Honestly, are people pulling out of ass reasons to be pc about everything now? I dont give a shit if I have to kill whites, black or whatever in videogames. Why people are so bothered by that shit? It only really started some 3lfew years ago and it just has gotten out of hand by now.
Being Politically Correct
What are you on about?
Agendas are being pushed and nerds don't fall for it.
Because when other races are featured as enemies in games, there's a rational and plot-based reason for it. With this game, the enemies were devised with their race in mind before any other considerations.
>Far Cry 1
>Kill gooks
>No one cares
>Far Cry 2
>Kill niggers
>No one cares
>Far Cry 3
>Kill islanders
>No one cares
>Far Cry 4
>Kill polynesian gooks
>No one cares
>Far Cry 5
>Kill whitey
>WTF!!!!!!!!! FUCKING SJWS!!!!!!!!!
>Sup Forumstards in charge of not being triggered babies
Yep, we need a video game where the main character is a Palestinian freedom fighter killing as many jews as he can. It would be so progressive.
Success in Europe guaranteed
Because you can't kill Jews, you can't kill mudslimes, can't kill blacks, can't talk shit about immigrants but its cool to be anti white and Christian. Its double standards all around
You are a literal Nazi if you don't buy this game
Cant even tell if pol is satire or triggered alt-sjws
Another one about killing zombies in Auschwitz.
You dont even know the plot kid
This makes me want to weep for humanity.
There are literally hundreds of games where you kill almost nothing but brown people.
>can't kill mudslimes, can't kill blacks,
Except for the 5000 games you can
>Implying that gooks, niggers, islanders and polynesian gooks are people and deserve to be alive.
I would love to play this game.
>Far Cry 1
>Enemies are American, mostly white mercs
>Far Cry 2
>Enemies are white South-African mercs
>Far Cry 3
>Enemies are African pirates and white American mercs, protagonist helping the islanders, on the contrary
>Far Cry 4
>Enemies are Kyratis (Nepalese)
>Far Cry Primal
>Play as a white central European tribe fighting other white central European tribes
>Far Cry 5
>White people are enemies BECAUSE THEY ARE WHITE. Not mercs who happen to be on an island, not mercs who are trying to get into the blood diamond trade, just WHITE CHRISTIANS, BECAUSE THEY EXIST.
Reminder. These are what your average Pol tards look like
Do Nepalis have thicker skin than Americans?
Sup Forums is triggered by absolutely everything due to their tiny dicks.
Im wonsering why some people suddenly give a shit about fiction and try to push propaganda from just another entertainment product.
Triggered alt-sjw's. One of my friends frequents it and he was bummed out all the time because of immigrants in EU, I told him to stop reading that shit if he gets triggered it but he wouldnt stop.
But muslims and black are not people
1. Why you against Trump? He loves Israil.
2. Why you post Gibson? He against the Wall and respects Beaners.
Says the nigger
Underage b&
kek, im white, i just don't have an inferiority complex.
remember that this is how you look irl
But you do.
Wow you showed him. The nonstop flood of these stupid threads has proven that Sup Forums really are the most sensitive, unfunny little faggots on the internet
This is the reason you are hated
>im 100% white
There are some brain damaged people who end up derailing their everyday conversations and hobbies with political talk. I just ignore them and play my videogames.
>I dont give a shit if I have to kill whites, black or whatever in videogames. Why people are so bothered by that shit?
People don't want to be bothered with it. It would be all cool, if the devs wouldn't openly state on social media what they are doing and why.
But with devs like this saying "If you hate SJWs you're gonna hate some of the stuff we're doing with FC4", then the people obviously realize that this is not just a random game, but the devs actively trying to be overly politial. In an open world shooter thats so-so at best. With a story that at its best times, probably reaches b-movie quality.
For saying the truth? You aren't people, deal with it.
im not the one crying over a video game because it deals with white supremacists as enemies.
would split that piece of boipussi on the right in half desu senpai
>The jig is up Maury! The goyim know!!
Do you just type stuff for (You)s, well no (you) for you
>Demonizing whites is a good thing
Neither am I, I'm just saying you have still have an inferiority complex, you just deal with it a different way.
>Ooga Booga
>meanwhile he cries when someone makes a joke about white people not seasoning their food
holy shit you're insecure. you're a joke.
That last paragraph is total BS, you don't know a god damn thing about the plot besides what the bosses look like and that it takes place in montana
I just want to kill all the Brown people speaking foreign
This would be easier if the games themselves weren't being flooded with politics.
>demonizing a cult that kills people is bad
So you are all cool about paying thousands of dollars to stop the galactic overlord Xenu from throwing people into a volcano huh?
