Leave MMOs to me

Leave MMOs to me.

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That's not Black Desert though?

Black Desert if you want to play a sandbox, Final Fantasy XIV if you want a theme park.

Leave MMOkino to me.

>implying I'm falling for another koreagrind
Never again, user.

Never again.

I wonder if any of the people playing that game do so for reason other than "It's 40k" and buyer's remorse.

>WOW killer number 542

Your loss.

Wow is already dead. No need to kill it.


Yeah, it's a pity. Just like SWTOR they already had a huge fanbase and could afford to take some risks and make something truly innovative but they pussied out and made a standard Sandbox MMO.

I didnt excepted it, but it (ESO and Morrowind) is good.

It isn't, son.

Desu, nothing but a standard sandbox mmo is possible with multiplayer in mind, you know, generic collect 10 bear asses quests and that, multiplayer worlds dont do big changes by single people.

It's just that wow was the first one to get big doing that and everyone since then tried to emulate it to get big too but there can only be one big guy on this plane.

What we have so far:

>20 provinces of tamriel besides Cyrodiil
>Imperial City
>Imperial City Sewers
>Orsinium (orc land)
>Abah's Watch (thieves guild)
>Gold Coast (dark brotherhood)
>Player housing (several dozen homes, with more being added)

What we are getting in the next year:

>Morrowind expansion (the entirety of Vvardenfell)
>Argonia and the black marsh expansion
>Clockwork city expansion (dwarven capital city)
>Spiral Skein (Mephala's plane of oblivion)
>craftable spells
>craftable jewelry

With full voice acting, an ensemble cast of all-star actors to play the significant character roles (Kate Beckinsale, Lynda Carter, Malcolm McDowell, Bill Nighy, Tara Strong, John Cleese etc etc), a thriving economy, build variety that could fill an encyclopedia, a seemingly infinite amount of customization (10 distinguishable ranks of light/medium/heavy armor, 49 armor styles to craft, 10 possible weapons, 7 armor slots, HUNDREDS of dyes to color them with, and dozens of preset costumes), gorgeous graphics, amazing music, dozens of enemy types, dozens of emotes, hundreds of housing furniture, and a commitment from the devs for the long term.

You have literally 4 seconds to explain why you don't play literally the best MMO and best TES game of all time (not counting the infinite hours of modding skyrim to be a rape simulator because that's not even for gameplay)

weightless combat

Shill detected.

Enemies can get effected by stuns, silences, roots, bleed, concussion, knockdown, blind, burned, frozen, feared, snared, taunted, immobilized, knockbacked, chilled, off balance, poison, max HP reduction, etc

im probably missing a few. you control the battles and you and the enemy can be effected by the same things, its all fair.

And by the way, enemies have different death animations depending on how they die. Even things as minor as swinging a weapon from the right to the left or left to the right changes the death animation.

Yeah and those animations are goofy as fuck. Also who gives a shit about how many status conditions are in the game?


Strip away the 1-5 hotkey skills and Vermintide has pretty much an identical combat model to ESO. Light Attack, Heavy Attack, Block, Dodge, and Shove.

Why is then that Vermintide doesn't look and play like limp garbage?

>p2w as fuck awful grinder

are you trying to imply that ESO is not a grindfest?

that shit looks clunkier than fucking morrowind. and the ragdolling and physics are worse than dark messiah.

why are you even comparing an RPG, let alone a MMORPG to an action game?

It objectively isn't.

Reminder that c0da and Wheels of Lull are now canon.

Hello mister shill. I don't play your game because it's sandbox garbage and the only thing that shares with other TES games is the setting. And even the setting is shit because it looks nothing like it was described in the lore books.

>comparing an MMO to a 4 player action game
Why doesn't World of Warcraft play like Devil May Cry?

>sandbox garbage
Themepark garbage*
>Reminder that c0da and Wheels of Lull are now canon.

For some reason the advertising on this game is absolutely fucking massive

good joke m8.
how is that another run of maelstorm arena going so you can drop that weapon with proper enchantement?

and how is that monster set grind?

and i almost forgot, how is that CP grind.


