What did you feel after you finished Persona 5?

What did you feel after you finished Persona 5?

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Relief. Joy. Happiness. Something like that.

Despair because it was distracting me from the fact I was recently laid off

I feel like they didn't give Haru enough screen time. P5A when? I need my little sadist back.

Catharsis. Shooting god in the face will do that.

It was uplifting and sad at the same time. Felt like I was leaving friends behind. I don't know what will fill this void in my life now


I literally didn't even care and played dragons dogma after and man, wish Persona 5 let me grab my party members and throw ryuji off a cliff when he pisses me off

Frustration, joy and a bit of dissapointment that it wasn't as good as it could've been.

Bittersweet nostalgia. This game came in at an important point in my life.

nothing. P3 and P4 left a lasting impression on me but P5 just kind of came and went

I came.

like I wasted 80 hours of my life.

Nothing really. Persona 5 didn't leave that void feeling I get after finishing a long RPG like P3 and P4 did. The ending was too happy, and in general I didn't have any emotional attachment to the cast.

>Played the game a lot for 2½ weeks when it came out.
>Got pretty far in the final dungeon in mementos, but had to take a break because of real life reasons.
>Don't feel like playing now because the final dungeon blows and at the end of it a goddamn of a chore final boss probably waits for me.

Relief because the last 20 hours of the game were torture.

I didn't think the final boss in Persona 5 was a chore. I was a bit surprised when "the end" came; I didn't realize how long I'd been fighting it for.

>"Man, I really want to play Dies Irae."

the final boss is a joke, even easier than Izanami

The final boss of 3 was kind of a chore and I just don't really feel like fighting a final boss of a Persona game right now. The thing I least look forward to is finishing the dungeon though.

felt bad because joker abandoned his friends

seriously why did he go back with his parents

Best game in the series by a large margin. Everyone who prefers previous games simply played those as an easily impressed young'un

hollow disgust


Even Nier's E ending moved me more

Disappointment. In the end, it was just more P2 baiting like P4AU.

Gameplay is okay. Music is okay. Sluts are the best thing about it.


shit lost steam like 2 dungeons in

P3 was better



I didn't care for the last act of the game but I was sad to have to end it. Went right into NG+ afterward.

I enjoyed the dungeon too. The light-up puzzles were pretty fun. And discovering more about Mona along the way was cool

It's the best Persona game, and yet I never want to replay it.

A hollow void in my life. Just like when I finished P3 and P4.

last 2 months of the game were like Summer in Persona 3. Just wanted to get through it so I didn't really care when it ended

Satisfaction knowing itll never be on PC or Swatch

Man this game would be so good if it didnt drag on certain aspects so fucking long

Phantom Pain, since I didn't have such awesome adventures durin my teenage years. It's the main reason I play Persona games. It simulates the fun highschool life I missed out on in real life.

Daisuki, my trickster

Because muh bittersweet ending. Though that bang bus is most assuredly driving right into the next spin off

>The ending song is good enough to make me feel sad
>Hello NG+
>I'll visit Sup Forums and count how many plot holes the shitposters can name without playing the game
>That detective faggot will appear in the inevitable enhanced version of P5 will he ?
Overall a mix of bittersweet feeling, joy, anticipation and disgust, in that order.

Yeah yeah, why didn't he just stay with Soujiro? Surely he would have kept him for another year until he finished high school.

He had a wife and child back home.

I was just wishing I was playing Nocturne honestly.

What I don't understand is they made such a huge effort to improve the dungeons and fighting stuff to the point where it's unquestionably the selling point, but the dungeons and fighting were never what made persona popular in the first place. Anyone whose played the previous games knows that you should aim to get the dungeon stuff done as quickly as possible. But in Persona 5 that leads to players rushing through the best most standout portions of the game. You still want to get dungeons done in a day or two, but thats where all the innovation and real effort was put into.

I would have loved a mainline SMT game with the production value and care of P5's palaces, but P5 is not SMT. Why did they focus on the part of the game that everyone just wants to rush through

Play a real Shiin Moogoomi Tensay game lol

Was honestly happy it's over. It started out really good, but by the end it overstayed its welcome.
Everything after Madarame was a slog and Shido was a fucking joke and had more ass-pulls than 10 jRPGs combined.

I was glad it was finally over, what a fucking drag.

Relief. I booted up BotW after I was done with it. Persona 5 is decent but I don't imagine myself ever replaying it unless they release a portable version for Sony's new handheld or the Switch

But the social sim of persona 5 was shit though

Happy it finally over, that way I can get back to the best game of this generation BOTW. Helps that's it's also on the best and most convenient console currently on the market. Sony can't even compete desu


Shido was a pretty great boss fight.

That the final scenes set up for a sequel a bit too much, considering a direct sequel will never ever happen because Atlus is too lazy to not just recycle the same game into an enhanced edition.

