ITT:bad character designs

ITT:bad character designs

Those are some nice designs she's got there

Looks good to me

Only complaint is that the armbands are to big.

t. tumbrina

Tits are too big

Too much ass



Design can only be good or bad related to it's purpose. There's no such thing as a design that's inherently bad.

That character could be quite fitting in a porn game, or a some shit game made by virgin weebs, which is what the Fate franchise is.

>too much ass
....just fucking kill me


She is cute and appeals to my fetishes.
What I don't like are personality/voice.

>too much ass

ireland please go


Just terrible

To be fair, that's the point. She's just a random mishmash of programs that basically make up a faulty cyber-trashcan.

Whys she called passion lip if she has no lips? Why not call her Fucking Huge Hands with tits?


ugh disgusting. post more so I can see how disgusting she is

say no more



This is still funny, I'd probably get more into the asian guy that that womyn.

>F R I D G E

when did the not liking ass = Irish thing start?
not that I don't agree.

Complaining about TITS and ASS. Are you even human?

That promotional art where she's wearing HUEG gauntlets that have more mass than her body actually does look pretty fucking stupid.

Haha, yeah bro. I bet the Asian dude has a cuter butt.


>N O T H I N G
>everyone still checking the non-existent goods

What did this movie mean?

If they were trying to make her look hot in this scene they shouldn't have had the blonde at 0:10 walk by who looks a million times better. Actually, better just to have no other women at all around when moving a fridge.

This is the only bad character design ever, lets just post her for the rest of the thread

yeah eww post more so we can agree on how bad she is

going for the (you)s, user? :^)

I'm a little miffed, because I've had the idea that Irish liked no-asses for a long time before that incident. But I can't claim any responsibility for it becoming a meme.

I agree

this is a good design

This is tingling my bimbofication fetish pretty well because it still looks like the original Sakura, just turned into a gigantic whore.


put me in the screencap

What a fucking garbage design

you think that's bad? look at this shitty design

>Spot the crossboarder
Why are you here

I agree

That ring needs to be lower. How else can you have easy paizuri access?

>just turned into a gigantic whore
Gigantic masochistic moeblob whore*



I see the do it yourself hair cut didn't workout as planned.

Weeb trash

You can shut up now

Not even that guy I just had to literally stop what I was doing and post to call you a faggot.

Well I don't know a thing about the new games but being a massive whore is enough for me.
Sakura was always a moeblob, even when evil.


Yeah, who thought Justin Bieber with tits was a good idea?

Which historical figure is this meant be?

Can't even hug you properly, what is this shit

Would really love to know what retard actually thought this shit looks even remotely passable,
This is what happens when you design a game around only half-functioning technology.

The original Sakura was already a gigantic whore, that isn't a change.

She is composed of Parvati, Brynhild and Durga.

Someone with very large boobers, I'm guessing

I actually really like his design

Not openly though, this bimbo style is way more befitting.

>composed of


As I understand it all the sakura clones are just that, clones. So they just slap together DNA, I'd assume

The funny thing is, the designers actually agreed that her design was bad
So they switched it from thin leather tit straps.

God I wish that were me

Passionlip, was created by BB as a Heroic Spirit-Complex. Classified as a High-Servant, she was created from BB accessing the Moon Cell's Servant Archive and selecting goddesses compatible with the Ego from inside of it. BB reproduced the data of the goddesses, comprising them into Passionlip as a Composite Divinity.


To this more covered version

I'm okay with this, even with the absurd breast size

I mean I like this girl but can we post different girl characters?

Dude, i think she crushed that head.

Im sure under that boobage is a mess of blood and mashed bones.

>the designers
What, you mean Takeuchi? FGO designs are by Wada

Lame. At least when the spirits are based on historic and mythological figures it lends some personality and flavour.

160cm of pure emotion

I like this version better

Tit reduction and all?

Her bust size is bigger than before

She looks great in her Phantom Thieves outfit, but then again you don't see her weird forehead and ugly-ass hair.

Since she's obviously just weird fetish fuel, then they should have just added thin cups over her areola regions. That would at least give a plausible reason for why you can't see her areolae. As well as a plausible means to contain her massive titties. Assuming the straps are taut, then the titflesh pressing into the cups will keep the straps in place. Even if her tits move a lot, the cups will be firmly pressed against her nipples, never failing.

Yeesh, and I thought I had back pains...

Those tits are WAY Too big

>liking big tits
>weird fetish

what hath this internet yarely wrought

I'm pretty tall so I get back pains at work. Insoles work wonder though. Try those

Thats something atleast.
But then I assume whatever game she is in is no longer porn in any form

Realistically she is closer to 130 cm

All me

>Bust: 160
>Height 156cm
>Weight: 1 ton


That fucking ice cream swirl haircut

Its the hands

Bayonetta looks like a damn monster in her official art.


Actually, the problem with this chart, is that the artist smushed the front of the breasts. So the breasts where made larger, in order to fulfill the 160cm circumference.
Had he allowed the front of her breasts protrude like they would naturally, then he could draw smaller breasts, and still get the 160cm circumference.
You're not supposed to measure your breasts while constrained inside of a top. And that's the crux of the artist's misunderstanding of her measurements.

the perspective in this one is pretty fucked up. Something is way off, like her spine shouldn't move like that or something

I hate that baggy, pink sweater top she's wearing over her uniform, too. Especially since she sports a rather nice figure in her musketeer costume.

Now I'm starting to agree with this user

>allowed the front of her breasts protrude like they would naturally

Dude naturally those tits would be at her knees, I think he took it pretty realistically with making them droop to her pelvis already.

Das it mane

this is amazing

i think that's supposed to be padding on her phantom thief outfit

I'm an ass man but seeing huge titties with an innocent looking face is fucking great.