>Vermintide is clunkier than Morrowind
Ok bud-e. Take some time away from researching how many status conditions there are on the wiki and play some other games.

>why are you even comparing an RPG, let alone a MMORPG to an action game?
Because Zenimax Studios tried to emulate an action game for their combat and failed miserably.

For real; fuck veteran levels. Why when i hit max level do i have to grind a further 10million XP and stay at mobs for hours on end just to use end game gear? That's not fun. My alternative is to grind out quests for about 10x the time it takes to grind out mobs? Yeah no thanks.

They even said ages ago they was going to remove them. If they had removed them i would probably still play the game to this day. They are driving people away with that bull shit.

Name one (1) reason why being an MMO means ESO's combat can't have the same impact as Vermintide's

>They even said ages ago they was going to remove them

and meanwhile they are increasing CP cap to 7XX in morrowind

I've been asking for an MMO with devil may cry combat for years

>how is that another run of maelstorm arena going so you can drop that weapon with proper enchantement?

So you want everything handed to you by doing it once and only once?

>and how is that monster set grind?

I'm leveling up my undaunted skill tree for the great passives, getting purple crafting materials, getting dungeon armor pieces I can use for builds, fighting creative bosses that require teamwork and skill to beat, getting grand soul gems for charging my weapons and reviving, and leveling up my CP.

>how is that CP grind.

I have only ever done all the quests and possible bosses/dark anchors in zones, done veteran dungeons, played PvP in cyrodiil, and done trials (basically what im trying to say is I just play the game and never grinded a spot over and over for experience points) and I am CP level 505 at the moment. Not sure if you grind CP in skyreach or wherever people do it but it's not remotely necessary.

Played Black Desert at release, biggest buyer's remorse ever.
At leat TESO Morrowind has the nostalgia factor going for it. Plus I got 2 keys instad of 1 from GMG so if I sell the 2nd one I'll have gotten it for cheap.

We DO have Morrowind already, but it is NOT the eintirety of Vvardenfell, unless you count empty, locked off world space. Red Mountain is inaccessible, so are the northern smaller islands (Sheogorath region iirc from TESIII), and a lot of buildings/ruins are just locked.

>completely unbalanced pve
>nobody ever takes into account player skill in pve, because it's absolutely braindead
>unbalanced pvp
>more jewish monetisation than most f2p games
>bugs everywhere
>even when patchnotes say they fix the bug, it doesnot
>retarded CP system

its not bad, pretty dumb but good for a few missions now and then

To fuck em even more up? Yeah Zenimax did indeed a great job.

>Ok bud-e. Take some time away from researching how many status conditions there are on the wiki and play some other games.

That gameplay looks straight up horrible and and the warhammer fanwank doesn't help.

>Because Zenimax Studios tried to emulate an action game for their combat and failed miserably.

They refined the existing TES combat, dumbass. It's the best in the series and the best in any MMO. If you want to compare combat in an action game and an MMORPG then might as well go compare pokemon combat to gears of war combat. And either get a source for that zenimax studios accusation or fuck off.

No classes, combined with shitty Skyrim dialogue style and horrible pvp. Lore raped to death.

All 'classes' play the same, a Rogue feels the same as a 2H Warrior, or would if those classes existed.

Leave MMOs to ME.

Going to be shit

>They even said ages ago they was going to remove them.

What the fuck are you talking about? THEY DID REMOVE VETERAN LEVELS.

What we have now are CP levels. It used to be Veteran level 1-16 but that got dumped 'ages ago' when they said they were going to remove them (they did)

You can do veteran dungeons starting at CP 160, you can do Trials at ~CP 200, you can do Vet Maelstrom Arena at ~CP 250-300, you can do Cyrodiil PvP in a campaign where CP doesn't have any impact at all. And the normal versions of dungeons and dragonstar arena and maelstrom arena can be done at ~CP 160. There are so many ways that casuals can do all of the content without being minmaxed out the ass if they dont wanna do that.

jewery like locking up bag for crafting material, which you'll need if you want to craft BADLY, behind a paywall. locking up the most versatile race behind a paywall and other p2w bullshit. took more then 4 seconds because i could find a dozen of reasons to avoid this "game" like the plague.

