Light vs hero, Rain vs sSak, Soulkey vs Free, Mind vs effOrt
Light vs hero, Rain vs sSak, Soulkey vs Free, Mind vs effOrt
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As someone who's not following Starcraft - how quickly does the meta change? seems like things would get stale considering the age of the game
Starcraft is dead. RTS is dead. Fuck off.
SC1 and SC2 combined get less that 1/10th of the viewership of actual esport games.
Actually the meta is still shifting. Recently most match-ups have gotten a lot more aggressive.
Huh, furgot this was on alongside the ASL.
Who's winning at the moment? I didn't keep up with the last few weeks, I think Rain was in top spot last time I checked.
Go effort.
Yeah, because popularity equates to quality, right? After all Justin Bieber makes the best music and Fast & Furious is top tier kino.
Last day of round robin today.
Where's Tastosis?
>Sunday nights TvT between Flash and Last went for like 30 mins total
The TvZ between mong and shine went for three times as long and was 10x as fun to watch.
They do ASL, this is SSL. These guys aren't nearly as good but Wolf at the very least knows what he's talking about
Where's tastosis!?
Dropship good unit.
>korea time starts
>have to get up at 7am
fukkn why?
>Gooks shitting up the chat with moonrunes on the english broadcast
Yeah, this is why SC2 is the superior game to the first one.
>mini- Korea time
>Somehow a technical issue stops rapid from talking
God works in mysterious ways
>Rapid's mic stopped working
Stop bullying Rapid reality.
That's Japanese. It's a mystic language that no sane person knows, even the Japanese.
Korean is a completely sane simple writing system.
>10 kills on a firebat
Stop. Arguing BW vs SC2 is pointless because most of the community overlaps anyways it only riles up the fringe idiots.
Firebats are the most under-rated unit. They have a few niches, and too many people ignore them entirely.
love me some gook click during dinner
I swear Tasteless has early onset dementia.
He gets so many unit names and player names wrong.
Too much booze and too much syphillis.
lmao that was 20% of his eco easily
This game is sloppier than a chicago pizza left in the sun for a week.
>Not transitioning to mech.
That has to be a GG from light, he's done
BW Zerglings are so stupid strong. Most imba unit in the game.
Hell, valkyries were considered a non-unit, near scout tier, for a long time, now you see them in probably half of standard tvts, and as a muta counter in tvz.
Dat nydus doe
Ultras are so cool in bw
They are strong as fuck, but have you ever tried to move a big ling army around the map?
Starcraft fucking sucks
Warcraft 3 matches were so much more exciting
>Brood War
>Most imba unit in the game.
They're weak and need a TON of upgrades to get any good.
Terrans and Toss have their own impablanced enemies, so whatever. It all balances out.
>Those empty seats
I HATE this new meta.
SK Terran style was so tense vs. Zerg.
Now I'm seeing T mass up Valks and Z has no options.
ice pants
It's a new league. This isn't ASL so it's obviously not as well known.
Watching someone like grubby play WC3 is far more fun, sc is kind of boring
Why doesn't z just use devourers?
Flash wanted to make peop;le who said he fucked up the groups shut the fuck up.
Devourers don't help against Valkyries, one of the biggest things they do is reduce attack speed via a stacking debuff, which has no effect on them whatsoever. They DO help against mass wraith, but generally your anti-air unit of choice is scourge anyway, which are super cost effective against Valkyries.
Typically, you only see Devourers in later game ZvZ where both went heavy muta, one or two devourers let you win vs more mutas.
Thanks for letting us know. We care a lot about your opinion.
Devourers can show up vs carrier
also, PLAGUUU completely fuck with carrier.
Who's hyped for SCR?
You're just ASKING to lose value.
>Turn up resolution, add widescreen.
>"That'll be $59.99"
Fuck blizzard.
well yeah, but it happens still
Last week's Free vs. Mind was a GREAT match.
The Shine vs. Mong from ASL recently was another great series.
>turning up the resolution in a 2D game
I'm digging this Sak passion.
Carrier + Corsair is pretty fuckign scary. especially if you lose a bunch of hydralisk and you don,t spot it in time. Just rare that you get enough stuff to sustain it
Is he casting with wolf?
That would generally mean you have to have gone storm tech, robo, AND carrier, with upgrades on everything.
If you can do that, and the Zerg doesn't have comparable tech of EVERYTHING, then you didn't need carriers anyway.
Corsair/Carrier worked ok on island maps, but thats more that Corsairs are fucking great, than anything to do with the carriers themselves.
Wolf and Rapid, yeah.
pick one
just emp ahaha
>Put Spider mines in your base
>They recall
>You win
There's literally no excuse not to do it, especially not when you have so many Vultures.
Did these guys even know they were playing today?
No, strategic reason, sure, but in terms of time spent, actions used, and mines not elsewhere, there are plenty of reasons not to have mines set up, even if you ideally would.
No, they've just randomly met.
Seriously, what kind of dumb question is this?
People don't think this game is shit?
Ive tried to watch it a couple of timed and it sucks compared to asl, has it gotten better
Rain can't finish the deal. Just contain and deal damage.
Ssak should GG now anyways even though the killing blow isn't hit.
I guess that last match was a maSSAKre.
Free is FREE
Free is gook trash that should be clearing mines at the dmz without equipment
>let's make the Zerg yellow
>even though all Protoss units look yellow no matter what color you make them
fuck you
Shit those were some money storms, I thought free was done when they hydras busted down his front door. That was a short but pretty close match.
When is Kim Jong gonna join in on these?
he too fat, can't hotkey
Only when they get a few upgrades are they really good. Now defilers might be one of the strongest motherfuckers in the franchise.
who the fuck is winning this game? They've both lost so much shit in their mains.
Zerg master race is victorious once again Terraniggers blown the fuck out
Both players kind of sloppy
>mentions reddit
>doesn't mention Sup Forums
>Never shows the audience
>only chairs we see are empty
>never hear an audience
They're casting to an empty room? That's sad.
they are casting to us, the internet!
What were the views like?
I always wondered how the rest of the venue treats them. Always just seem like everyone ignores them or pretends they arent there.
Both ASL and SSL updated to the new versions, then immediately dropped it.
I suspect Korea is not going to like the HD version either.
They have the internet on computers now.
Go to vg you useless niggers.
I am so hype will buy it day1 my friends and I already 1v1 constantly on FISH(Korea) in anticipation.It's free and works on windows7 so nicely now you should all go download it
yellow zerg look ballin thoZ
OC pic
Wait really? Why? I thought it just fixed a couple bugs and made it not explode on newer versions of windows
The meta shifts with the playstyle of the top players. Over a long period of time this has caused SCBW to go through a lot of different "metas". The main reason for this is because Blizzard doesn't shit out balance patches every two weeks and fuck everything up with a constant stream of bad choices, which is what virtually every other "eSports" game does.
Bug fixes, observer options, mineral counting, version updates.
But for whatever reason they ditched it. The bug fixes might change game balance.
Different strategies are required for new maps. That's why they are always adding new maps to the mix.
>Blizzard still banking on Koreans
>Still no ability rts with 20+ races
>Just some shitty commander mode that is a small unbalanced side project instead of a full game
It's 2017
>The bug fixes might change game balance.
It was said in another thread that JD got fucking wrecked by Valkyries actually working properly right after the update, and the tournament panicked and reverted to the old patch.
what was wrong with the old valks?
so it seriously just comes down to "we're used to this being broken and we refuse to fix it"? You do you Korea I guess
That's just speculation. But it is interesting that after that match they reset to the old version.
Changing versions MID match is really stupid. You start with one version and then you end with it.