Which one do you use and why?
Restrictor Plates
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Square, shit's the default.
octagon IMO
murica gtfo octagon is where its at
A square one i got out of a chinese stick.
Octagon. Joysticks are by nature imprecise compared to digital input but this makes them comparable.
What are these for?
The simpler it is, the stronger it is.
It's science or something.
is that an alien cock ring or sumthin lol
Fighting sticks. They sit at the base of the sick and restrict the movement of the joystick.
no you dumb shit
woah what kind of finger box is that?
he is kinda right. the sanwa gates get wobbly after some time because of the two-piece design.
thats pretty gay desu
I never understood, why the fuck are the movement buttons so close to the normals?
Shit doesn't look comfortable, how would you even double tap lights with your other hand there?
Square is the one used in the original cabinets 99% of the time, I'm big on having the most authentic experience with anything I do so I stick heh with it.
I also tried octagonal once and it really fucked me up, what's the advantages over it? Is it more beginner friendly since you have an easier time holding down, up, right and left?
I don't remember what's in mine. I'm still such a scrub that the difference is pretty meaningless to me. I did put put in a stiffer spring though because I like that tighter stiffer feel over the default.
fug.i got a hard benis now anong :DDDDDD
Shit I thought beyblades were making a comeback.
Square gates are a god send, in my opinion. Octagons are a good second place.
I'm also so used to these now that I can't use circle gates anymore. Please help
>circle gates
Fucking why
Is this the Beyblade thread.
To play cabs with friends. I can still scrape by, but it's embarrassing when I drop 3 out of every 5 fireballs.
What's this mean? Also is there one for square and circle?
Are you mexican by any chance?
wtf kind of cab has a circle gate
To pull off cheap shit like this.
What are the benefits to using a fighting stick? They just look like bulky pieces of shit honestly.
I thought this was a Beyblade thread for a hot minute there.
Its the amount of space each input takes up
I just had a nasty case of Deja vu right now
Depends on the game. My stick is such that I can access the bottom of the JLF and swap plates whenever I want. Square works best for Street Fighter and Octagonal works best for Mortal Kombat, although if I had to say which I prefer the feel of, I prefer Octagonal hands down.
That's terrible, no wonder I was having issues with the corners that one time I tried octagonal.
So it's just for 3D garbage?
Nice meme boxes. :^)
I was having this issue when trying to play Ryu in smash because GC controllers have octagonal restrictors, I couldnt get true DPs
A lot of american made ones, stand cabs especially. The CvS2, marvel 2, third strike, and alpha 3 cabs at the local hangout all have circle gates. Only the multicade machines have actual angles in their gates.
You can block crossups by pressing right and left at the same time in sfv and umvc3 iirc, don't know which other games.
I'm pretty sure they patched that out in the firmware and you can only do it on keyboard.
8 way since the inputs are 8 way
this is a retarded meme btw. I checked and my octogate goes just as far in the diagonal as the square gate does. It's just cut out farther on the cardinal directions
To be honest I don't keep up with hitbox news too much since I find them gay as fuck myself, so I'll take your word for it.
Square for fighting, octo for shmups and basically everything else.
Certain things can be a little easier to do on an arcade stick vs a controller but overall it's just for fun and a more authentic arcade experience in your home.
Yeah, octagonal is unfortunately kind of shit for anything that requires use of corners. Street Fighter especially. In games that don't use corners like Mortal Kombat and Injustice though, you will likely find that the square shape is counter-intuitive.
The best option is to have a stick where you can access the inside without tools and quickly change the restrictor plate. One popular option is to use velcro instead of screwing the base plate on, although the Mortal Kombat TE Stick had a latch mechanism that let you quickly and easily access the inside.
Don't, I just heard that you can't hold down back and buffer DP safely like you could or still can on keyboard so I assume it's the same for everything else that requires conflicting inputs.
Post pic because that sounds even worse
It also wouldnt make it equal to a square, that is about total area of each input.
>Bat top
or just nut up and use the standard fucking square gate that nearly every cabinet and stick in the world uses and clean up your inputs.
shillbox are the only ones making prebuilt keyboard style fight"stick"s. You'll be seeing their shitty videos a lot since they're the only ones who demo them.
What are the benefits of using all of the muscles in your hand as opposed to your thumb alone?
It's faster and more precise when used properly.
Octagonal gates are for retards that ride their gates, when you actually learn how to use a stick you don't want to ride the gates at all because you get faster motions. Square is more free-form, octagonal is janky and only good for very specific games nobody plays anyway.
Joysticks are digital, you retard.
yeah and your image is inaccurate. The octagon is larger than in that image
t. have sanwa gates and examined them before
For Beyblades?