>"Hey what happened to Akechi?"
Topic is quickly shifted
>"What was my treasure anyway?"
Topic quickly shifted

There was absolutely no reason to keep those questions for one of the final scenes and yet they did, and never gave an answer.
Now that's either bad writing or they intend to answer some of the plotholes in whatever format they are gonna milk 5.


>"What was my treasure anyway?"
You know the answer to that, it's her dad's notebook.

youtu.be/SKOY2Xavtn0?t=5m16s at 5:16

>P2fag in charge of taste

Depression because ill never have friends

I felt very very odd when I finished P5. Usually when you finish a long game, and there's no cliffhanger you get a feeling of completion. P3 and P4 made me feel complete.
Something about P5's end, I don't know what it is. The ending song. Everyone getting into a van and driving off. Morgana's final weird speech about dreams. The death of Yaldabaoth.

I can't describe it, it's just odd. Like there's something else underneath the surface. There's a message I missed.
Obviously there's probably nothing deeper but that's the way it feels.

I liked the final boss of 5, he was like a mix of Harihara and Nyx Avatar's fight. The finale blow with Satanael was the best too.

I don't play P2

I'll be your friend

It reminded me that I could still feel anything at all, which made me cry

Feel like killing myself since no game will ever be as good ever.

I stopped playing after I beat Shido. I guess the only thing left is to wrap up the story and let the credits roll. Can't face it though, I got depressed as fuck when I beat Persona 4.

who is this smug qt

I don't play weebshit

Get out of this thread and go finish it cause there's a tiny little bit more plot dude.

Dude you have another dungeon and a tweest ahead of you. Get out of here.


New Game Plus, dude.

Game has been out for only 2 months and I already have over 450 hours.

Dude there's quite a bit of story still left

Wait for the sequel spinoff. There's still some unexplained things like the fate of Akechi and Wakaba's Cognitive Psience Research.

So does the game even bother try explaining why Joker couldn't just stay? Everyone brings up the question at the end but we get no answer?


>beat Persona 5, feel a bit empty and want to discuss the game
>find the Persona general on /vg/
>contract every form of cancer just from lurking for 20 minutes
Why are the fans of this game so fucking autistic?

How about playing the game instead of asking that question for 100th time ?

Relief, because as much as I enjoyed the game, those 102 hours were burning down on me a lot, specially when you can only play 2~3 hours a day and it is the only thing you play for a month and a half.

I miss being a underage piece of shit and playing vidya like 8 hours a day.

It's bittersweet and spring symbolism. It's not the first time Persona did this. I hate it too but it's to be expected

Empty. My temporary happiness ended and I returned to my miserable, friendless life devoid of any meaning. At least I got a platinum trophy

The ending was shit imo. I wanted a tear-jerker ending. Also the group didn't had any chemistry at all, it was more like a group of strangers with no interest in each other, other than pursuing the same goal to destroy evil adults.

Obviously happiness mixed with sadness because it's over, but I also found myself wondering why they didn't do more with Akechi.

That's just generals in general. After the people in them run out of topics they either become bump land or shitposting land.

This is my first time asking the question you autist. The game never explains.

Yes I've played 3,4 along with 5. P3 can't beal helped since MC is a sealed Nyx and P4 actually has a loving family back home. P5 the MC's parent don't really seem to give a shit about him so why should he head back? Muh spring time journey means fucking nothing.

>just browsed the persona general
>people are unironically fat posting

This was a problem. Almost all of the interactions were based around Joker. Ann and Ryuji had some dialogue, Ann and Makoto had ONE scene and there was that 3-day thing with Futaba. And that's it. I don't think Ryuji and Yusuke ever talked to each other, for example.

Dude when I lurked there were long ass greentexts about beating up the girls all over the thread. Theres even someone they call the domestic abuse user. What the fuck is going on in that place

I felt the usual emptiness after completing a Persona game, then realized I've never done a FeMC playthrough of P3 and immediately jumped into that to escape the feeling. Thankfully I have a terrible memory so in a year I can do NG+ in P5 and it will seem relatively new again.

It's like some sort of rule, when any general grows stale/runs out of things to talk about, it inevitably splits off into groups of specific autistic fetishes.

Thanks user

I always describe SMT/Persona as the games where you punch God in the face, but seeing MC literally use his giant ass mega Persona to shoot a clean hole through God's face was the most hype gaming moment in 2017

I felt happy since I could finally go online and talk about the game without fear of spoilers, not to mention P5 was pretty damn good. Didn't manage to top P3 for me, but that ending alone made it better than P4.

I've had Injustice 2 and Fire Emblem Echoes sitting on a table as I played nothing but P5, so I'm hoping to put more time into those now, but I do want to try a NG+ run

sad because everything I did in the game amounted to nothing

We have answered that question for other faggots as well. Search the archive with the fucking keyword "probation" from the same game you've played.

Just finished it and it easily is one of my favorite games of all time...I was playing it exclusively for a week or 2 so Im going through the post great thing depression and I really just want more of it...this was my first persona and as far as I know all personas feature different characters if im correct so shame for me I wont be seeing phantom thieves in the future...I romanced futaba as she easily is best for me