Why is linearity considered a bad thing?

Why is linearity considered a bad thing?
I dont get why its a bad thing unless the game itself tries to give you the illusion of multiple paths

There isn't a single open world game that's good. Well crafted linear games are the best.

I support this.

is this a team fortress 2 reference?

only idiots think linear automatically means it is shit

Nonlinear doesn't necessarily mean open world. NuPrey is fairly nonlinear.

Witcher 3, but you could take away the open world and it would still work. Like what Witcher 2 did.

Haven't played it, 1 had shit combat.

Because I want to do what I want not get fed a B-grade story

Nowadays people confuse linearity with hand-holding and casualization which are the real cancers.

>Play the original megaman out of boredom.
>Spend an hour trying to get pass the first part of Gutsman's level.
>Didn't feel bored of fed up, instead I felt challenged.
Why can't games be genuinely hard nowadays? I don't want to one-shot 500 generic enemies, I want a good fight.

I think FF10 got away with doing linear pretty well. It had various areas like the calm lands where the game still felt like half-open world and the airship giving the illusion of a world map.

Could probably say the same with FF12.

Well FFX had a clear goal, and a journey ahead to look forward to, so progression always felt desired
Where as FFXII, things just happened, with next to no world building

Then 13 was released and they found out that they couldn't trick people 3 times in a row. God that game was so terrible looking back.

So many games nowadays go out of their way to lead the player by the nose in some form or fashion which leads some to believe that all linear games are bad when in reality the industry is just currently flooded with games that handle linearity poorly.

Linear literally means "not open world".

Metroid is linear.
Zelda (was) linear.

Red Dead Redemption was "fine", but it could have been "great" if it was about half as long and wasn't focused on being a theme park half the time (linear).

Well the issue with 13 is they didnt give a shit about the world, it just used the world for plot points and that was it
And they focused on characters who are just down right unlikeable, Lightning and Fang are bitches, Hope is a shithead, Snow is a cardboard cutout, and the other 2 were just whinny that didnt even do much

At some point linearity just becomes a movie, and there's no replay value. A game like Pac Man is superior than a Call of Duty singleplayer campaign, because at least Pac Man gives the player some semblance of autonomous participation

Masked Intruder is a great band

MGS games are linear AND movies
But I could go for like, a 10th run of the first 3 games again

If pretty evident, game quickly becomes boring

The true patrician format is a mission-based structure with branching and hidden paths.

>Where as FFXII, things just happened, with next to no world building

That's the opposite though, FF12 was nothing but world building while completely ignoring the main plot and the characters.

>Rush in and save the villagers
>Hang back and form search parties

>choose to rush in
>another character stops me and says we have to form search parties

Careful, the reddit overlords infesting Sup Forums will crucify you for saying a rockstar game isn't that good
>Bad writing replaced with wacky characters in hopes you'll remember their one track personalities
>Game doesn't explore its mechanics or systems
It's all presentation and these retards eat it up

>linear games are such lazy shit, when will we see devs start moving towards open world master race?

Open world games were always shit, child.

They really always were, it's nice that people are coming around.

I thought it was the dumbest shit you had to drive to the levels in GTA3 and I still do.

Giving you an open world where literally nothing you do matters is just shit.
Games should be like Alpha Protocol, you run through linear missions but your actions/choices actually make an impact later on.
Obviously it's easier to make a shitty open world game than a well made handcrafted linear one.