How the fuck is this shit popular?

How the fuck is this shit popular?

why wouldn't it be?

It's fun


because it's battle royale. even if you don't like it you're fucking retarded if you don't see the appeal

Different people like different things

PCuggs love Early Access Zombie Survival garbage, just check the plattform, it's full of shit.

streamer bait nigga

>I have no idea what I'm talking about: the post

Op got rek'd the thread

It makes for good twitch streamer bait so the cancer watching those people wants to play it too

another early access cash grab that is full of bugs, shit performance and will never be finished

Why the fuck do sonynegroids get so upset that most of the PC playerbase prefer these games to cod/fifa/gta?

These are games for normies, and would also be the most played ps4 games if they got a port,

This might surprise you but 95% of video game players are retarded kids

ITT: Generation Twitch kiddies

World War 3 will come soon enough and you will all die

It's shit and honestly really fun with a squad of friends, but no fucking doubt that it's streamer bait.

>Early Access Zombie Survival garbage
at least know what you are talking about

Because it's made by people who are superior to us in every way.

>tfw soon to be valedictorian
>tfw top 1 percent wealth for age
>tfw favorite game is unironically battlegrounds (tm)
>tfw the salutatorians favorite game is league of legends
>tfw to intelligent for weebshit

>Babby's first strawman

Because it's kinda fun. The tension in the last 10 or so people is also a bit of a rush - even more so with only five or four remaining. Playing with friends can also turn into a hilarious shitshow real quick.

>These are games for normies, and would also be the most played ps4 games if they got a port,

Playerunknown rekons they'll port Battlegrounds to consoles once the game is out of early access

It seems interesting but I don't have any friends, so I probably won't get it.

>tfw no chicken dinner
>tfw forever #2

As a pcbro myself who actually really likes this game I expect it's gonna be a neverever situation either because they stop developing half way through or the consoles just can't handle it

Because there hasn't exactly been an abundance of decently good battle royale games it turns out people like playing and watching them.

Even the Japanese love it, Shadowverse and Granblue are still at the top but it's constantly amongst the most popular games on Niconico which is practically unheard of for a western PC game of all things.

tbqh i just think it's hilarious how v automatically shits on any popular game and acts as if they ahve top taste, before spamming waifu weebshit game threads

it looks and feels almost exactly like another game ive played before
i just cant put my finger on it

do you think they'll add aim assist in the console version, or leave it as is for muhrealism?

Is DayZ out of early access yet?

Something something butter inside their something milk?

I'm pretty sure that you have to add aim assist on fps games due to controllers not being very accurate, so yeah I'd expect them to add it.

MAYBE they could make seperate servers for KB+M (you can apparently plug them in but most games don't le you) and controllers on console but i doubt it

Good joke.

I enjoy DayZ now that it's gotten a ton of updates. They smoothed movement a ton and shooting is incredibly satisfying.
I've been interested in this because it seems like the gunplay us fun and everything in this, but I'd like to wait and see if they make it better with updates.

its fun to kill shitters like you and all your friends.

You did not answer the question.

>tfw first victory

twitch bait cuck streamers shill it for niggers and simpletons

Because all those streamer-watching kiddies got tricked into buying it by their shill idols.


Idk, frankly I don't get the appeal of this genre.

You're asking how it's popular. I told you why I enjoy it. Many people enjoying a game adds up to it being popular, so I gave you a little insight into this.


it's popular simply because it's popular

new update is coming YAAAAAAS

It's basically a multiplayer rogue-like, the stuff you loot is random, the starting point is pseudo-random, and as such pretty much every game is different.

That, along with the fact that it's a pretty fun genre as a whole, and the fact that this is basically the best game in its sub-genre makes it an obvious success.

How does it feel to be literally BTFO hater?

PUBG is literally goty, DEAL WITH IT.

no new map ZZZZZZZZZZZ


kill yourself

Trying to explain the success to the masses, not indulge in some wankery about genre borders here. Most people will see it as basically a rogue-like, no matter how right/wrong it is.

go away cry-baby.

Bli bra

We down for hospi?

>muh streamerbait
>150k player peak today

Seems to me like a whole lotta people are playing it more than watching it on twitch.

>2 kills

how did you manage to hide in a bush for the whole round?

Favourite drop locations?

Love me the hospital south of the big city, few drop there and I usually win all the firefights if someone does. The bunker is nice too, but it always ends in close quarters combat with at least another squad. The flooded town is probably my favourite "quiet" drop area, rarely do I meet anyone there and it's got plenty of good loot.

early access open world indie survival shooter with crafting made in unity. They sell themselves, really.

