What genre or engine would you use to convey your political ideology?

I have so many ideas that would probably never get heard if I tried to get them out through typical Jew media.
I'm already a programmer (for a living) so I can easily handle building a game using an existing engine and free assets.

What I'm not quite clear on yet is what the best method would be to get a story that contains multiple political ideas out there.

I have played (and loved) obvious political games like Tactics Ogre, Morrowind, and Deus Ex, there are so many possible settings to get these ideas across but I don't know what the best one is. What do you guise think?

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post more best girl

I'd like a game that shills the idea of foot fetishism

degenerate fucking footfaggots need to die
post more best girl without the gay shit

Probably some kind of RPG. I think it might be good to make a game that plays like old-school JRPGs and takes place in a fictional world, perhaps a D&D-esque world, but draws parallels with political situations from our world. For example, the party could keep hearing the same story from NPCs and newspapers but then actually journey out into the world and find out that everyone has been completely wrong.

why do girls go barefoot at conventions?

This is exactly the route that appeals to me the most. I love how much the old FFs and other Squenix games could convey using some crappy 16-bit engine.
I want as many people as possible to be able to play what I make so the lower tech it is the better. If people running pre-millenial hardware can run it just fine that would be a win.

I guess now I just find a decent open source engine and put the game together. I imagine it will be mostly scripting.

Because when you have no tits, no ass, you gotta show something.

A multiplayer game where you get to kill the people who dont believe in what you believe in and build big cities and stuff

It's kind of necessary if you're cosplaying as the Maiden in Black

Strategy game, your army advances whatever meme political philosophy you're trying to shill in the face of a comically evil, inaccurate satire of the status quo

But I want people to play it, and strategy games have never been massively popular or easy to pick up like JRPGs/Zelda clones

I'm already looking at Solarus now, it has an Android version which is important as I want to at least try and get it on the Play Store even though it may get taken down pretty quickly once people discover what I'm saying in it.

Oh yay, more politics in video games

Roguelike or 4X.

Game where you play as a Muslim spreading Islam by any means possible

>It plays like Postal 2

If you're talking about all the recent sjw shit then that isn't really politics in video games, that's more using games for political point scoring/virtue signalling.

Where is the equivalent of Nietzsche? Heidegger? Socrates? Plato? We have a huge job ahead of us, unless you faggots want to stay at babby level for a few more gens.

You aren't going to outdo thousands of years of political philosophy in a game.

Just fucking read if you want politics.


>What engine would you...
not unity

>lists philosophers

I recommend growing up before attempting political commentary

>what is political philosophy

Philosophers have had a huge impact on political ideas

Of course, but out of those you listed only Plato is essential reading for a politics student.

Nietzsche and Heidegger are the bedrock for venturing into continental philosophy.

I wasn't that guy, and i agree he didn't list good examples

i'd use the source engine because it already has perfect control
oh right this was about politics
i'd still use the source engine

>political games like Tactics Ogre, Morrowind, and Deus Ex

Wow, i'm sure you have real interesting political ideas.

I bet it's all meme tier stuff you siphoned from this site. Maybe work on that, before trying to create a game with them.

Videogames, as a narrative medium, also have potential in communicating ideas. Not as effective as books most likely, but I'd say they're better suited than movies or TV shows. We usually underestimate the huge potential of "interaction" as a narrative tool. Probably because it's rarely used meaningfully by game developers.

Just because we have thousands of years of books, doesn't mean we should just stick with those and not experiment ourselves with new ways to communicate ideas, even if perhaps they're not optimal.

I'm not really questioning the medium. I'm questioning the fact that someone on Sup Forums thinks they actually have political ideas on par with the most influential philosophers of all time.

Make an Uncharted/TLoU clone. You only need a facial capture program and a good mic.

Fair enough. I also disagree with that user that we should have our own Plato, etc. It's completely unfair to have to be on par with them to be relevant. When writers have an interesting idea they want to share, they don't really have to be extremely influential to be meaningful.
As a game developer, I just wish to express myself with political and philosophical ideas I think are interesting and worthy of debate (even those I disagree with), and trust the player to come with its own interpretations of it.

Okay, but they do. I hope you're not one of these retards who thinks people use the term Jew absolutely literally. There are many Jews who are not Jews, and I'm not even talking about the synagogue of Satan or khazars or whatever else. There are people who completely bought into Zionist ideology but couldn't be further from the typical Jew stereotype of a rabbi with a hooknose.

I've never seen a video game trying to push an agenda that wasn't a strawman. Videogames are not real life, and when they try to be they're fucking boring.

Video games will never have the depth and ability of a book to convey ideas for a myriad of factors:

things like budget, how long it would have to be, how much exposition there would have to be, the fact that gaming is now a billion dollar industry and huge profits are expected.

The best they can do is a very surface level examination of ideas that leave the player with a sense of satisfaction that they understand concepts that require lengthy reading of lots of books and articles.

This inflated sense of knowledge has lead to the idiots you see on twitter thinking they know about politics because they played Bioshock: Infinite or have an understanding of the cold war because they played MGS3.



You do realise that Deus Ex is cribbing almost everything from the cyberpunk writers of the 80s right?

It was definitely unusual for games to approach subject matter like that when Deus Ex came out, but those ideas had been done to death in books and arguably film for years.

Check out Neuromancer by William Gibson (if you haven't already) and Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson.

You can't fight ideas with shitposting. What even is the point of your post?

Name literally anything better then, you edgy little fuck

>wahhh someone disagrees with me so they're edgy

You're the one who's getting hostile and call someone else edgy

At the end of the day I think politics comes out best in MMOs, so long as there's a lot of player freedom in the underlying game system and few choices with benefits, only different sorts of disadvantages.

Use a blog fag

>Video games will never have the depth and ability of a book to convey ideas
Like I said, just because books are better at this, doesn't mean we shouldn't experiment with it. Particularly when it comes to using interaction and agency for narrative purposes and thematic development.

>things like budget
You seem to only consider big budget games, while indie games (despite how shitty most of them are) are still free of many of the shackles that limit triple A games a lot of the times and can afford to take more risks with non-traditional methods of narrative.

>The best they can do is a very surface level examination of ideas
I don't see why, but even then, like I said, you don't need super influential and super deep and complex ideas in order to be meaningful. Games like Sons of Liberty, Nier or Xenogears don't go super deep about their themes, but still offer enough to communicate interesting ideas, and leave the rest to the player, if he's willing to further elaborate those ideas.

>This inflated sense of knowledge
This is true, yeah. This is nowhere near limited to videogames but unfortunately, we all like to think (either consciously or subconsciously) we're very wise and know more that most. We can't help the need our fucking brain has of feeling powerful and important. It's better than the insecurity of realizing we really don't know anything and all we can do is have an aproximation of real knowledge.