Female soldiers in WW1

Female soldiers in WW1.

>reminder: dice is a swedish company.

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remember nobody cares how butthurt you are about decent people trying to put women in video games

>Battlefield 1 having anything to do with WW1

Can this meme die already?

To be honest there was more women in Russian imperial army than niggers in mainland German army.


>imagine having a dildo so far up your ass if you pulled it out you'd turn into this guy

God this game is fucking retarded

I have 300 hour into it, I think the game is still fun even though it's inaccurate as hell. Played every mainline BF, too.

I don't know if it's funny or sad that you might genuinely believe this.

They're called black people mate


Leave WW1 to me !

>anti-SJWs are once again butthurt and demanding a developer compromise their creative vision because it "offends" them even though they don't play video games in the first place

Goddamn I love being a SJW.

You're thinking of the wrong war.

history lesson in OP.

>reminder that Sup Forums is retarded.

Nope. Russians had their meme batallion of death consisted of women while Krauts had almost zero blacks in mainland Europe because they had no means of transporting troops from Africa.

>decent people
you think that brainwashing people into remembering history wrong just to push a political agenda makes them decent? holy shit just end your life

No he's not...you just don't know your history

nice hyperbole
gb2 stormfront

Also fucking lol at you describing yourself with that term

This is a WW1 propaganda poster.

Notice anything?


actually there was but they got created and deployed the last year of russia being into the war

Nobody gives a single shit about Battlefield in here since 2142.

What is Wikipedia, Alex?

>fucking lol
Reddit speak detected.

Show me a nigger soldier.

>posts unrelated bullshit in a thread about video games

yep. typical anti-SJW logic.

The funny thing is, since it's DICE putting girls in WW1, everybody is upset. But if it was some Japanese company putting lolis into their gritty realistic WW1 game, everybody would herald it as GOTY.

Fucking hypocrites.

>Blue eyes

Japs don't do gritty realistic.

i'll start.

>Far Cry 5
>Battlefield 1
>Mafia 3
How about you complain about games that would improve from removing SJWs, instead of pieces of shit that would remain pieces of shit even without SJW crap?

>Actually defending SJW
what a shitty timeline we live in.

I recall being told that was one Latvian girl who tomboyed up and signed up for defense of Riga in the 1919 independence war.
She survived but soon after went crazy, though.

>someone doesn't think like me waaaaaaaaaaaah

what a shitty timeline we live in

Anita Stevenson does not exist, you have been baited.

more like Swedenfield



europe needs a new war so they can stop being such fucking pussy bitches

she exists in the hearts of all swedes user.

Oh yeah, because americucks are real men.
Western civilization deserves to die.

stop being a pussy

too easy

don't you mean the EU burger?

>I enjoy being cancer why doesn't everyone just accept me waaahhh!

>90% of the game is unrealistic as fuck as far as WW1 is concerned
>no fuss
>add women as playable characters

hello mehmed

they were created for morale purpose and it backfired

>they unironically made a WWI shooter
Garbage setting that no one gives a fuck about.

It's a marketing strategy at this point. r/the_donald is so sensitive about white people that you just have to cast some as the antagonists, and they'll unironically do it for free on Sup Forums all the way up to the release, where they'll quickly forget.

hello john, ready to stop the muslim menace by complaining about videogames on the internet, and thinking jewish puppets will save you?
Ready to, for once, do SOMETHING about what you complain about, instead of NOT doing this or NOT doing that?

there is a difference between adding women because "yeah why not i don't give a fuck" and "MUH WOMYN!!!".

you're an idiot if you think this isn't forced diversity, just like the black soldiers.

i'm just the second (you), fuck off tyrone.

I kind of appreciate the effort they made into making the soldiers this time around sound scared shitless though



well we bomb the fuck outta them and you faggots take whats left alive so they can rape your women so its ok

>someone doesn't think like me waaaaaaaaaaaah
Yep, SJWs in a nutshell right there.

So no, you are not going to do anything about it, you'll vote for jewish puppets, you'll complain about videogames and call it a day.
And then you'll have the balls to be surprised about SJWs and muslims bombing the shit out of you.
Fucking lazy manchildren.

Politics in a nutshell.
All modern idealists are scum that deserve to be put down.

>having to drum up a bit of controversy on /vee/ to get people to play your dead af game.
Shaking my head family

it's no Red Orchestra though

Is this worth grabbing yet?

This was a weird amalgamation of 2 stories IIRC, the guy who owns street cars is a muslim and he requested all his drivers to give free rides. They used that pic because it was -really- good. I'd have to see their article to see if they credited him separately, but notice they said "drivers"

t. Mancunian.

they are not bombing me, they are bombing you because you faggots have absolutelly no balls

Too fuckin late brah BF2 will be out by the time you get around to grabbing it.

It would have backfired either way, people who went to WW1 returned to a different country, some managed to see their country change not once, but twice during the war

They will soon, and you will all deserve it for being week.

>This is the tipping point for some people
>Not the constantly rehashed gameplay


But there WERE female soldiers in WW1. Only a handful and they were not very effective, but they still fought and died.

A bit over the fucking top I reckon.

I really like this game, but it's because World War I is my favorite historical period. If you can get behind small amount of guns, overpowered planes and ahistorical bullshit it's pretty damn fun.

I hate when videogames make WW1 look like an exciting endeavor when in reality it was just a meatgrinder that ran for 4 years. Unless there's constant shelling murdering everything around you while you attempt not to die in a trench, it's super bullshit.


Because nobody in their right mind would play DICEshit desu, its fucking trash.

Remember is Sup Forums.

The western front wasn't the only front, and the western front was actually a lot of back and forth because attacks worked, but couldn't defend the counter-attacks.

Who cares?

Old Sup Forums could be, since it was pretty much Sup Forums
But neo-Sup Forums, full of redditors?
Fuck no.


Pick one, nigger

>implying your average CODkiddie wants to play a game that doesn't have 100 round sub machines and semi auto rifles
audiable lul.

If you're not anti sjw you're part of the problem.

There are a lot of western front maps that feel like just this.

Cъ нaми Бoгъ

Old Sup Forums wasn't like Sup Forums unless you were referring to old Sup Forums but that was a short while.

The Donald is the only down to earth sub on Reddit.

You should because WWII is going to be the next big meme.

It was actually fun, people just making fun of niggers and others instead of acting like le Anonymous like they do today.

The Donald is the least cancerous sub on Reddit.

You can tell you the lib shits areon here because they rant about the Donald but ignore the half dozen other far left subs that have spread to Sup Forums.


I'd fuck her.
I like buzzcuts

yeah Sup Forums use to be fun, then it got invaded by shills and then by no fun mods and then by shills again.

Sup Forums's tale really is a sad one.

Reddit is absolute cancer, there's no exceptions.

All of reddit is cancer and all of reddit is on Sup Forums now, not just cancerous r_donalds, but the SJW /r/worldnews and /r/sharebluefags too.


You learn something new every day

Yeah, and along The Donald redditors, you brought in ALL of reddit.
Now Sup Forums is full of redditors who type shit like
>le *action*
>omg this game is so toxic

Thank you very much.

>WWII is going to be the next big meme.
I already own Day of infamy.

>Good luck cunt I'm behind two hundred proxys

>the far right is good
>the far left is bad
I can't not smile every time I see somebody this self-deluded and unaware of what they sound like.