Could a Strike Witches videogame possibly work?

Could a Strike Witches videogame possibly work?

Other urls found in this thread: Witches Quest

Any game could work if it was polished enough.

It'd be too stimulating for the penis, no one would be able to play it

there's not nearly enough anime/video games about high speed aerial combat and it's a fucking shame a cool premise like strike witches was ruined by fanservice pantyshot nonsense

i just want to fly around with WWII planes strapped to my legs and shoot aliens, fuck off with your underage pantsu nonsense

OP get the fuck out with that faggy stuff.
The real question is "Could a Youjo Senki videogame possibly work?"

>make Ace combat
>replace planes with young girls and ayyliums

Why didn't we get a more interesting Wing?

Yeah probably. Perrine best girl

Youjo Shitki wishes it could be a quarter as entertaining as Strike Witches is. Fuck off, shit taste queer.

Is there an actual canon explanation for why they don't wear pants? They're not even gym shorts or clothes made for air combat, it's straight up undies.
I mean I ain't complainin', this series was home to a good few faps a while ago but I'm just curious.

the striker units conduct magic energy more effectively when in contact with bare skin. it's an operational thing


I'm hoping for a JFS Afrika anime

I unironically enjoyed Brave Witches. The protagonist shouldn't have been Yoshika 2.0 however

Don't all the females in the world forego pants? I seem to recall a scene where you see Yoshika's mother and she's walking around in her undies.

okay but they could just wear leotards and gym shorts for that, why panties tho? you'd think they would make a special combat outfit for that and not just say "fuck it, just take your pants off"

It was saved purely because of how cute Naoe was

because fanservice is a cancer

>okay but they could just wear leotards and gym shorts for that, why panties tho?
Some of the characters wear one-piece swimsuits.

Strike Witches would be even better if some of the girls were in leotards, swimsuits and gym shorts

it's just the operational witches that go no pan
i dont make the rules user. just take off your pants

Dumb nigger lipped tranny loli show.

>Those 109/190 abominations Witches Quest

Closest you're going to get.

I always thought it'd be Panzer Dragoon style, but with Saga's side to side mobility, with a touch of MH. You'd chase it down, locate the core, and try to break apart it's outer shell to kill it.

What does Erica's butt smell like?