I think Sup Forums could really learn from this

I think Sup Forums could really learn from this

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fuck you


but why does it matter if she's a woman

How fucking bad do you have to be to be actually worse than a girl at video games?

Serious question. That's pretty pathetic.

I wish I knew girls
a girl

Because then you can fugg her in her vagin-buu and be happy and have kids and then be sad again.


I would say that video game skill gap between men vs women is about same as performance gap in sports.
Funny how women are physically inferior, have lower reaction times and don't understand virtual space as well as men.

Of course just as in sports there will be women who are better than men. I'm talking about average

this would be sexist if the genders were reversed

This is my fetish.

is there a single thing, on average, that women can be better than men at?
on average

But what's the point of having someone help you beat a game? That way you don't learn and improve and keep struggling

Where's the porn?

making society worse

Cursive Handwriting?

They are better at destroying your soul

Pretty sure they're more flexible than men on average. There's a lot of really flexible women that do dance/gymnastics and there seems to be more of them than men.

emotional breakdowns, more birth per woman

Mental abuse.

No really. Women are fucking toxic to each other.

giving birth

It shouldn't, that's the point. Getting mad at someone for being better than you, or being too stubborn to ask for their help just because they're a woman is ridiculous.

Whining about inane shit?
I seriously don't know. Maybe empathizing with other people?

It's all natural selection. Like in the animal world.
There doesn't have to be discussed much.

This is a half decent comic because those two lovebirds arent fucking on the couch. If I had a female friend who genuinely liked vidya id purposely lose so we can just fuck allday.

>everytime there is a girl on our team they are always the bottom fragger by a significant amount


Destroying western civilization?

if someone is better than me i wont ask them for help, thats not how you get better at a game

Because every living person know it's a fact that men are superior to women.

Same as with the "whites can't be racist" shit. Everyone knows deep down that whites are superior.

In general, being emotionally supportive. But that has less to do with men being unable to show emotion support, and more from society demonizing men who openly support people.

>noticing someone has a gender

this is problematic and needs to stop.

>losing to a girl
yeah, right
it's not even that I'm automatically assuming girls suck at vidya but in 26 years I've never seen a female that knows what she's doing

They have a stronger sense of smell, can see colors more vividly, and wounds tend to close more quickly. Their pain tolerance is boosted during childbirth by a rush of hormones.

Conversely men have more spatial awareness, greater endurance, and higher pain tolerance on a regular basis but less in "bursts", since they don't need to shit children out.

This goes back to hunter/gatherer society where men hunted and therefore needed greater strength/stamina/perception whereas women needed better color vision so they didn't poison their families with the wrong plants and the ability to survive unassisted child birth.

This. Im not a girl but holy hell are girls fuckin annoying when it comes to gossip. I feel bad for some girls though, but then again im not a vagina so...

The only woman I can of that is better at vidya than me is my mom. And thats with that stupid candy crush shit

Remembering shit they can bring up in the future to make you feel bad and or to guilt you do things for them.

Hey, Sup Forums, nice to see you.

>things that never happened

That is an impressive feat of upper body strength relative to body weight, too

>women needed better color vision so they didn't poison their families with the wrong plants
that is some real batshit insanity.

rest of your post is fine but that is like... what?

The results speak for themselves, don't they?
Where do the refugees come running after they get tired of raping and killing each other?

I have noticed that they are very good at determining if a room is too cold or too hot, and that they are very diligent at informing their peers of this situation.

I think a comic like this should show a real scenario. That is purposely playing like shit to have fun with a grill. I dunno about you Anons but I've never met a girl that is better than me in a gayum.

>purposely lose
>"haha I beat you again user!"
>"wow babe you're amazing at videogames!"
>blushes to the next dimension
>now come over here and gib senpai the succ

Why are they playing with a lump of clay that's vaguely shaped like a controller?
No seriously, look at that last panel. What the fuck is she even holding?

>I've never seen a female that knows what she's doing
Your mother really fucked up with you, so I guess what you're saying is true.

Are you not aware that berries and whatnot of certain colors can be poisonous? People didn't just automatically know that at birth, they had to learn. Being able to identify colors accurately would be an essential survival tool.

>never played FPS with controller before
>gf is "gamer girl" who's been playing COD for half her life
>trash her after 10 minutes of getting used to the controls

You can take dives for brownie points.

More bothered that the artist bothered to draw buttons and sticks but the characters hold maybe the shoulder buttons and not much else.

Anyone else disgusted with the volume of normalfags on this board lately?