>muh pol muh pol muh pol!!!11
Let it all out reddit.
this is what you look like
Are the people who wrote this game stuck in like 1970? This shit is what a 50-60 years old thinks is edgy.
Real talk, those militia movements are fucking crazies though, they are to white people what niggers are to black people.
You'll effectively be killing white niggers.
Tfw born and raised in shitposting so all these pol cuckposting dont bother me non. Feels good
hi shareblue
>You'll effectively be killing white niggers.
Yes, good goy.
Stop relativizing everything. This is bad.
There is a wicked and widespread cultural pattern inspiring hatred and self hatred among white americans. This is disastrous and this game is only feeding the fire.
>lol triggered, who cares what race you kill? We've kill all kinds of races in far cry games
Who cares about anything at all then? I care and so should you, make an effort
>There is a wicked and widespread cultural pattern inspiring hatred and self hatred among white americans.
Baby boomers with white guilt?
The most delusional faggots on the internet, every one of you has lost every trace of self-awareness, sad little men
Fuck off cuck
Requesting trump edit to trigger nupol
Sup Forums has 4 fucking threads already going on about this. If anything, all this butthurt makes me want to play the game more.
This is why Anita is irrelevant. NOTHING you do is ever enough. Feminists stopped supporting her after her rant on "choice feminism" and shitting on Fury Road.
>If you complain when you're attacked, you're insecure.
And you're an idiot.
>militias are white supremacists
I made this just for you OP
Haven't really browsed Sup Forums since 2013
When did everyone become cucks?
>mfw you play as a violent racist Black Lives Matter activist who takes it upon themselves to kill a peaceful group of white Christians in the American heartland for their crime of whiteness, forcing them to fight back
Here's a better question for you: why are you buying a Ubisoft game in the first place?
Honestly I hope this sells like hot cakes just to trigger Sup Forums
It's Far Cry and probably fucking terrible, but that stop the previous games from selling millions
>people mad about the whites being bad guys, PC culture, politics, SJWs, grrrr
Maybe it's just because spooky hillbillies with lots of weapons weapons can be really cool and entertaining villains.
The only reason she is relevant is because this board went full retard a couple years ago.
If I say these out loud will it summon Cthulu?
2014 when moot pushed all the non-cucks to endlesschan.
The big bad in games is usally a white old guy anyway.
this isn't accurate in the slightest tho
>Forced out their home
>movies & tv
>hillbillys are bad
>yeah cool!
>hillbillys are bad
>OMG WTF / yeah fucking trump supporters get fucked!
I agree with that. Especially since you posted Boyd fucking Crowder.
But this is Ubisoft we're talking about. A Far Cry game.
This won't be Justified: the game.
It'll be handled extremely poorly and probably full of republican jokes or whatever.
Seriously, if they really manage to just make a great game about hillbillies, and a nice crime story, without going down the "dae hate trump" route, then I take everything back I've ever said about Ubisoft.
I haven't bought a farcry game since number 1.
All this rage from snowflakes has just guaranteed my preorder.
Hope I get to play as a native American, black or mexican guy and hunt me some good ol boys
Stop making Far Cry 5 threads.
probably just gonna be a reskinned farcry 4, adn that shit played the exact same as farcry 3, tell me why people care about this dead, sedentary franchise?
Not even a surprise, just stop buying Ubi games.
>purchasing a far cry game after 2
joke's on you bud
I'll stop posting them when you pry my keyboard from my cold dead hands.
>War Machine
>Far Cry 5
>LA LA Land
>Horizon Zero Dawn
>Alien: Covenant
Going heavy on the pro globalism, one world government narrative. Indoctrination through propaganda over multiple mediums.
this [current year] political shit is getting annoying. But you gotta change those millions of minds on refugees somehow.
I'm only seeing threads start by saying "lol r u triigrd". You guys already went back to what you accused Sup Forums of doing.
Fake picture
Prove it.
>implying the baker family weren't victims
it's ok when japan does it because they know how to make complex stories
if the main villain is going to be half as entertaining/amazing a villain as Boyd was, this game will be amazing. Somehow i doubt that though. Walton Goggins was fucking amazing in Justified.
> dat ending
I still think it's the best ending to a TV show i have ever seen.
Look, cultish hicks have been a popular antagonist since 70's exploitation movies. If you still get triggered by that then your insecurity has reached massive levels.
Um no sweetie I have better things to be doing. It's your job
K? thx
Farcry 1 was Americans you idiot, the only gooks are skeletons since the islands are abandoned WW2 bases
Aside from that the only people who are mad are either SJWs or autistic Sup Forums users who don't even play videogames
Walton Goggins said himself he would not play the dumb racist redneck trope and wanted something more for the character, ubisoft will have to actually think before writing their story which they are not really known to do
>triggered, insecurity
Why are all faggots using the same buzzwords?