Why is Sup Forums so anti-pirate?

Why is Sup Forums so anti-pirate?

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It isn't

It's a vocal minority made up of the worst of losers that needs to find some moral high ground over rest of anons to keep on living. Basically depression warping sense of justice.

Who is the best vidya gaem pirate?

It's not.

It is now, thanks to the post-gamergate influx. Look at how many pro-denuvo circlejerk threads pop up daily.

It never used to be, but largely it's naive kids with buyers remorse desu

It isn't, the anti-pirates are just the most vocal about it.

Imagine celebrating the implimentation of technology that fucks over the consumer lmao

it's almost like this website has become a total fucking shell of itself since yall decided it was edgy to just go ahead and support the status quo inflinchingly

No, those are bait threads, just like console war shit. Ironic shitposting was the worst thing to happen to this place.

if you havent realized yet we have actual company shilling here ie. betheseda/ubisoft

They don't know how to pirate
They are too scared to pirate
They have received letters for pirating
They have buyers remorse
They are corporate cock suckers

>tl;dr they are retarded

Same reason Sup Forums is now "christian" despite wanting to gass brown people.

It's not, don't let the shill threads deceive you.

Sup Forums really needs to shill out about shills

25% shills
85% retards

boom, got' em!

pirate everything that isn't online connection required or multiplayer

The only thing I don't like about pirating is obnoxious losers bragging about playing shitty games. Wowee you didn't pay for Andromeda, but you were interested enough to download and play that garbage.

autists and shills

>hehe only losers pirate goy, buy my game!

No one likes entitled spoiled children coming up with lies.
If you tell a lie there will be people calling you out on it.

>b-but denuvo really does kill your HDD!!!
>i-it affects performance, trust me!!!
>I-I only pirate to try, I swearif it's good I'll buy it
>why would I pay for a shit game? I'll still play it when it gets cracked even if I call it a shit game, I'm just an hypocrite like that

If you would just accept you're a filthy pirate there would be no issue. When you try to justify your actions and take a moral high ground even when you are comitting theft you get people calling you out on it.

top lol


pirates kill this industry.

that's like asking why they're anti-Sup Forums.

I'm not anti-pirate, I'm anti-"retarded excuses that pirates make up to feel good about themselves".

the cool thing about using text based captcha, for posting and reports, is my typing speed has improved greatly.

>inb4 merely pretending

Don't (You) me if you're not gonna say anything worthwhile, scum.
Go pirate a worthwhile personality.

How about you go pay for a worthwhile personality?

>being a corporate cocksleeve

Classic pirate scum pirating my own rhetoric.

How about you fuck off to >>>reddit.

i used to pirate all the time but then i got a job

i torrent sometimes and I have a job.

How about you pay for a dick in your mouth while I just pirate it?

moralfags and ledditors migrating and mistakenly believing they're in good company because there are no public bans anymore

How about you fuck off to

Why would you waste money just because you got a job?

>get a job
>buy vidya
>don't play it

>being so poor you can't afford a video game

Pfffff hahahahahaha.

downloading games from steam is 10x easier then making sure you got the right crack for the right update or having your torrent stop at 98%

>waste money
this is america kiddo

10x easier than 'braindead easy to do' isn't much easier, user

None of you pirated any of my games, right?

Why would you waste money on free stuff?

I hate both anti piratefags and muh honoru pirates
If you pirate (i do) you are a cheap bastard, dont make up excuses

>bragging about spending money while the people who get the exact same thing for free quietly fo about their business

It's not about the money you have, user. It's about what you spend it on.

>Why is Sup Forums so anti-pirate?

I'm not.

I'm in favor of game developers trying to actually earn money based off of their product and I believe that if you take part in the product you SHOULD pay for it.

But I also hate paying for things so I usually don't hesitate to pirate. Especially if the game is old or Japanese.

I also accept that what I'm doing is essentially stealing, which is where I think a lot of the piracy arguments come from. Pirates for some reason want to feel like they're cool rebels just copying shit and giving "the man" the finger when they're just being huge niggers about $35.

>identity politics
fuck off. not all people who torrent are like you

>oh wait they haven't released a crack for the latest update guess i'll have to play the bugged version
>i'm sure glad i spent the last few hours downloading 20 gigs of a game just to have it stop and slow to a crawl at 18 because no one wants to seed

>Have a job
>From a wealthy family
>Pirated stuff non-stop since 2004
>Only bought about 10 games in my entire life.