I recognize the meme. It's one of the man dumb things they try to teach you in college anthropology classes.

They figure that there must be an evolutionary reason for female color sensitivity, and decided that 'food preparation' sounds pretty good, so they would run with it.

In another 10 years they will have a different reason, and so on, forever.

Countries with better economies? Less civil war/dictatorship/ISIS?

If your girl sits beside you on the couch blushing, shes asking you do give the d. Why would the guy let her play they should be fucking.

kids vs. jaded manchildren and adults

you notice it now because you are growing up

you used to be the cringelord, and didn't even realize it

that makes way more sense than
considering there are more defining characteristics of plants/berries than their fucking color

>pink character

Why does tumblr love that puffy hair style so much?

Even with that, they're depending on men to do it for them.


Women literally see differently than men. You perceive speed/depth better, they perceive color better.

>tfw you're the guy your flatmates call when they need help with their vidya

pfftt hahahahaha.

ask my wife for help in a video game? Sure, if I want to lose.

The only time my wife ever beats me when we're playing together is in fighting games, and that's only because she button mashes and spams like a sperg.

I guess their fingers are sorta over the dpad, so maybe they're playing tetris or something?
Can't think of anything else that I could play with only the dpad.

Who the fuck asks for help in a game by passing off the controller?

What a weird coincidence that all those countries are white majority.

being triggered

>stupid /r9k/ thread
Fuck off.

>playing tf2
>gaymer gurl gets on mic
> Hey guis can we get on cart *giggles*
>previously silent lobby turns into a mad house
>niggas rushing like line backers to the payload that we hadnt touched all game
>symphony of "GUYS GET ON CART" "r u rly a guuuuuuurrlll?" "want a free unusual babby ;)" "i bet ur hot"
>still lose because everyone is shit
>gurl gets on mic and calls us all pathetic noobs
>people still sucking her cock
>shes bottom fragging with 3 points
>spec her next match
>sticky spamming as demo and failing spectacularly
>notice she has all australium weapons and a shit ton of unusuals
wish I had tits

my wife can beat me in puyo puyo tetris. its actually refreshing because now we can compete as equals in something

>asking for help from anyone

Spotted the faggot. With so many resources on the internet. If you seriously need someone to tell you that you're retarded to get good at a video game consider suicide.

when are women better at games than men though?

Of course there are, but color is a distinct and immediate indicator that can be seen from a distance. Leaf shape/pattern, roots, whatever all need to be inspected closer, and take longer.

being more flexible is due to having less muscle

>it's another virgins-think-their-opinon-matters-thread

>Things that never happen

>National women's soccer team for Australia has a match against under 15s boy team
>This national team went to the Olympics
>They lost 7-0 to a bunch of boys under 15 years old

What DID they mean by this?


You can get tits.
You'll just never be a beautiful girl, only a fat dude with tits.

Do people actually do this?

I originally wanted it to be a LOL thread
t. OP

The best thing about going from PC to console in FPS games, is that it's so much easier to recognize the auto-aim, and you can abuse it to hell and back.

>I'm the guy they call
>they become too reliant on me and call for info they could just google themselves
>adopt a need to tell them info when I see them blatantly struggling on something easy
I hate it.

t. virgin who thinks his opinion on other virgins matters

Then why not open with a LOL?

Are you implying there have never been white dictators? Or that white countries have never had economies crash? Or civil war?

Because it's a common feature of negresses and tumblr worships them as gods

Because it takes no skill to draw.

>Wanted a LOL thread
>Didn't start with LOL

Blame yourself.

The human body works in all sorts of wonky ways in regards to poison senpai

For example motion sickness is only a thing because your body thinks its poisoned

So I guess colour is for seeing different types of berries, then? And tracking is for hunting the deer?

>and if a woman is better than you
>woman better than men at video games
Someone tell me where to find those because it literally never happens

Butthurt roastie detected.

Do you fantasize these kinds of things often

The thought that half of the people on earth literally see the world differently then me is freaky man

great video

I was trying to be orginal
guess I learned my lesson

what is a roastie?

I don't like it when my boyfriend beats me in a video game, so I try to make him horny and distract him.

It's very fun to have him repair my tank in Battlefield with one hand and he's jerking off with the other.
He even binded W to the mouse side buttons so he could play entirely with one hand.

No, you just lack reading comprehension.

I should just be the next Chris Chan. Quick, give me somthing really autistic that I can relate to sonic

>LOL thread
You can pick one and only one.