Will Mario Odissey finally break the open world curse?

Will Mario Odissey finally break the open world curse?

whats the curse?

The curse is they make you waste 400 hours of your life having fun.

If it's open world, i might even get a switch for it. Can you imagine anything cooler than a seamless mario environment where you can explore a lot? I sure can't

LOL Nintendo is such a fucking embarrassment. I mean just look at the picture.

I think it's world hub and then levels.

TW3 is a CRPG not a fucking sandbox game. The open-world was perfectly fine, stop being an underaged faggot.

>whats the curse?

exploring is pointless
1000 fetch quests
nonexistant plot

The new mario looks more like a collection of hub worlds rather than open world.

Are there actually any significant settlements in BotW? Every single piece of footage I've seen has been about Shrines and roaming across the wilderness.

You didn't play the Witcher 3 did you?

>role playing game

but you can only play as Geralt!

Open world games are dumb. Majora's mask has more content than BoTW with a map 3000x smaller

there are villages and outposts

>You didn't play the Witcher 3 did you?

I wish I didn't.

Got real tired of it after the Baron mission

>that's not playing a role
>every other roleplay game lets you play as more roles in 1 playthrough
You realize something?

>Morrowind isn't an RPG because you play as Nerevarine

>nonexistant plot

I wish more games had this.

Indeed. You have a role, then you play it

so Crash bandicoot is a RPG?


Witcher 3 is just the first step in what open world games can actually do right in a sense they don't have to sacrifice story and characters. GTA has been doing that for a long time, but RPGs have it much harder. What open world games need to do is formulate some new game structure that isn't just "here's your story, but you can dick around in the world until you go back to it". Story needs to be more seamlessly integrated.

>"here's your story, but you can dick around in the world until you go back to it".

Pic related is the best open world game ever made.

Like in Pathologic where the story keeps going no matter what you're doing

The game has mechanics derived from old P&P tabletop RPGs.
This alone makes it a videogame RPG.

>Look mom i just found another excuse to post this same exact pic for the milionth time lmao XD

who's sadder, the poster,
or the lurker who recognizes it because he spends 24/7 here?

we should just kill ourselves