What are some things it did right?
Fallout 4
Nick Valentine is the GOAT companion.
That's about it
Good Power Armour system
>power armor
>weapon mods
>settlement building (although still very barebones and lacking in content)
>more armor pieces (this was something which was inexcusably lacking in 3 and NV)
>fleshed out companions
>character creation (this was the first time a Bethesda game didn't need mods for your character to not be hideous)
>junk loot actually having a purpose
>radiation storms
>the moral questions raised by the synth problem were often challenging to me as a player, even though the Institute and Railroad were both badly written and boring factions
>best voice acting of any Bethesda game so far, although that doesn't fix the dialogue system
All in all the only thing that really killed this game was a voiced PC and lack of any real-non player controlled settlements besides Diamond City. The slights to lore, wacky out of place shit, and cheesy factions could have been ignorable if it weren't for those two things.
>best voice acting of any Bethesda game so far, although that doesn't fix the dialogue system
did they have any celebrity VAs in F4? It seemed like what fucked up the voice acting in all their other gams was them wasting money on hiring 2-3 really famous people for bit parts and then only having money left to hire 10 literally whos the voice everybody else.
besides the brief Ron Perlman cameo and that radio station in the DLC hosted by Andrew WK I don't think there are any household names in the game.
Pretty much all these
But goddamn this game had absolutely no soul to it
I liked the trailer
Best companions in the series + best companion system
all of this On an unrelated note, check these
Very good character creation, you could actually create different looking people unlike many other games. Especially liked the possibility of facial asymmetry.
Voiced protagonist ruins it though
>dubs on vee
sorry gramps the new cool thing is checking this 6
Gunplay, seeing my settlers decked out with plasma rifles massacre a bunch of ghouls will never get old.
New mirelurks
Power armor slamming/sinking in water
That's all I got really. Aside it being prettier and gunplay being better I still feel more satisfaction playing NV.
Matt Mercer voiced Macready.
Goku's American VA voiced Strong.
Ayy mang, that game is the bomb diggidy, I play it all the time after selling dope to all the homies on the streets.I recommend that errbody buy this game, it just works.
I don't think I'll buy your game. It seems very misogynistic
>Best voice acting
Fuck, now that you mention that, you're right
Only a few VA's in NV come close and they're about all in DLC's, but in 4 even the less interesting NPC's have pretty good VA's
Also, I applaud them for finding a character where Stephen Russel's voice fits perfectly
Curie's VA a cutie
It's a shame that Bethesda's audio director is so garbage so that every character sounds so incredibly monotone.
Everthing except;
-Faction Missions
-Skills ( Can't use in in conversations )
That's true, but Fallout 4 was better in that regard
The BoS bits were delivered with actual zeal
And the companions also showed a lot more emotion
Power Armor, companions, and automatrons.
Automatrons shouldn't have been DLC though, should've been in the vanilla game.
All of them, desu. Save for the quests, lack of collectables compared to FO3, and bullet sponge shit (which is easily fixable with one mod). Main story is shit, but who cares desu. Optimization could be better as well by not using an archaic engine.
I do like how the skill system allows unlimited leveling up though. I never liked the perk system of Fallout, and I think FO4 fixed the perk problem somewhat.
B-but you can play as a woman if you enjoy that!
easier to make hot ass in character creation than previous Bethesda games