>not paying for something makes you anything but a cheap bastard
Sorry my man, but you still are even if your honoru reason you tell yourself is something else

>implying i torrent new games

Yeah but you spent money on something i got for free

>Same reason Sup Forums is now "christian" despite wanting to gass brown people.
Seen many people recently saying that Sup Forums was always right wing and pro christian. Where the fuck are they coming from?

B-but my achievements and cred amongst my friends!

>Yeah but you spent money on something i got for free

Which is pretty irrelevant if the person you're speaking to is well off. If you can buy any vidya you want without noticing any real hit to your finances then the convenience gotten through buying/downloading through a reputable source is worth is.

While you're wasting hours crawling through torrent sites in an attempt to save a couple bucks he's already playing the game and enjoying it.

>he buys food

>unable, or unwilling, to differentiate between physical and digital


>While you're wasting hours crawling through torrent sites
Dirty thieving pirate nigger here, you're hilarious. If it takes you hours to type some stuff in the search bar and find the highest seeded torrent it's no wonder you stick to being a buyfag.


>While you're wasting hours crawling through torrent sites in an attempt to save a couple bucks he's already playing the game and enjoying it.

It literally only takes a few minutes to find a torrent, and I get the game for free

>implying anyone but you still plays games on a toaster

i can just imagine you in a store while someone is buying a bottle of water while you sit back smug with a look of contempt sipping from your mom's thermos that you took the time to fill up before the trip

Because nu Sup Forums pirates are massive faggots and deserve all shitposting.

>implying implications
stop with the assumptions

I don't mind pirates as long as they just admit they're cheap.

Water is literally free for everyone

It's a side effect of the console wars, since piracy is generally something only PC players can do.

...filled with water from a tap at the back of the water bottling company, while nobody was looking

>Side effect of console wars
It's a side effect of faggots. Reminder
Sup Forums
>Did you guys listen to the new album?
Sup Forums and Sup Forums
>Let's work together to bring nyaa back!
Sup Forums
>Fuck you developers! Suck my dick! Denuvo shills BTFO! >>Buying video games lmao
Pure cancer from underage brs spamming threads.

confirmed underage

retard that want to feel superior even though they are wasting their wagecuck money in shit games

because no money for devs means no games

>all those poor companies that went under because something was copied too many times
RIP all you amazing companies. you were too pure for this world

The amount of moral fagging in this thread is unbelivable. Goes to show how much Sup Forums has turned to a reddit shithole


just go abck to reddit you fucktard

You're free to leave.

>enters a reddit thread
>Complains about so much reddit
You're just damaged user

My man, you have turned a website into your mortal enemy. You have mental issues, you should fix yourself.

they have to goback


I'm a professional paper pirate


it's not the website you acoustic funnel it's the braindead hivemind readership and their obnoxious moral faggotry

you are the cancer of Sup Forums which is a cancer of Sup Forums

who the fuck keeps making these *ironically* terrible pictures?

i do

Pretty much this. I grew out of pirating.

>Hey anons are you ready for [new game]?
>ready to pirate it
>waiting to pirate it already
>>people are actually going to pay money for this when i'm going to get it for free
nobody gives a fuck if you're going to pirate it but why do you have to be so obnoxious about it and derail other threads just so you can brag about not paying for a game?

>all those corporations closing because CTRL + C, CTRL + V was pressed too many times

children are just loud, that's all there is to it

You are able to generalize an entire website? You must've spent a lot of time on there to be able to properly gauge the userbase's retardedness. Maybe it's you who should go back, senpai.
And what's wrong with morality? If you want to be edgy you can go straight back to you know.

it expresses that the game isn't worth the money, I don't see it being any different than just calling it shit

I got a job and I still always pirate.

People like to shitpost you colossal retard.

And other people hate having their threads shit up by shitposters, so now you should know why people here might not like pirates, for shitting up their threads. So how are you not the retard for not being able to gather that?

Sup Forums isn't anti-pirate as much as it is anti-insufferable-faggot. If you feel that Sup Forums is unusually hostile towards you, it isn't because there is some moral stance against your piracy activities.

Because of retards who genuinely believe piracy is immoral and hurts the developers

people also don't want pepole who are against torrenting shitting up their threads, as well. no one gives a fuck if you're against torrenting so stop inserting your shitty opinion into every thread where someone mentions they torrented a game

People shitting in torrent threads is a response to piratefags shitting in regular threads.