Octagon is more like a joystick than square you dumbass. Square still only has 4 switches like a dpad.
Agreed. As a smashbabbie I prefer octagonal but for tekken I can't stand that shit.
You don't understand geometry do you?
Its impossible to have an octagon gate that has an equal area distribution for every input.
Octagonal with bat top stick every fucking day of the week, fight me niggers.
Anyone who says octagonal doesn't play fighting games and just plays smash
1. the numbers are wrong and just bullshit someone posted on a forum and everyone believes like gospel for some reason
2. the "area distribution" doesn't even work that way because you don't use an infinitely small stick. The actual stick is large and rides the sides of the octagon and doesn't go right into the corner anyway. You can autism about geometry but in reality the diagonals go just as far and are just as easy to use as a square gate
Smelly Korean Pig Dog
you could....you know....not ride the gate with an octagonal gate too
Bat tops are an american thing too and gook sticks don't have restrictors
Square gate is s jap thing you mong
You clearly don't know how your stick, or basic geometry works.
Dumb octobab
In which case why are you using an octo and not square or circle
haven't played beyblade in a while so I can't remember
Yeah, you can, but it's more restrictive than a square, there isn't as much room.
Yeah and most sticks sell with square. I got used to it and like the freedom.
false. The diagonals are about the same and then the sides are cut out a bit further to make the octagon shape
1. basic geometry isn't good enough. In order to know the actual range of motion of the stick you'd need to know the diameter of the stick which your image doesn't attempt to do
2. the dimensions in the image are clearly wrong in an attempt to win an internet argument without facts
3. it assumes sanwa wouldn't design gates with dimensions to make the difference in motion insignificant. It's really not hard at all to size an octagon to have all the range that a square gate does, plus indents on the sides so it holds all 8 directions
The only thing that changes is the size of the neutral input, as you scale the range until the switches engage every other input scales together you retard, given that sticks are 4 switch devices there is absolutely no way for an octagon to keep the cardinal and diagonals the same area of engagement.
Go back to high school and learn some fucking maths.
Nice, is that an iPAC 2?
Bat tops were what arcade goers in north america grew up with in the 80s and 90s
you can keep them pretty close unlike that exaggerated image
also you don't even have to use the indents if you don't want to. You're not losing anything by being able to push the stick further in the cardinal directions using the indent. That image incorrectly suggests that the corners are smaller than the square version
Octagon for 3d fightans, square for 2d and other arcade games.
Nice meme.
But this is how it actually works.
That still means there is less space to trigger the corner switches due to the side spots being so much bigger.
Nope. Switches activate long before you even reach any of the corners.
I can't fucking play a smhup with octo gates, square gates or bust
It's still a difference compared to square, if you go from the absolute rightmost point on an octa you have to move more than a square.
based. finally someone did it
>having a little extra space on the sides for when you want to hold a direction is bad
b-but I thought you square gate weeaboo elitists don't ride the gate!
Have you even used a sanwa stick before? You barely have to touch it to get it to input, bottoming out to the edges is a scrub move.
Why do you need that extra space on the side? the sides are the easiest part to reach so you just make it easier to do the easy thing but harder to do the harder thing.
Sticks are way too fucking slow for shmups, keyboard is where it's at.
>inb4 seimitsu autists
Still not fast enough.
so is this the new fingerbox
>trying to play anything that's not charge characters with a Square gate
Literally restricting yourself. I use my stick for almost every occasion I can. I beat Wings of Vi with it, which would be impossible with the square gate since up down left right is so important.
the feature is the indent not the extra space. It's easier to hold the direction and make sure you don't accidentally hit a diagonal when you don't want one
and it doesn't make diagonals any harder. It's the same
Fake and gay.
I wish I had a hitbox but they're so expensive and I don't like how they use smaller buttons and they also put the left and right hand buttons too close together
Go look at OP
tell me which gate looks bigger
i never push my stick farther than it's actuation point anyway so the restrictor plate doesn't mean anything to me.
So make one yourself, you can have any size of button you want and as far apart as you want them. I'll tell you though, if you used standard sized buttons it's be crammed for space and difficult to use as your fingers struggle to spread apart.
They can't be bigger because they fit on the same slots you silly willy. One picture is obviously taken from closer.
Oct gates are physically bigger at the octagon.
You'd know this if you ever customized a stick before.
you mean for the movement buttons? I'd probably keep those small
I have big buttons on my regular arcade stick and I like those for right hand
btw sounds like too much work. idk why only one company bothers making them
Square for Street Fighter or other sideview fighters, which is pretty much all of them.
Octagonal for Tekken only.