Yordles are the only good thing league has ever produced

Yordles are the only good thing league has ever produced.

No, it's actually Ahri.

I want to fuck aall the yordles

Anime foxgirl is a classic.

Agreed except for the very best right here.

I would

You shouldn't, Gnar is too pure for these thoughts.

I don't play league anymore but the some of the male yordles like Teemo and Gnar are pretty cute.

Digital release when?

rate me Sup Forums, teeto is the best yordle

>playing league

Furfag holocaust when?

What am I looking at? I haven't played league in 4 years or so.
At least you got Swain and Skarner.

I'm not sorry


A way to bm people in game.

Twitch isn't cute.

But chink succubus exist in a lot of other media. What makes that one so special?

Nothing, it's just the best thing to come out of the cancer that is LoL.

yordles are disgusting hairy animals. every single yordle must be purged.

we need more meglings. meglings are adorable/fuckable midgets.


I think you mean Master Yi.

Garbage design. Mechanics wise the only fun hero seems to be Nidalee.

As usual, the first post is unquestionably the best post.

Meglings are not a separate race you fucking moron, that's the name of Tristana's gunner division. That's always been the case and only retards didn't understand.

For me it has to be Kha'Zix, Nidalee is pretty much trash tier right now.

What about old Soraka

She was the best

I wasn't really talking tier wise as I don't actually play this genre. She can heal, she has decent damage that requires you to read your opponent and a cat form that opens up shenanigans with the map.
Obviously in a cast as big as this it's hard to balance things but she seems to be well rounded and not as braindead as some.

>cool concept art
>ingame model always looks awful
League was a mistake

Toasters need to handle the game too, how else are they gonna sell skins to as many people as possible?

Gnar is really cute

No doubt.

Too cute

Stop right there user, Gnar is pure.

except you're wrong you fucking retard. Meglings were a race obsessed with explosives until they decided they didn't want two midget races.

The "pro as heck guide" vid still makes me laugh.

I can see where you're coming from, but I still kinda like the half/half design that they gave Trist and Poppy when they redesigned them

But you're right, male yordles are for kemono faggots who still fap to klonoa.

You sayin' there's something wrong with that user?

I'm saying Shortstack Bros = Godtier Patrician
and Babyfurs = Human Septic Tanks

I like both.

why do Yordle females crave human cock so much?

I don't see anything wrong with that

Funny way to spell Skarner.

I already told you: their males are useless

Not entirely useless.

>yordle thread
oh boy!
>male yordles

I feel you brother, I feel you.

>draw a rengar
>call it a Kled

it's ok user, I won't tell anyone

>implying I wouldn't tell everyone myself