Hack your 3ds, they said

Hack your 3ds, they said.
I will be fine, they said.

Other urls found in this thread:


This is exactly why I bought a second 3DS for hacking, and didn't put my Majora's Mask one at risk.

Are they only banning people with modified 3DS'? Because I only use a sky3DS.

Sky3DS users are safe unless they go online iirc.

>using hacked hardware online

only Sup Forums is this retarded

>Banned from Nintendo's online infrastructure
>Can't legally buy games digitally or play online when no one does anymore on the 3DS

Oh no, will I be forced to find games through other "methods" digitally?

>no one plays online on the 3ds
this is objectively false
>inb4 smashfags, pokefags, multiplayer mhfags or mariofags aren't considered people

i've seen multiple times now in threads like these people saying they keep the wifi on at all times
you would have to be extremely retarded to do this and then proceed to make threads about your obvious ban

there's like 2 games worth going online for on the 3ds. dunno why people are freaking out.

I can't transfer pokemon to future games because pokebank is dead

>Banned from playing online
>When literally the only game worth playing online is ACNL which is dead and most people are done with anyway

how will i manage

is it worth picking up a 3ds this late to the party?
it looks comfy and i haven't had a handheld in years

Is homebrew ok?

>He didn't use the free pokebank alternative that allows you to max out stats on the fly

homebrew won't work on Switch

I bought mine just to play pokemon.
It has some fun games but that's basically it

only online game iv played seriously on the 3ds is monhun generations.
And i even used some mild cheats to skip farming most common items.

I do use theme hacks to boot cfw.

And before you try and convince me to swtich to a better hack method i dotn give a fuck.
Everything works just fine and i can play online and never got a ban.

Pokefags always find a way, just look at what soul silver had.
>DS didn't need to be hacked
>Fake GTS to transfer pokemon from computer

If you like Platfromers and JRPGs it is worth it.

im mainly interested in it for shit like SMT, ace attorney, fire emblem, monhun
can i watch anime on it?

Disregard , it's only good for JRPGs.

So, I'm a bit behind the curve since I took a break from gaming in general, what's the latest firmware for 3DS? I have an XL with system firmware 11.2.0-35U.

But its Kyrby Mario and Gunvolt games are realy good.

Honestly it has more paltformers than WIIU.

Serves you right, you damn pirate

Garbage platformers. Not to mention you're stuck with the circlepad.

>240p TN Panel
better off buying a cheap android tablet for that last bit

>mfw on latest FW with Luma + AL9H and not banned
Git gud fags

You can use any controller you want using CFW.

I always knew those "why haven't you hacked your ds" threads were shady and this just confirms it

>Not getting Boot9Strap
Get with the times grandpa.

huh, didn't know the resolution was that low, thanks
can i shitpost from it, at least?

Give me reasons why it's better

Don't play online with pirated games, they said.
Don't use freeshop, they said.
Should've listened.

Never even touched online but I still got banned, guess it just has to do with nintendo being able to detect b9s or freeshop.

Anyway the ban literally does nothing as you can still download games from freeshop anyway lol

>they said
Hajaja who are they? Nobody said that lol ur hallucinating friend

Fucking this. I have a spare 3DS XL that I use just for experiments. I wouldn't install a CFW on a limited edition New 3DS XL, I'm not that retarded

Not banned yet, having no friends anyway, still a bit sad for Animal Crossing and Mario Maker.

Can't update Luma without it.

Played online with a pirated game and no ban yet. What method did you use to hack your ds?

First I've heard of this. How?

Well that sucks. Until it's shown that B9S isn't causing the banwave, I'm not touching it

People without B9S are banned, too.

Has anyone released a hacked version of Mario 64 DS that works with the twin sticks?

Reports are coming in of people who checked that they didn't get banned, then checked later and found out they were banned. It seems like the bans are coming out in a steady stream so don't think you're safe because you haven't been banned yet.

>Use A9LH and Luma3DS
>Use Freeshop
>Still not banned
Come on Nintendo, what are you waiting for? Ban me.

Which emulators can I play with a hacked 3ds and up to what console? Do they work well on the later consoles?

Update to b9s

All of them.

Wait so how are people getting banned. I thought the 3DS was supposed to be "completely blown open" and "untouchable".

Well its not like it really matters right since the 3ds is near its end of life. Do you htink theyll even leave the game servers up much longer? I reckon 2021 will be the year they go down. Im scared to check my 3dses now though, ive never been online banned

What do I gain from this?

