Just like Far Cry 4 and 3, this one is gonna be as amazing. Far Cry is one of the best series made today, stop crying.
It's fucking insane how easy it is to trigger christfags. Grow up, your skydaddy is not real.
Just like Far Cry 4 and 3, this one is gonna be as amazing. Far Cry is one of the best series made today, stop crying.
It's fucking insane how easy it is to trigger christfags. Grow up, your skydaddy is not real.
Other urls found in this thread:
The french people are the most disgusting animal on earth
The French Revolution started the destruction of society, replacing everything that is normal and healthy by everything that is degenerate and abhorrent.
Uniting with anglos the French-Canadians mixed the two most degenerates races on earth, creating a freak show industry that would disgust serial killers and psychotic personalities.
but far cry's gameplay has been utter shit for years
That is quite shit taste you got there lad.
>fetch quests
>endless pointless collectathons
>shitty gunplay
>terrible stealth
>terrible AI
>copypaste encampments
Agreed it's the first actually progressive game to come out that let's the little guy have the power for once and Sup Forums and the drumpflets just have to shit all over it :/
this game is going to fail hard
Nobody asked for a detailed description if your shit taste.
And yes, the villian being funny and interesting is one of the best things ever. It actually makes him unpredictable and makes you excited to see him again.
>Far Cry is one of the best series made today
Far Cry have been mediocre since 3. Not bad, mediocre.
>Far Cry 4
he was detailing yours, idiot.
I can't wait to make a wallet out of black peoples skin
If anyone here was a good christian they would not be browsing Sup Forums.
That makes no sense, idiot.
>implying everyone is a degenerate boipucci pedo freak
this desu
delete this
go back to Sup Forums
already told my bros on /the_donald/. they don't take kindly to this shit.
Red flags
Made by germans or canadians
Extreme red flags
made by swedish or french
This post reeks of underage
3 was good.
4 was literally a reskin with more fetch quests.
I don't expect 5 to be anything different.
dont buy games made by them
they are too far gone
Im wondering if they gonna copy the maplayout of 2 or 3 this time.
r u ok?
dude the church controls the illuminati! they try to shut down our medicinal herb that opens your eyes to reality
dude it's like this miracle plant show you how reality really is you are not doing things because the goverment or your parents told you so! you are in control
Dude, dude, it's the priests who try to control young children with bible and shit, i mean the church in history like killed witches dude! i mean, seriously, they used to burn them.. what fucked up
I don't think there is any rational way of making the game both open world and still explaining how the protagonist can't just contact the rest of the US to come deal with the bad guys.
Honestly the whole setting is so fucking ridiculous. They just needed to make a game where you kill the evil christians, no matter how unrealistic it is.
I was just thinking about it
What stops the protagonist from leaving?
This looks like it's trying too hard to ride on the coat-tails of the current political climate.
Should have been a western like it was rumoured to be.
i am totally normal
i am open minded.
you refuse to open your eyes
you refuse to believe in a fucking 2000 year old book
I am not better, I'm just different :)
I've been playing Homefront: The Revolution and it absolutely shits on all the recent far cry games as an open world FPS.
We are about to end your FASCISM and your authoritarianism!
We are the generation that is not going to be silent or silenced!
I found a picture of OP
There's more posts with complaining about triggered christfags than there are posts from triggered christfags.
amerifart detected
Kek, reddit is still at it.
Yesterday 50% of Sup Forums was filled with triggered christfags. Today we strike back.
You're a fucking idiot, we know that you're not from this site.
Fellow Citizens, Don’t you tremble
We still have the right to assemble!
1-2-3-4, democracy’s gone out the door
5-6-7-8, because it’s ruled by policies of hate
"Whose streets?
Our Streets.
Whose war?
Their war."
Patriots are idiots! Matriarchy Now!
Peace Takes Brains
Anything war can do, peace can do better.
Negotiation Not Annihilation.
Another patriot for peace.
>today we strike back
>at non existent christians
holy fuck the antifa fedorafags are absolutely losing it
Who are "we"? /r/atheism?
It's like you're just trying to make it obvious that you're faggot from Reddit.
>atheist unironically like the far cry games
Now I wont feel bad when the Islamist behead you brainlets.
who the fuck do you think buy ubisoft crap? or do you think dudebros and hipsters are religious?
>Farcry 3: kill a bunch of island people as a college aged white guy
>Farcry 4: kill a bunch of Asians as a Asian
>Kill a bunch of white cultist as a white guy
how the tables have turned huh Sup Forums
The Christians portrayed in games like this are radicalized. They are not much different than ISIS.
>Asians as a Asian
wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww so offensive!
Literally your tips fedora made me think
I don't think I have a large enough fedora image collection for the amount of cringey atheist shitposting FC5 is about to create around here.
did you know that /leftypol/ closed?
haven't you noticed the shilling for ME:A and Prey?
It's not a coincidence. They are cancer but they won't leave this place.
I think it's more of an outrage because of how transparent it seems to be and how it seems like it's riding the coattails of the recent political shitstorms.
Personally, what annoys is me is that I can't think of any way to keep the protagonist in that area unless the US has collapsed or he wants to be there.
