALWAYS retards that make "battlestations" and "rigs" who play DoTA2 and CSGO almost exclusively while posting dank memeyos on r/pcmasterrace.
>AAA gaming
Only Sup Forums thinks it doesn't.
Enjoy your Wii 3.0
>No GTA 5
>No Mass Effect
>No Destiny 2
>No Elder Scrolls online
It's already begun for you Nintendo dick suckers once again. Enjoy your no AAA games and only droughts.
believe it or not, non-autismos want to play new and big releases, not indie 2D shit and eSports trash all day.
>tfw idort
Recommend me psquadrizzle games
Currently got: Bloodborne and Dragon Quest Heroes.
not what i meant mongloid
>no God Eater 2
shit taste
I mean Dragon Quest builder. Fuck heroes got that on pc and it was meh
Dissidia 3 is coming to PS4?
>buy a new 1000€ pc rig
>no motivation to play
I used to play DaS 3 but it became boring
I do want God Eater 2 but I will buy it later.
>Ace Combat 7
Only on PlayStation*
*also on PC
Only on PlayStation*
*also on Switch
>Dragon Quest 11
Only on PlayStation*
*also on 3DS & Switch
>King of Fighters 14
Only on PlayStation*
*also on PC
yes.. last time they talked was late 2016
maybe they will show something in E3 this year
Horizon is on this list twice
>4 shit games no one cares about
Why would you unnaturally extend your hand out just to have it in the shot?
Man, this is something extra for my E3 predictions card.
>horizon is listed twice
i kno ur probz just avin a laff m8 but if u aint about ace fukken combat u shud turn the gun on urself my mann, str8 up end it
I wouldn't bet on it I think TGS 2018 they will show something
>it's suddenly shit when it gets ported!
You're no better than drones that defended ZombiU, Sonic Lost World, and Lego City to death when they were Wii U exclusive, and suddenly called them shit when they were brought to other platforms.
Ace Combat has been shit for ages. "Coincidentally" it became shit when it came to PC :).
AC assault horizon on the 360 is pretty decent
>Nioh, Persona 5 and Gravity Rush 2 are still 110-120 Dollars
>Meanwhile, Mass Effect: Andromeda, a game that came out last month, is 52 dollars
I'm glad you acknowledge that it's merely a coincidence.
What's with this dumb meme? The only good ps4 games pc lacks are niho, Y0 and P5, with the latter that will probably be emulable this year. And pc has botw and tons of other games you can't play on ps4.
why are ace combat fags so elitist?
It's called come to America.
>half the games on the chart are literally coming out on PC too
>one is actually already out
what did OP mean by this
maybe thats because the only games that get PC ports are trash that sold like shit on PS4 and devs want to milk the retarded Steambronies that are desperate for the "THANKS FOR TESTING xD" review they can make?
call me when Horizon, Yakuza 0 / 6 / Kiwami, Nioh, Gravity Rush 2, Until Dawn, Uncharted 4, Bloodborne, Hatsune Miku, TLOU Remastered, Drawn to Death, Persona 5 etc etc etc get ported.
But I guess PC gets such great titles as NieR: Autobuttonsmasher and The Surge, lmao.
I don't even have a PS4, im a PC only player, im just stating facts
That's more accurate. 75% shit tier games. Many games most likely be ported like FF15, FF12 or Nioh
also, for the record, I think every game should be available on every platform. I don't give a shit about exclusivity, I think it's actually a detriment.
Quality > Quanity.
Also the PC market is in a rut at the moment, the past 3 years have been nothing but dayz ripoffs.
Give them back, Tyrone.
has nothing to do with the PC, but rather the retarded Steamfaggot userbase that has shit taste. I guarantee that if Steam fucks off and dies, PC gets instantly 10x better.
PC has nier AND stiens;gate
persona 5 is on ps3
i actually own bloodborne and not a ps4. please convince me to buy a ps4. i want a ps4, but it doesn't have enough exclusives for me to get one. even nintendo has better exclusives.
PC has always been a platform of shitty software, with a few gems here or there.
But since the indie scene exploded and steam became a clusterfuck, and unity becoming a widely marketed game engine the PC market is in a rut, and again, everyone's making F2P cash grabs these days, the latest trend of course being DayZ clones.
Valve trying to fix it right now. Curators didn't work so they are removing Greenlite and so on.
>the people responsible for PC being shit are trying to ((((fix)))) it
yeah, sure gives me lots of hope.
t. xboner bro
I honestly bought a PS4 just to play Yakuza and Persona, along with Sly 4 any other recommendations besides Bloodborne
I'm not trying to be rude, I just really, really need a dick right now.
FF15 sucks. FF14 has a much more engaging story.
They are also responsible for PC being good tho. 10 years ago no one ever hope for japanese games on pc.
I don't like any of the games on the left so they don't count as games OP.
Toddler, please.
>muh anime waifu game came out on Steam
>its okay for them to literally destroy a platform by forcing DRM, microtransactions, F2P, unfinished games for full price, paid mods, $300 e-pixel """skins""", Greenlight(tm), Facebook for gamers, eSports cancer, Twitch etc. on PC
keep sucking that kike dick.
>keeps gravity rush remastered
>deletes gravity rush 2
opinion immediately discarded
>bought PS4
>literally only game I play is Bloodborne
>buy Persona 5 after a fuck huge wait
>now back to nothing again
I just ordered my next PC upgrade last night, never falling for the idort meme again.
so what are you gonna play on PC? be honest.
>Horizon listed twice
if it makes you feel better greenlight is being pruned
i'll feel better when Steam is literally offline and Valve closes its doors. I'll still play on PC until then, but I just pirate everything and don't give a fuck.
my backlog honestly.
not many good games are getting released this year.
I finished Nier and Yakuza 0, RE7 was shit, Crash Trilogy looks like a disaster, Dawn of War 3 killed the franchise I loved, this year is pretty much over.
The only games on the horizon are RDR2 and Mount and Blade 2. And Mario but I don't own a Switch.
It's pathetic.
pretty sure you'll be pirating all the way to the grave my dude
es I care about
>weebshit and "cinematic experience" games
>no RTS games
>no TBS games
>no roguelikes
>no FPS games
>the entirety of the library that is worthy of note is either action games or jRPGs
No thanks.
Oh, and
>no adventure games
>no decent puzzle games
So that leaves, what, third-person action games, sports and jRPGs?
Fuck that.
>Literally two horizons
I don't respect anyone who thinks memes like Overwatch, Doom, Wildlands or For Honor are better than c-tier japanese budget titles like Neptunia or Akiba's Beat