>'buzzwords: the post' from 'never played the game: the user'

>So you want everything handed to you by doing it once and only once?
Good job fucktard, people complain about vMA because it's exactly the opposite, you need to grind hundreds of runs and even then you'll probably end up with a piece of useless trash

You don't know that, user! You gotta believe!

>I'm leveling up my undaunted skill tree for the great passives
>I am CP level 505 at the moment.
>done veteran dungeons

liar liar.

also grinding means engaging in repetetive tasks.
farming crafting mats? grind
leveling up undaunted? grind
getting dungeon armor pieces? grind

You know, the crafting bags only got introduced rather recently, so yeah it makes it easier if you sub, but it does by no means make it unplayable without as not having those crafting bags was the default for EVERYBODY for years.

>wanting to play as Shitperial

>They refined the existing TES combat, dumbass. It's the best in the series
Wow it's the best iteration of dogshit, hat's off.

>the best in any MMO

>If you want to compare combat in an action game and an MMORPG then might as well go compare pokemon combat to gears of war combat.

>It's an MMO so it's okay to have shitty weightless combat!
Also you're acting like Vermintide is Devil May Cry or MGR like that other faggot. As I already said the combat model is practically identical to ESO's, so don't try and deflect it as apples and oranges.

>get a source for that zenimax studios accusation or fuck off
No need, you already said they were expanding on TES combat. TES has been an action-RPG since Oblivion.

The setting is so fucking bad.
The pocket guide to the empire was written two hundred years after the events of ESO. They had their setting right there. Look at how cool the world described in the book is and look at how boring and generic the world of ESO iscompared to it. en.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Pocket_Guide_to_the_Empire,_1st_Edition

not him, but gear scaling with first 160 champ ranks is most retarded thing ever. It's like you got max level, but you actually didn't and need to gring again to start doing content to gather items fpt your desired build and not just leveling with whatever, it's extremely disappointing experience. You can't even just buy cheap gear at this point, because it's all cp160 and you stuck somwhere betwen. It's just huge progression hole of shit. At least you have to go through this process once

The entire budget for an action game basically goes into the combat. Devil May Cry is combo heavy, Vermintide is some shitty first person hack and slash that looks and plays like shit.

The entire budget for an MMO goes into an online infrastructure and megaserver, RPG aspects, art design, voice acting, visual fidelity, a symphony of music, non-combat activities like crafting or cooking or fishing or dancing, balancing casual low level play and high level serious play, customization content, player/developer interaction, a story, quests and storylines, and more.

Dumbshit. Yeah I really wonder why an MMO with hundreds of players in a small space at one time doesn't have amazing physics.

if it's not a successor to FFXI it'll be shit, everyone knows this.

FFXIV isn't a successor to FFXI either tho. So much single-player bullshit.

>liar liar.

Nope. also if you read my post you'd see I did all the content in zones and played a lot of PvP, especially when it's a double XP event.

>also grinding means engaging in repetetive tasks.

i shoot guns a lot and capture flags when i play battlefield 1

I press the 'attack' button a lot when i play a final fantasy game

I shoot the ball a lot when I play fifa

guess im grinding in those games too huh? fucking idiot. how do people like you even have the brain power to breathe.

>idiot talking about something he knows nothing of

>Vermintide is some shitty first person hack and slash that looks and plays like shit.

Yeah it doesn't hold a candle to this lmao

>Played Black Desert at release

The game changed a lot. I love TES but this feels more like a sandbox to me.

>You have literally 4 seconds to explain why you don't play

all that and it still sucks

damn that was 5seconds

not that guy but
>korean made
>not a hellish grindfest
ALWAYS pick one and only ONE until the end of times

Try TERA, it's the closest you'll ever get.

i'll warn you that the rest of the game is shit but the combat is still the best.

it is still a QoL addition that greatly enhances the experience by taking away countless hours of micromanaging your inventory and stash. locking it behind a paywall is a jew move. the game is playable without it, but making someone who paid full price for the game pay for a sub just for one small feature that, considering the amount of materials given, should have been in the game from the beginning, is a bullshit move.

