Why did we have to ruin aliens?
Why did we have to ruin aliens?
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ancient aliens got nothing on thicc
See here's the think, Life's complexity is in the simplicity by which is dictates what changes are most reasonable.
-nothing- on the right makes sense until you introduce intelligent evolution.
There are a lot of efficient natural mechanisms that come with being bipedal, upright walking, and attractive in a galactic community with non dissimilar members.
TLDR; it's fucking Sci-Fi you fucking imbecile. Xenomorphs were fucking engineered from a mutagenic bio-weapon used for extermination. Grey's are theorized to have evolved that way after millennia in space travel. I don' even know why ET looks the way he does.
what game
Because golden ratio is universal and real aliens won't look like bog freaks from left picture. Also that gaem
>tfw no spooky abductee grey alien horror game
Are you talking shit on my waifu?
Fuck your bullshit OP
Is there SFM of her yet?
greys are my number one fear but everyone I tell that to giggles, seems like a niche phobia.
How can you ruin something that you have no references to beyond the imagination of people?
Why can't aliens look sexy again?
They're fucking Aliens. Greys, Xenomorphs, E.T. and Thicc Reptile could exist in the same fucking series because they're still aliens at the end of the day.
Fuck them you know what's up. They're straight nightmare fuel.
what are you whining about?
Sophons are basically little green men, so why are you whining?
I always afraid of looking a out my window one and just seeing a grey standing right outside
The one on the left is pretty cute
>Tfw I can't look outside now
Fuck how am I gonna fall asleep
>3 different alien designs on the left
>only 1 example on the right
Now we just need an pic with just a grey alien on the left and a xenomorph on the right.
Now that's how you bait post OP
don't worry they are already in the house
why do you need to look outside to sleep
It's not scary, that's why they're laughing at you. They're meek naked pussies.
Fuck. I guess Endless Space 2 isn't so bad after all.
How can there be SFM so soon when she's just a gif made from skeleton animation?
Its not even a model with animations?
A gif? What is this Sexual Fantasy Kingdom?
>the space nanomachine vampires in ES2 are in T H I C C bodysuits
Greys are pretty cute.
>he posted it again lol
why do you always start these threads offl ike this?
hes your fucking alien you instigating fucker
Looks like a floating set of badass space armor.
Would get inside one and wear them.
That's one big mama
So whos the chick on the right anyways?
Speaking of Aliens, I just watched Alien Covenant and I thought it was a fantastic movie.
Is the whole movie "people doing stupid shit for the sake of plot" again or is it better than Prometheus?
The only stupid thing was the crew thinking it was safe to go to a random planet they got a beacon from.
This movie is also reveals who the true villain of the Aliens series is.
*don't worry they're already in your ass
>the true villain of the Aliens series is
The people who made Alien 3?
Lmao, but nah, the guy who essentially created the Aliens and destroyed colonies.
Is it the engineers? Actually don't spoil me, I'll check it myself later
Damn, what a fine alien mamma.
>the true villain of the Aliens series is.
Joss wheaton
It depends on what you want the alien to convey to the player.
The Xenomorph looks like a monster because you're supposed to be scared of it even though it would make much more sense for a silent hunter to look as inconspicuous as possible.
If you want to create aliens that interact in different ways and express different emotions to the player the easiest way is to just take a human and fuck around with some traits.
Another example are the Krogen in ME, they're supposed to be violent, irascible and strong so they look the part, same for the Asari, they're supposed to be wise, intelligent and charismatic so they look the part.
Realism is not the best way to entertain people, you're making a videogame not a scientific documentary.
endless space 2
master race coming though
Why does a being made of what seems energy inside a suit need tits?
I can't tell where he starts and where he ends
so pretty cool
>their boobs bounce
why not?
>be peaceful Unfallen
>live in harmony
>piece of shit Horatio declares war
>have to build military ships in droves
>military party takes over my government
Fuck sake
Try to not be hideous freaks of nature next time
its a she
yoo rofl
>not becoming Immortal Emperor
Don't worry, I'll be putting all you horatios in my 100% eco friendly concentration camp
>if she likes you she always talks about how pure your relationship is
>you get her mad and she starts popping in and out of existence
how do?
>When David Kisses Walter
My own clone now neither of us will be virgins
I chose Sheredyn and did Extermination.
Does she at least have a cool voice
Here she's narrating this
Holy fucking shit, Zelevas is fucking swole.
>was expected an old woman voice
>got this instead
are cheap ships with 0 armor and torpedos still the best option
Against AI maybe, any player would just make a ship bristling in kinetics and slap your shit
Who would you vote leader of the United Planets?
Its great right?
They were genocided and don't exist anymore.
Sci-fi has always had fuckable alien females......Always.
Try reading some books from the 50's - 80's.
Orks tbqhwy
>Orks and Borg going to some United Faggots shit.
u wot?
They Voydani idolize the Virtual endless, and created the suits in their image, or what they believe to be their image.
>My question is for the Borg Queen. What will your first act be if elected head of the UP?
>"You will be assimilated. You will surrender your vessel and escort us to your home world, where we will begin assimilating your culture and technology. You're culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile."
"I see. And the same to you Mr Ghazkhul?
no those are just humanoids with grey skin or whatever designed by people with zero creativity whatsoever
Titty alien not withstanding, E.T. was supposed to be the CUTE! one while also still appearing alien
Kill yourself, edgy retard.
Great comment, really contributed to the discussion.
reminder that horatio is for bullying
How many Human races are in Endless Space 2? One of the things I hated about Endless Space and Endless Legend was all the fucking Humans. I don't want to go into space to see more Humans, I want fucking Aliens and Robots god damn it.
One pure human (United Empire) and one fucked up humanayylmao hybrid (Hoartio)
Look at this pleb too stupid to understand Horatio's glory.
make horatio great again!
t. Horatio
The Endless loved tits and so geno-engineered as as many developing species as they could with bigguns. That's my head canon and I'm sticking by it.
I fail to see the problem
When are they going to fix the stupid colony/planet happiness cap and make it so playing on anything that isn't a small map actually viable and fun?
They used to be the suits of an ancient race who the Vodyani worship. They basically use the old suits to contain themselves.
>fucked up
Found the inferior race.
Huh, sugar cube-verse looks pretty comfy.
Sheeeeeit. Big titties, and space gangsters.
Im sold!
This is a Japanese alien.
>you get her mad and she starts popping in and out of existence
that freaked me out
I want to ruin that alien
is there good porn of her
That thicc bitch betrayed me and attacked out of nowhere
Never trust the space jewess
Angrily hate fuck her for revenge