Get your crack here
looks legit
I still find it ridiculous that we have to crack a emuator
What did OP mean by this?
Thanks for the virus. My dad is gonna kill me for doing this to his work computer.
>next version will have Denuvo
What a time
You get the next update 1 week earlier if you donate on patreon. People crack that version.
> Windows XP
dont fucking listen to this retards claiming its a virus
The irony is that at least one Sup Forumsirgin will be retarded enough to download this shit. See: lostboy.exe. A fun week on Sup Forums when that happened.
Don't post that shit so early in the morning. I almost clicked it in my stupor
damn, gonna download this right now
nice try
Well it will be free soon
For you faggots being super retarded
>running a random exe on your comper
>DRM on an emulator
Fucking jews
Fuck off kikelberg, calling someone a jew for being a cheap shit is common.
yeah heh racism bad drm good
So when is someone going to start the patreon dedicated to hacking Cemu?
I miss the good old days when shit like this was obvious. They don't make them like that anymore, as people are not as stupid to fall for them.
>Early 90's
>Get a virus
>Popup on screen with an okay button
>Text saying "Goodbye :)"
>Clicking okay shuts down the computer, you can't click outside of the window
>You can just shut the window via taskbar
>Nowadays everything is hidden, if your computer is fucked, you don't get told
It was a more innocent time.
So, how long before DMCA?
just downloaded this and now my pc isn't responding?? Posting from my phone now, can anyone help??
You don't have to. You can always just wait 7 days. I actually don't get the rush people have to do this.
It's not illegal.
How does BoTW run now?
I went from pretty much flawless to practically flawless.
Sounds good.
Can you play it at 60fps yet or is it locked to 30?
but 4K
Is BotW still buggy as fuck?
>playing 30 fps games at 60
or, you know, just buy a switch
>playing a 30 fps game
spends 300+ burgers is not a viable option
>buying a console that has a single game (port)
What fucking disk drive do I need to rip my disc in order to even use this shit?
get a job
>not adapting to be able to play more games
>ruining the original vision
I can get higher resolutions to an extent, but framerate?
I already own a computer so that would just be redundant.
still not viable.
>What fucking disk drive do I need to rip my disc in order to even use this shit?
Fitgirl BOTW repack.
Can't see a diffirence.
Idol game when?
It flat out does not look like that on the switch.
can i play this 30fps with an hd 4600?
It doesn't?
Then why does it look the same according to ?
>the pirates don't want people pirating their software
They are both images of CEMU. Switch actually looks way worse than the image which was faked to make the switch seem better.
Why is the top image intentionally down scaled to roughly 360p?
Yeah nah, I'm not pirating this. Thanks anyway though.
Are you unaware of the new wave of ransomware which does EXACTLY what happens on that pic?
They hold data from major companies "hostage" and threaten to delete or spread it if you don't pay them.
I think it's hilarious. They claim merely opening the mail with the virus will immediately make it spread through the network. I think that's utter bollocks and there are some retarded interns who downloaded the file from a shady mail.
It's not pirating if you own the game.
Soon as I saw "download the game here" I stopped watching.
He probably meant Miku's games since Wii U never got one.
portability, derp
I have a job, stil not spending $300 on a single game. Same reason I held off getting a ps4. With RDR2 coming, NioH and H:ZD I decided it was finally worth it to get a used PS4 to play BB.
If the Switch gets 3 or 4 worthwhile games I might consider it, but I highly doubt that'll happen.
No idea what you're talking about.
an actual job
Is it possible to make it 60? Id rather wait if they can do it desu.
Like stable €4k a month job at the university? It's not insane in pay, but I think it qualifies as a 'actual job'.
So there's a pirated version of an emulator that allows you to pirate games?
side note are people this desperate not to pay for breath of the wild?
>HUD icons looking like that
yeah no.
But looks like I need to download cemu.
why don't you buy an actual gun and finally actually commit that actual suicide?
>emulating is pirating now
When did moralfags go full retard? Is there a timeline?
A lot of people just want to play a decent version of it, not a 900p with stable 20fps
runs like shit on the switch and wii u so I just want to have a stable experience
nobody plundered the emulator or the game on the high seas
>allows pirating game
no, running the emulatordoesn't magically allow you to acquire a game
Can it play idol game decently now?
user, I highly fucking doubt the people using CEMU are rushing out to buy legit copies of the games to rip the data from
>muh headcanon
>still not 100% playable yet
lmao, on my switch I've gone through the game front to back twice now
and in that time I've also played through The Witcher 3 on my 1080ti at 4k :^)
come on faggots stop being poor
I'm trying.
Excuse me sir but I do own the physical copy of "The Legend of Zelda : Breath of The Wild" on Wii U now if you excuse me I'll go play it on my legally acquired Patreon version of CEMU.
>why is a troll image inaccurate?
People pirating game through emulation doesn't mean emulation itself is automatically piracy.
There's a distinct difference between the two.
>NioH and H:ZD bein good
>RDR2 coming
enjoy your bloodborne machine. You have quite literally just done what you said you would refuse to do: buy a console for one good game
yes it does, because literally zero people are popping in their Wii U disk of BotW to play it on CEMU. Every person playing BotW on CEMU is pirating it
That's how America fucked up Irans nuclear reactors. Literally gave free sticks to people on a conference, then it spread out across the network and infecting other memory sticks as well
>my opinions > others opinions
They are all good games. Sorry that you're so bitter and cynical.
But you're still fucking pirating the game, dumbass. Holy shit, the mental gymnastics emulatorfags do so they can sleep better at night is hilarious. No wonder you can't just buy the console and game, even McDonalds probably refused to hire you.
Whilst that's technically true in reality one pretty much implies the other. I forgot the target demographic of people who download emulators to just not play games on them
I like all those assumptions you're making there. However it's not an argument. Nowhere do the devs of CEMU endorse pirating the game. On the contrary, they specifically tell you not to do that.
Story time?
Kids today can't wait a fucking week to get free patch.
If cemu didn't release the beta build to the public at all they would be celebrated as heroes of the emu scene. Fuck i hate underaged faggots
? Do you not understand how emulation works? You can use the data of your LEGALLY acquired WiiU copy and use that to emulate. That's in fact the only supported way. The fact people pirate is not the fault of CEMU.
this narrative is incredibly boring, stop it
there are other good high rated exclusives for playstation
If you could find some way to discredit bloodborne you would as well
You guys have no clue how emulation works, do you?
that's a very broad question
And enjoy that smooth sub-par fps combined with the 720p resolution in 2017? No thank you.
They seem unaware that a large part of CEMU patreons are actually using their legal copy of BotW to emulate.
Im out of the loop of emulators, don't they require a bios? isn't that illegal if you download one?
(x) doubt