I'm going to wait for more information before making my judgment of the game
I'm going to wait for more information before making my judgment of the game
Liberal detected
and yet you shill it out of your ass you worthless human piece of garbage
>being level-headed
Get with the times don't
With that shit logic, every single thread on this board shills a game
Why are you conservatives always calling us offended when you go full reeeeee when something happens you?
Doesn't matter, this will be the most 'discussed' game on here for a while for too many reasons, most of them shitty.
being able to fly planes and hunting murican wildlife are already day one buy for me
Can we gas all Sup Forumsacks to have Sup Forums back to normal faggotry?
I'll rather gas all the faggot Redditors and shills first. Then we kick pol out.
This. They did say it's a controversial game, so maybe these guys might end up being the good guys.
Suck my dick you nigger loving kike
Yeah me too.
Hopefully the villain is likeable.
Sup Forumsack detected. Go back to sucking Alex Jones dick while jerking off with printed out copies of Clintons emails
I'm Sup Forums as fuck and think this might a interesting setting for a far cry game.
I'd never buy it though. Fuck Ubisoft.
isn't that the whole appeal with farcry since 3, having a likeable villain that is?
>nigger loving kike
>Sup Forumsack detected
Gee you're smart, really ruffles the ol' noggin
Someone escaped their containment board again.
Holy shit you ppl are pathetic.
>fly planes
Do you even have a single fact to back that up?
Why is this game even pissing off Sup Forums so much?
At least they know how to spell people, you retarded fucking mongoloid.
That would be a twist. Rednecks vs cartels or something. The location seems like that's not the direction they're taking it though.
Obscene amounts of projection when Far Cry series has never had any semblance of politics. Just out-of-the-ordinary settings and memorable personalities
>forcing your shitty political ideals as a video game
>trying to profit from fucking politics
Man, Ubisoft really hit a new low.
Sup Forums triggers so easy holy shit
Sane behavior? Where do you think you are?
I hope it'll be a while before it comes out so we'll continue to trigger as many Sup Forumstards as possible.
Because the game is sporting a blatantly political story about how evil the most peaceful and charitable religion in western civilization is.
Keyword: Western. I am not saying "in the world".
Ubisoft is using dreaughmprrgf voters as free marketing and it's working like a motherfucker.
Let's all just wait until the worldwide reveal tomorrow.
Look at the pic dingus
Summer is here
Like clockwork sasuga, Sup Forums
GG came from you, Sup Forums. I remember clearly how much you hated all the feminismshit leading up to it.
You've gotten pretty good at rationalizing away from that, though.
I'm not from Sup Forums I just hate retards like you who type like a 13 year old girl. Fucking kill yourself.
>don't want fucking politics or have a company force their shitty beliefs unto others
>"you must be Sup Forums"
But why are people getting mad about this sort of premise now?
Plenty of games have done a really similar thing with mentally crazy overly religious people iirc, Outlast 2 being the most recent. Yet I never saw any outrage because of the premise or any other game with it.
Are you even reading the posts your replying to or are just trolling with zero effort?
You sound like someone from Sup Forums.
Fuckin Sup Forumstard Sup Forums loving Sup Forums faggot.
Fuckin Sup Forums at it again.
Who are you talking to
>trigger discipline
What's more worrying is that it's another generic Ubisoft open world game. At that point it doesn't matter what the story is, unless it's utterly fantastic, the game will be bad. It'll sell like hot cakes nonetheless.
It's usually not very black and white in these games and it's obviously going to be more of a cult than regular christian rednecks.
Shit, son. Turn down the projector. Gonna blind me here
because this is a war
People who act as if Sup Forums never had anything to do with Sup Forums.
Switch? Probably not tho
>Sup Forums never had anything to do with Sup Forums
Well, at some point Sup Forums didn't actually exist...
It's likely because the devs are french and are usually shilling whatever the popular political message is to shill. They pull this kind of shit all the time.
Also no one gives a fuck about Outlast.
Far Cry is much more popular than you think. My grandfather has heard of it.
Or maybe it's the defamation of the American flag to further the "Patriotism is Nazism" meme the far left keep spreading in media.
I don’t fuckin' know man don't ask me. It's a perfect shitstorm of marketing that's for sure. Someone's getting promoted over this one.
Sup Forums here, it doesn't piss me off at all.
what I have an issue with are the redditors and gaffers turning this into politics.
why cant i just enjoy my video games without some faggots talking about TRUMP?
Aren't you the fucking retard who accuses everyone as Sup Forums?
I feel like if this shit was released some years ago, few people would care, like with Bioshock Infinite. Hell, it'd probably still be novel then.
Now it just feels like yet another preachy marketing campaign in a long line similarly trendy clickbait pieces set on /r/esisting the anti-CNN narrative. All while showing complete disdain for the core audience (and it's beautiful!)