Nobody cares anymore. You're terrible at shitposting, you reek of newfag.
who the fuck do you think buys videogames?
dumb anglo poster
Main Far Cry installments are always set in the current times though
Hopefully a Western spinoff like Blood Dragon or Primal
It's not about Christians being mad about skydaddy being made fun of. It's about the complete double standard in terms of treatment
>b-b-but cowadoody features brown people
Yeah, people from an actual war that happened in an area where that war happened. They never ever ONCE got referred to as muslim, the koran was never used or referenced, the villains were all big bad russians (interesting how the constant bad guy russian trope isn't somehow a scandal, I wonder why that's the case)
I'm not saying that you shouldn't be allowed to piss on the bible in a video game a la Postal and burn churches down, I'm saying I DEMAND the opportunity to do the same when it comes to the koran and mosques.
I'm sure people aren't old enough to remember that, but that's a perfect example. Western devs are perfectly OK with making fun of the last supper, having a church and a bible in the game art but when there's even the slightest mentioning of anything muslim related in a bad way it's automatically almost in a gut reaction way removed.
People are upset because of the double standard. Gaming companies are injecting their politics into videogames and have an obvious political agenda.
Leftypol from other chan? People actually browsed that board? Well shit.
>leftypol is spreading their cancer here
That explains why the posting quality has dropped off a clip and every third posting is whining about Sup Forums boogeyman.
what are you talking about
/leftypol/ is still up and running
nice try
don't try to shitpost on video games. There is a still great amount of decent people buying games.
what? it's closed. It's dead. 8ch went through lots of changes recently, /leftypol/ moved to Sup Forums officially about 4 months ago
According to leaks, the military has cordoned off the region because the cultists have siezed military installations and can't move in because they have one or more nuclear missiles primed, which is why the protag goes it alone.
He is right, the french cant be saved
Nah, leftypol is cancer but they at least respect other boards. This constant terrible shitposting is obviously Reddit.
I personally think that it's something about not wanting to step on toes that you don't know. When it's about Christians, I think that a handful of people in the Gamedev team would be fine with it because they think that it's self-deprecating humour. Meanwhile, if they made a game about Muslims, they might not have the internal number of Muslims for them to think that it's alright to offend them.
Farcry 3: Killling off a fictional group of pirates on a fictional island practicing a fictional religion
Farcry 4: Killing off the fictional tyrannical government of a fictional country, real religion does play a part but the game obviously doesn't take it very seriously
Farcry 5: Killing off a white christian church in Montana, and I guarantee they will try their best to make Christianity/Christians look as evil as they possibly can.
sometimes I wish those teens went to some pop concert and died there.
system thinks its spam
You took all that time to respond to a bait post. OP won this round, congrats
leftypol respects less than reddit. Last year when 8ch went down they literally stormed Sup Forums like I've never seen before.
/qa/ for instance is on life-support thanks to them
0 users dumb chrome user
Then why don't they just nuke the protagonist?
>implying it's our fault when America is ground zero for SJWs, cultural marxism, zionism and white hating culture and controls all of Western Europe
If amerisharts didn't submit to Goldstein & Co. the world would be doing fine.
It's reddit, but it also could be journalist shitposting for a quick quote. The Verge did just that yesterday, kek.
Im not christian, either belief wise or even culturally - but even i see attacking christians as punching low, making out that quite a kind, benign group are evil so as to not have to confront any real life issue. Its like a coward in the playground bullying the scrawny, timid child to make himself look big and not insecure.
Yeah but it's very pathetic none the less. And then getting upset when people call you out on being pathetic is even more pathetic.
That's what the problem is. Cowardice and pandering. People are very rightfully upset.
took me like 2 minutes to write up breh
what is this autism
>Farcry 3 and 4
It was in the middle of playing Farcry 3 that I realized how bad the state of modern gaming had become that this game was considered good, it was such a step back from older games in combat mechanics and overall game/level design and didn't do anything with or advance on the lessons of the past, it was so horribly mediocre in every regard, it's the IKEA furniture of video games.
I love far cry, except for primal, and I know it's shit gameplay. It's still one of my favorites, but complete shit gameplay.
The only people who browsed leftypol are redditors and tumblrlards. I don't know what beef they have with Sup Forums. Guess they're too much of pussies to attack Sup Forums directly.
you kill off a white fictional cult in a fictional city in montana
Guarantee they have as many practicing christians on the team as they do muslims. Having been brought to church at christmas and easter by your parents when you were younger doesn't make you a christian. Even then to suggest someone needs to be something to criticize it is plainly wrong.
Holy shit that explains so much
But here's my two cents:
If you unironically support donald trump and his politics at this point, you're an ignorant moron. If you cry FUCK OFF DRUMPFLETS POL TRIGGERED when people criticize this obviously intentionally political controversial promotional image, you're an ignorant moron.
In short, most people here are really fuckin dumb.
And it turns out you're one of them.
The cringe is palpable
Adults believing in an imaginary friend.
Sup Forums doesnt support trump particularly, the celeb worship fan club is all reddit.
No, you're the only one here who's retarded.
I think it's because in the current (Western) political climate, if you talk shit about muslims and Islamic culture you attract all the stormfront types with their 'hitler did nothing wrong' bullshit.
You might not know this, but most people don't like it when nazis agree with their arguments. Good 'ol partisan political nonsense.