What are some hidden gems Sup Forums? or y'know games that not many people know that you would recommend

What are some hidden gems Sup Forums? or y'know games that not many people know that you would recommend.



Treasure adventure game. The second one looks like shit. The first one is great.

Spacechem,mfw you get to THOSE levels.



Hidden from who? No normalfag answers please.


Literally just bought this two weeks ago. What a fucking good game. The real sequel to ALTTP we never got.

Is this real?

Super Mario 64

Looking at the collection in front of me:

Cold Fear (RE4 with tank controls)
Tak 2
Wario Land Shake It!


The first wario land game isnt rare but is comfy as fuark.

Froggato is a great indie game, my only complaint is that it wasnt long enough. Its free as well

Guys I have £12.50 in my steam wallet post those real underrated/unknown games. I have a 1300 steam library so it needs to be pretty obscure or I probably own it.

The Panzer General series



Is that a Photoshop

We need closure

What happened to cat man

Tearaway. Better on the Vita, but the PS4 is pretty good.

One of the most underrated games of all time in my opinion.

Looks spooky

Gorky 17.


>That hospital level

fuck yeah, I never see this game discussed and it's great

A.M.B.E.R. if you are into quests. An old masterpiece.

Resistance & Liberation was the most fun FPS I've ever played. It had the complexity of Red Orchestra but without all the buggy bullshit and a great community. Unfortunately it's pretty much dead now.


Absolutely triggered.
Getting that cunt in the basement is the worst.

Ninja 5-0

Don't starve together

Secrets of Grindea but a lot of the humor would make Sup Forums scream since its referential to pop culture occasionally. It's early access and I'd recommend waiting for them to finish it but it has a really good level system where you can pick a variety of skills and mix and match combat styles. I'd play it solo but it also has 4 player multiplayer so I hope you're not a pathetic loner