>wanting to play as Shitperial
by the time i stopped playing imperials were the best choice for many builds. i dont know if this has changed but i couldnt care less. zenimax is a shitty anti-consumer company and TESO is a shit game and you have shit taste m8.

Because it doesnt feel like elder scrolls at fucking all

A shill is someone who pushes the game to get sales not downplays it, you fucking moron, you're the shill here.

Been there, done that.

We can do better.

yeah really

You're pretty dumb. MMOs in general are grindfests and the ones that have no grind are awful because there's no goals to look forward to, it's all just instant gratification.


>tfw already done every quest in Morrowind
Some of the quests were pretty good desu familias.

Those textures. Those meshes. That world.

looks like you are too dumb to realize that term grinding is used towards MMO games.

the sole fact that you supposedly did all the content and are close to current cp cap but dont have undaunted maxed shows that you are practically bullshitting.

clearing all continents would net you 300-400 cp
but nothing more.

I don't know why but those screenshots look...wrong. I get that feeling for every ESO Morriwind screenshot.
Maybe it's the lighting or the colors but it really feels like something is missing.

No leave MMOs to ME!

It's the lighting and the lack of any SSAO

Am I excited for this?

Hope so, If the game doesn't take off after the launch of Legends it might be kill desu family

They said they're gonna turn it into an almost singleplayer game.

So Sup Forums is gonna eat it right up.

I mean, wasn't it already?

whoa when did left for dead become good?

I bought it on sale a few months ago, and I sometimes get on it every other week to try playing some more, but I keep getting bogged down by the inventory and bank sizes.
If they would let me pay a one-time fee to unlock the crafting bag I would get it in a heartbeat.

As it stands, I just can't enjoy it for long stretches because of the absolute microscopic inventory size. I constantly have to sort my inventory after every battle and throw away the least valuable item just to loot another mob or hand in a quest. Not to mention needing to constantly return to cities to bank what I do find.

Imagine playing Skyrim, but you can only hold 60 items at once, and your bank only holds 60 items. There are hunders (literally) of crafting materials, and if you don't do your own crafting prepare to pay out the ass to greedy players that will take you for everything you've got just for a +2 dildo of extra vibration (which you need for trials).
It's true you can pay with gold you earn to upgrade your storage sizes by 10, but the fee increases exponentially every time, and the number of items that become relevant to hold onto increase the farther you get into the game. It's almost impossible to make gold until you're at the very end of the game and good luck getting there in a timely fashion with all this slowing you down.
You're essentially forced to get ESO Plus (a subscription) to have the vaunted crafting bag, which is separate from your inventory and bank, holds all crafting materials you find automatically, and has an infinite amount of space. Just gotta fork over those 15 shekels per month to keep using it though.

If you made it this far thanks for reading my novel.

As someone who actually played the game:

The writing is bland and only impacts negatively on lore. It's not offensively bad, and there are a few stand out quests, but for the most part the story is basically just there to hold your hand through the theme park that is each zone. Every sub-narrative in the game is hampered by this requirement. It has nothing of the depth or world building of Morrowind proper.

Atmosphere is a huge issue in this game. Everything looks hyper saturated, which makes things feel cheap. This, combined with the fact that you're working with a pre-established intellectual property, makes you constantly feel as if you're playing the 'happy meal' version of Elder scrolls.

The combat is not in the least bit tactile. It isn't enough to just add in the ability to manually swing your sword alongside a variety of status effects; this just creates a really jarring dissonance because you're still essentially playing a hot bar game but there's this really shitty action orientated meta cluttering things up.

Builds are an issue in this game. The ones that work, and you will be limited to the ones that work if you don't want to die continuously, are a chore to play. They also tend to be oddly lore breaking.

Quest rewards are also garbage and this makes crafting pretty much mandatory. Whilst the game's crafting system is very nice, I hate being railroaded in this way.

The 'economy' is non existent. They arbitrarily split the auction house up into various guilds to try and seem different, but this just creates inconveniences more often than not.