>with crafting made in unity
Nearly had it until you went full retard

>early access open world survival twitch bait #375,892
>Made by a kid so pretentious he put his username in the title
>guis I invented the genre! I made the first le Minecraft mod ecksdee!
No thanks. I'll play something good instead.

Won my first two solo games with a bit of luck. I was afraid to play more solo incase I lost. Eventually did, now I have 3 wins in 11 games.
Game is great with friends in squads, but it's a bit boring in solo



>imagine being that jealous

>Easy to jump in. Just hit ready.
>Easy to understand. No crafting. No worrying about food or anything. Just grab a gun and slay.
>Focus on combat makes the games go by quickly.

It pretty much removed everything I hated about games like this which is the annoying crafting and long drawn out games by just forcing everyone to grab a gun and fight each other.



Can you make cute girls in it? All the girls I see are bald.

I'm actually shocked none of my shit taste Steam friends are playing it and begging me to get it yet. They eat up all those broken, buggy, unoptimized early access games that never get finished, which this obviously is. And then they defend them by saying "I'm glad they don't release a lot of updates because they're taking their time with it" as a year passes with one update.


The game gets updated fairly regularly

Seen that plenty of times, talk to me in six months.

this game has better optimization than h1z1 and has been out for a fraction of the time h1z1 has been out. i still get frequent stutters in h1z1 but in this game it's silky smooth sailing all the way. i average like 80-120 fps.

>mfw this game is gonna be dead in 1-2 months once the twitch kids move to the next FOTM

Devs already made most of their money.
They have no incentive to finish the game now. Sales are all downhill from here for them.

shitty hide and hide game.
finally its time up and suiside end

It's possible

>2 kills
What a fantastically fun game of action. Hope everyone who likes Battlegrounds necks themselves so we can get resources spent on making better games.

Got any pics?

>the insane level of butthurt at people enjoying this

>twitch bait
Can someone explain to me what this means? Is this the new buzzword for "games I hate because they're popular"? Is Cringesona 5 twitch bait because there are people who stream it, people who watch the steam and people who bought the game because of their favorite streamer playing the game?

nah, it's a bandwagoning thing.

all early access is trash
except this game because kill yourself

It's not on PS4 or Switch so consolefaggots are butthurt as fuck.

I plan on getting it when its on disccount.

But if some rich user is wishing for a team mate, get me the game and lets go.

lol wtf people dont play persona

nah in all seriousness this site is still the only place I ever see or hear anything about Persona.

>get a fully decked out SKS with silencer and a 8x scope
>see some guy 4 trees away from me
>miss every single shot
>he turns around and shoots me twice in the head with his shitty revolver


It's the same reason fidget spinners are the hot new thing. It's MMO grinding for the new generation, except this time you don't even get to keep your fictional items. Everyone participates: sure there's a winner, but anyone can get lucky and do well, there's no 20-0 quake arena in this.

It's senseless entertainment for people too dumb for even assfaggots.

Because people enjoy wasting 10 minutes searching the same buildings for weapons and then getting picked off instantly by some faggot they couldn't see who knew exactly where you were because he could peek around corners in third person.
I haven't actually played the game but it looks ass

It's not. It's only popular on Twitch because $30 is too much to pay and you need a decent PC, so they prefer to just watch it on Twitch.

Pretty decent game for Early Access tho

because its fucking fun

>it's not

If it was up to me, everyone enjoying this shit game would be shot. Fucking casualbabbies.

i could beat you 100 firefights in a row

awwww did you die in the bottom 25?

>if you don't like something you must be bad at it
Ignoring the fact that it is an incredibly simplistic game and the fact that video game skills transfer well in-between games, so those of us that didn't get their PC last fucking year from their grandmother are doing fine, this shit is always projection by some shitter.
Kill yourself.

you said it's for casuals but if you played it you would get beasted

I hope you're fucking underage and not just merely pretending to be a retarded ESL.

I just said persona because it was by far the most shilled recent game, more than Zelda. But it applies to literally every game, and especially new releases, there will always be people who stream them, and people who buy the game based on the streams.

PBUG is exactly what DayZ should have been.

Yeah, fuck fun games.

>this zombie survival game should have been a battle royale game

What's wrong with the game being casual and for casual? Does a game have to be hardcore to be fun? Are the only good shooters out there Quake, Unreal and CSGO because they take the most skill and everything feels pathetic compared to them?

Because if only hardcore games are good, then I'm assuming you only play dwarf fortress, megaman, castlevania and bullethell games, correct?