Yeah, but Nintendo can still restrict access to their servers

Are you retarded? The 3ds being hacked doesn't mean the entirety of Nintendo is hacked.

Getting banned.

Aside from playing online does this actually matter?


No, it doesn't even restrict you from downloading games from freeshop either so unless you need to play smash online or some shit it doesn't matter.

>banned on 3DS


I mean aside from that. What is 'upgrading' supposed to give you that you can't already get on A9LH

Continued support for newer firmwares

i've been banned and it doesn't feel like a loss. i have a 1500+ hours combined on the MH games, too.

>he still hasn't hacked his 3ds

>is it worth picking up a 3ds this late to the party?
Consoles are always better the later you buy them. More games.

>missing when online games are at their most active

u cant hak it

>on 11.2
>still using emunand+luma
>not get banned yet
Granted they did finally asking me to update when accessing the friend list and going online ingame, so I did have a feeling that I might get banned when I did update my shit

Literally been using a hacked 3DS for 4 years

has anyone tested if injecting a clean friendcode seed works just like with the Lurantis wave or if we are dealing with a different kind of beast here?

it's actually probably the best to buy it now. maybe wait for the new 2ds xl though, if you don't plan on using the 3D feature. save yourself $50.

>Banned from Nintendo's online infrastructure
>Can't legally buy games digitally or play online when no one does anymore on the 3DS
I wonder, will freeShop work? It's technically downloading from Nintendo servers, so if you get banned it should not work either. Will we have to revert back to the times when we used ROM images?

/vg/ has been doing it, it works just fine but only until that friendcode gets banned which is extremely likely for a public key. Even if you have your own private one you can still get it banned if Nintendo detects the same one used across two systems.

Apparently eshop access still works in this ban wave

Soo.. how's switch hackin' going?

Oh no, I won't be able to play all those amazing online 3DS games like

Is there a 3ds emulator yet?


>friends list and online ban
mario kart 7 is obsolete (mk8/mk8d)
smash 3ds is obsolete (smash wiiu)
fire emblem fates online is shit and breaks the game so you can just cheat for the same effects
animal crossing and kid icarus are both ancient and have dead online at this point, with ac getting switch and mobile versions soon according to a rumors
the main game this affects is monster hunter, as we still haven't gotten the latest entry in english, but a new game will probably be announced at tgs anyway so meh

overall, who gives a shit
now, if the bans had bricked the systems, then we'd be fucked

I played AC multiplayer on my cfw PS3, it's quite fun

I almost got miffed then i remembered i never haven't used the online for years.

I'm running cfw as well, but don't you get banned the second you connect to PSN?

Thank you.

It's also shit.

sounds fun, going to update now thank you

I've tried AC4 and brotherhood so far.
That used to be a large concern early on, but a number of tools appeared that minimize the risk. The risk is still there but it's much lower then it used to be.
I use Rebug latest version, with turned on cobra mode.
First , you gotta be offline, turn off network .
Use PSninja(homebrew) to delete and replace history and make it read only
Then you use PSNPatch(homebrew) which turns off cfw syscalls
Then you can go online and log in

Thanks for the info user.

no, but they will find you sooner or later
really not worth it, i just use mine + cfw for playing PS1/2/3 games offline

oh and, before any of that you obviously mount the game that you want to play. Don't run any homebrews while you're signed into PSN.
It's a pain in the ass if you change the games often but oh well, it's free

>implying B9S is not what make you get banned

There are patches you can install to make you presumably safe.
PSNPatch is the best one, it's a plugin that sits on your system that blocks any attempt of psn connection unless you do a key combination that turns off cfw syscalls and deletes history, it was made specifically for dummies.

Being able to update Luma so basic future proofing.
People were asking the same question about RxTools until it finally stopped working.

not sure if you noticed but most of the bans are coming from users of boot9strap

Some A9LH users are being banned, too.

>never updated from cakescfw
>didn't use freeshop
>didn't get banned

Okay. I don't play online anyway

Ill tell you what it is
The Nintendo servers updated to include Freeshop as a title under friends list
By this they are mass banning on those who have recently opened freeshop

I... I thought I was the only one!


I haven't hacked my 3DS but I did hack my Wii U and still have it connected to the internet. Will I get banned? I figured they weren't worried about the Wii U anymore since it was a failure and the Switch is already out.

>smashfags, pokefags, multiplayer mhfags or mariofags
Those are the sorts of people that wouldn't hack their 3DS in the first place

that isn't the point

the point is that there are actually online communities on the 3ds, therefore there is actually something you stand to lose from getting banned if you are interested in participating in those online communities