It's ultimately a lazily designed game and they're more concerned with covering this up than actually fixing things. It hooks people in with ideas that never, and will never, really pay off.

this is exactly my point i brought up earlier in this thread. i even capped out my inventory limit on all available character slots, capped my bank inventory and it still is not enough to stash the crafting materials for ONE crafting skill of ONE character. i would have gladly paid a one time fee to unlock craftingbags and even considered making a sub for the DLC's if i could have played the base game a little more but Zenimax' jewery is on a different level of jew so their practice drove me away.

>They arbitrarily split the auction house up into various guilds to try and seem different
hate this shit the most

shit combat

>shitting on the game so hard it kills the thread
I'm impressed.

Fuck you todd

>yfw Bethesda is the worst development team under Zenimax.

ESO was so devastatingly boring

>Clockwork city

Clockwork City trial has a lot of throwbacks to Trainwiz's mods. Features humanoid Fabricants and magic-powered guns called "arquebuses."

Sotha Sil sermons talk about the purpose of the Clockwork City and dangers of Numidium.

Vivec Sermon 37 makes direct reference to c0da and has a link to the website hidden in subtext.

Any impartial eso anons wanna answer this for me. I really wanna play this, but I really miss the feeling of old wow where you just feel like an adventurer doing adventurer things. I don't wanna be commander big dick leader of the death knights. Does ESO do this well or does it fellate you for gratification like wow does?
Also how is the quality of the storylines?

So, the main story line in the base game is entirely about being the chosen one to save the world blah blah. It is considered the worst storyline in the game and its pretty much just fanservice.

However the rest of the time you are usually just some average joe who has the decency to help someone with an issue. Over the quest zones you might start to get more recognized by specific NPCs.

Quest quality in the base game varies from bad to decent and the DLC's improve upon the questing (Morrowind actually has really entertaining quests and I've enjoyed it so far) but I don't recommend buying all the DLCs/subscribing right away unless the Gold Edition is on sale for like

90% of the characters in the game are voiced by discount Troy Baker

Yeah I just missed the one in April and kicked myself for not giving it a shot now that I have the urge. How janky would you say the gameplay is? I have a pretty high tolerance for bad gameplay, I played all the way through the secret world just because I liked the story and atmosphere of spookiness so much. Also thanks for the in depth reply.
Nolan north?

I actually like the gameplay, the animations can be the goofiest part because you can weave quick attacks in-between casting spells so your character might end up clipping animations to kinda swing while doing other things.

As far as being able to block/roll/interupt its simple but fun I'd say. The limited action set putting you at two action bars with 5 skills + 1 ultimate on each can vary how you play a bit but there will always be a defined "meta" that people insist you follow despite the players who build that meta only recommending it for the 1% of content that requires it whereas the remaining 99% of content can be done with much more flexibility (and truthfully the 1% of content can be done with different builds too but nobody bothers to try and they just take theorycrafting at face value, numerous times incorrect information has spread like wildfire because nobody bothered to actually test if what the theorycrafters said was true or not).

>horrid character designs
>horrid animations
>everything is on a full-time lensflared grey and brown filter, specially inside Oblivion where everything takes a lovely BLOOM filter
>clunky ass combat that is very entertaining at first, then becomes steadily stale as you begin to rely on just 1-3 skills with just fillers in endgame
>have I mentioned the just horrible, horrible, abysmally terrible character designs? Yes? Well it requires another mention, because lord, it's as if in order to battle the overly fashionable eastern MMOs, developers decided to go full blown nothing to look forward to, ever, enjoy looking like a trainwreck lmao on this shit
>unskippable walking dialogues
>horrible writting all over
>"Do you want to have fun? Pay us now for chunks of the game we left out on purpose! and costumes! and really just about anything that isn't just barebones trash."

The voice acting was its only redeeming value, and honestly who the fuck cares at this point, even Black Desert has voice acting, and that shit is garbage.
All these "we do it differently!" meme garbage MMOs that wind up boiling down to doing the exact same thing except with differently shaped quest markers can sincerely fuck off.

magic-powered guns called "arquebuses"
Any source on that? I can't seem to find anything.