Should I order Switch, or it's better to wait after E3?

Should I order Switch, or it's better to wait after E3?

I have a feeling that E3 wouldn't make a difference.

> giving money to nintendo


>relevant at E3

They really killed it last year with days of just fucking Zelda

Might as well wait for E3. Then when you buy it you know what's coming.

Wait for E3 you fucking idiot.

They did though, and this year they have ready at their gates ARMS, Splatoon 2 and Mario Odyssey.

Plus E3 will be open to the public this year meaning said games will get loads of exposure.

You should buy one in October/November, games like odyssey and xc2 is scheduled to launch soon then

Why thought? It's not like Zelda, Mario Kart, Arms, Splatoon and the indie titles are going to drop in price and neither is the console.

If you waited until now, you might as well wait until E3.
And I say this as a Switch owner.
If you had wanted one for BotW and MK8D, you would have gotten one. But you didn't, so clearly you might as well wait a few weeks and see what E3 has to offer?

Depends on your circumstances. If you can afford it now and know you will definitely get one eventually, just get one now. The price is unlikely to drop any time soon and by the end of the year there will be a strong selection of games (zelda, mario kart, splatoon 2, ARMS, xenoblade, mario) + whatever they announce at e3

As much as I can see why you'd wait until E3, it might not be the best idea if you are already sure that you're going to get a Switch.

In the somewhat unlikely case that Nintendo actually does have some big unannounced games that they plan to reveal at E3, Switch demand might be a lot higher than regularly so it might be harder for you to get one after E3.

If you aren't completely sure that you want a Switch because the current release schedule doesn't show anything that entices you enough, then by all means wait, no sense buying a product you don't want. But if you are absolutely sure you want a Switch, get it before the potential demand spike happens.

Basically, this.

Are you a Nintendo fan?
Then yes.

Can you even find one?

after E3, OP. I'm in the same boat. We need to see if their will be surprises

They're are no surprises.

>they're are
opinion discarded

possible bundles

Wait til E3 to see what the competition looks like. Chances are Nintendo might flop but its better to wait it out and make a decision after seeing the presentations.

>If you had wanted one for BotW and MK8D, you would have gotten one
Only because I couldn't find it in anywhere for the recommended price
Fuck €310-€320 bullshit and fuck second hand ones
My inner jew wouldn't allow me to overpay greedy amazon owners

Hell I still can't find one, scabbers are going to my local stores every morning to get them and try to resell them still. I see people out in the western U.S. saying they see them in stock at like 7pm still but have never seen a single in stock yet here.

>after the Gamecube
>Nintendo at E3 after 2004
>E3 2017
>giving money to

Sure, go ahead.


I want one, but I will legit have no time to play anything until xmas this year so that makes the wait easier. Of course even if I did have time to use it right away, I hope I would have the wherewithal to wait for a better bundle, or at least until all of the bugs have been worked out.

i'll get one after hardware upgrade.
was upset i bought a 3DS at launch.
would've been upset if I bought an original PS4 at launch.
will be upset if I buy a Switch and "New Nintendo Switch" launches holidays 2018.

Ya that's a very likely outcome that kinda sucks, but I'm not sure if I want to wait until xmas 2018 just to see. I bet if I waited until then and bought the original because no revision is out, they would just announce the revision two months later. I would be okay with having it for a year before a revision: I don't want to fall into the early adopter trap. I guess we can hope they use that patent for linking CPU power in a dock unit and the revision is just a better dock. Not likely but whatever.

Was skyrim released already on switch?

Thing is, an inevitable upgrade will just come out after the first so when does it end? Better to just wait until around christmas and get one if they haven't announced an upgrade

They need to pull off something amazing at E3 or they'll lose by default because of that Rabbits abomination

Not yet, not until the Fall.

It will cost $60.

just no, they still have mario odyssey which will be huge and I suspect a pokemon or metroid game

I don't a revision coming for a long while. There are no parts that will ever get significantly cheaper and nothing to revise other than maybe the screen size, which is already fuckhueg. There won't be a gpu dock because there aren't enough lanes free to have pci-e speeds over USBC.

This. There won't even be a price cut until next year at the earliest.

I don't even think there will be a price cut period. Nintendo doesn't like to sell consoles at a loss and I don't know if you saw the teardown but they're only making a few bucks on each system. They could literally only drop it by like $10

Prices go down significantly once certain quotas on parts are met or new contracts are negociated. It's set at a price that can go down, my guess is it'll hit 250 when the competition launches their new shit as that's pretty standard operating procedure.

fair enough. people have been asking for a price drop. I still really doubt it'll go that low. I can see around $270 happening though

The only game I'm interested in is Fast RMX and Mario Odyssey, so I don't mind waiting until more games come out.
I can draw the parallell to PS4 again and say that I could've bought a PS4 when Bloodborne came out, but I just finished it and enjoyed it probably just as much as I would have three years ago, especially since there are more games than Bloodborne on the system, now.

Nothing has been said about Pokemon, 2D Mario, 2D Zelda, Metroid and F-Zero, right?

>fast rmx
my nigga

but I believe reggie hinted at metroid. He's probably baiting us but who knows?

probably wait til it drops in price desu, by the time mario is out it'll almost have been a year, and usually you can expect a drop at that point

also wait to see if they announce anything besides standard nintendo games or money grabbers like ea/cod (esp cause those games have sucked dick on previous nintendo consoles)

i am personally the type that wouldn't buy the switch for the standard nintendo games, or stuff like splatoon/arms because it's just not for me, i would buy it however if they got more harvest moon/disgaea/jrpg/interesting games in general

historically nintendo consoles are only really worth it if you like those nintendo games, which is why they stay around 10m in sales (outside of the wii obviously)

it's not that they're bad games or anything, they've just beaten the zelda/mario/kirby names to death, i started to get bored after twilight princess, and i ended up having more fun with the older games in general

snes mario and mario 64 were my shit, but i was just kinda sorta okay with galaxy

going from news articles, some say 'it's blowing out past consoles!', but then you see the occasional 'most casual people don't know what the nintendo switch is still', which points more to the normal 10m console sales rather than the 80m or w/e of the wii

also wait to see if they get their online shit better when they start charging for it, because the current/wii/wii u online is NOT worth paying for, that shit is the most fickle and disconnecty shit ever, i would hate to pay for my experience with nintendo online from the past

Don't listen to this stupid asshole. There will be no price cut for a 3 month old system. you're retarded. You faggots talk about Jewry and then discuss discounts. Please kill yourself.

I can see that you are not a smart person.

dude, that post was way too long but I guess your gist is that you don't like nintendo games. So don't buy a switch, mate. You'll seriously be wasting cash if you don't like the games

I don't want hints, I want official reveals.
However, I think hardware has reached a point where a slightly stronger 1080p Switch would be set for a very long time, especially with the portability.
Graphics stop meaning much to gameplay due to the over saturation of pretty games that play poorly, so Switch might as well last long enough on gameplay and satisfactory visuals to have every single Nintendo IP except the really obscure stuff on it.

What an ugly post.



Probably a Euro or Canadian. Only places toy can find the damn thing of shelves.

yeah, man E3 is soon. just chill until then. Hopefully we get more than just mario

little italian fuck

it's because of people like you that the term 'reddit spacing' exists. fix your fucking format, that's so ugly to read.