Is the Switch tge new Vita in terms of weeb games?
Every Ps4 japanese game is getting ported
Is the Switch tge new Vita in terms of weeb games?
Every Ps4 japanese game is getting ported
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>>Every Ps4 japanese game is getting ported
name 10
no wait, name 3.
>weeb games
yeah, nah. sony is for weebshit, nintendo is for 1st party IPs. this has never changed, and it will never change as long as the earth revolves around the sun.
earth revolves around the sun
touhou, fate/extallia and... no really it's gonna be the new weeb machine! just you wait
>every ps4 game is being ported
Pc games grt ported to vita, vita gets ported to ps4, games ate developed for both vita and ps4.
At least weeb right
Disgaea 5. There you go champ
Fuck I wish.
>PC gets ported to Vita
It's the other way around there big boy. What a pathetic handheld
literally who
>he didn't post the video of this faggot
How about you fucking read the thread
Literally more worthwhile than the garbage that was Extella
>I don't know anything about japan the post
I'm assuming you don't know Japanese or play japanese games
How has no one posted this yet?
That Sinon(?) poster in the back looks pretty fucking cool.
>calls it anime elitists
>uses autistic SAO fans on MAL as an example
LAKSJ HLAKJH GUYSLKwjef ;OLHR:ao pwaISoidhf pOIEHGP uehf IUHF ;Ohf;oUUPRESIDENTWHF;Owh fpoWHG ;wgdiTRUMPEF+H64 +65HA+ 9A85ET+H95 w9 5+qe9th5jrwANIMEy5jhwrtdh+j9qetyhq+erty85qe+rr6gta+???????????????????????????????????????????????wet+aw4tg+5e4fg6+5ae4fg6a4effh4atj65r4j65t4ykwai tia457lo6l5a457o6554o765oq56io54w7l51w75
>Im a fucking dork the post
Why dont you just drink acid cutey pie
that's an ugly ass pokemon
It's a dog you idiot
Why is someone like this allowed to live?
So this is the power of ironic weebs
Tons of a japanese games on pc get ported to vita. At least know your shit before posting you fucking homo.
Also your plebbit is showing.
not gonna click that shit
4chans a forum.
And not until the Switch is bukkake'd in otome games, it ain't.
ironic weeaboos are the cancer
games already on the ps4
It will most likely get games like Digimon, but the most extreme VNs might stay away.
We will see.
.>cancer of the "community" claims something else is the cancer
>I share a website with troglodytes