What are you playing right now?
Is it fun?
What are you playing right now?
Is it fun?
Majora's Mask
Not that fun at first but gets good when you learn to manage time and events.
I'm really loving the game but right now Ocarina is still the superior game.
Playing the F5 on Sup Forums game
Fire Emblem: Awakening.
Yeah, I like it a lot. It's my first SRPG and it's been really fun so far. Kinda glad I gave the genre a chance.
Yakuza 0. Trying to do everything in the game.
Also have been playing Dead Rising 1 and trying to rescue everyone. Fuck it's hard.
Some RPG I found on steam called The Tenth Line. It's Basically a Mario and Luigi game, but the overworld is 2D. It's fun, but there's a shitton of stuff the game throws at you in terms of menus and stats.
I'm playing Wageslave Simulator
It's fucking shit, 0/10 would not play again.
Dwarf Fortress.
It's proof that I'm not a brainlet g-guys
the quake champions beta was addicting desu, bought titanfall 2 but the learning curve and skill ceiling is non existent so i dont know where i will be getting my shooter fix since infinite warfare is shit and nobody plays doom.