Yet another reason why Trump got elected.
Remember when they released the Far Cry 4 cover and SJWs lost their minds and some of them even said Pagan Min was white?
People are so excited to be outraged they are happy to get SPECULATIVELY OUTRAGED. Acting like you know the plot of a game when you havent' played it and haven't even seen so much as a trailer of it is a good way to end up looking retarded and eating crow.
The cover looks cool as fuck and it's Far Cry so it's going to be great like usual no matter what the dumb plot is. Plot is like #10 on the list of what makes these games good.
Honestly I dont even know
>Far Cry 3
>Hoyt was white
>Far Cry 4
>Pagen Min was Indian in a fictional place, the main character becomes a yeti in the end.
>Far Cry 5
>Main villains are white
Shutup Sup Forums. You're just Sup Forums and your opinion doesn't matter.
Fuckin Sup Forums.
>wanting yet another Far Cry
>implying at least half of Sup Forums isn't t_D fags and shills
Was the guys name being "Ronald Grump" fake news?
Even reddit is triggering Sup Forumstards now lmao
How about yous just NOT? have you ever seen every Ubisofts open world game? they're all the same game mechanics. Only a braindead retard would love keep buying it.
Remember when Far Cry 4 also had a retarded manufactured """controversy""" over the antagonist apparently looking like a poofter LOL
nice reddit spacing
>it's Far Cry so it's going to be great like usual
now it's my turn to be triggered
>this DESTROYS the libcuck
Ill probably get it. I have enjoyed all of them, especially 4 gameplay wise. 5 wont be an exception
>what I have an issue with are the redditors and gaffers turning this into politics.
And the Sup Forumsirgins. Can't forget those.
>Only a braindead retard
>Pagen Min was Indian
What? He's from Hong Kong
>being annoyed by obnoxious people who cant stop talking about trump no matter what even when discussing vidya because they're just too butthurt by him means you're triggered
Don't forget the accusation that the game's racist because some people thought Pagan Min was white with the asian dude kneeling next to him
If a game is Sup Forums-related by nature, is it against Sup Forums's rules to post it or not?
The reveal was today, right? Anyone know how many hours from now?
ok whats that got to do with this video game. Video games aren't real life user
You're white, you don't have a dick long enough to suck,
I don't get it. What does this have to do with the thread?
I mean, you probably already know the standard left-wing answer is going to talk about poverty rates and discrimination being factors, so what's the point in posting this in an unrelated thread?
What kind of weirdo religious cult would even have enough people for your typical Far Cry game? You gun down at least a few hundred people in each one.
I'm just really hoping we play as a lost hick and the plot turns out to be Redneck Rampage 2.
Sadly I know the braindead writers at Ubisoft better than that. It'll be garbage with preachy political tones.
Which was entirely fair.
Because you do the same to conservatives
I bet you loads of people already called these guys "trump supporters"
>Far Cry
>Preachy political tones
You have never played a single Far Cry game
>the game is political because race
Good job being retarded. The game is political because it's obviously trying to demonize Christianity and patriotism. The first Far Cry also had enemies that consisted of white Americans, but they weren't manufacturing mutants to vote for Trump and go to church.
would only not buy the game if the main character is a woman, or a black guy. will not support SJW bullshit.
if plebbit wants to project their insecurities and LARP that they're killing Trump supporters that's their business
Sup Forums here. It sucks to see Ubisoft cashing in on the "evil white Christians" bandwagon to pander to SJWs. But look at this from a gameplay perspective and not muh politics perspective: Montana is a gorgeous location. We finally get a game set in America. And a backwoods extremist Christian cult could be a REALLY cool villain if done well. I'm looking forward to more info.
Yeah I hate the ones that push the nice doctrine
That would be fucking hilarious, but the french aren't that antagonistic.
Don't you think you're being a little too emotional here?
>dog on the far right is crossed
lmao now they're getting away with plagiarism
Branch Davidians had at least a few hundred members
>reddit is triggering alt right
never see the day come lmao
just pre-empting the libtard trash that will shit up this thread with some facts
I love how Sup Forums has fifteen Sup Forums threads running constantly based on box art.
>The game is political because it's obviously trying to demonize Christianity and patriotism.
Christ, since when did conservatard SJWism become the fucking norm on Sup Forums?
no, this is why Sup Forums is here.
Was he? I didn't even know that
>Far Cry 5
>Main villains 'n grunts are white & american
>basing your videogame purchases around your politics and not whether the game will be good
Can't wait to pirate it just like the last two.
Nice false flag, you browse reddit, definitely from Sup Forums.
But in doing so you become the actual retard trash shitting up the thread.
as usual, the french are only on pointless things
hon hon hon
Right? What did they think would happen? Obviously everyone instantly dismissed these ridiculous accusations and have no negative thought about the game, only generating "buzz" around it by talking about it.