Botw Hard mode

So since you've never actually made a challenging game nintendo and you have the potential to save Botw from being mediocre with the upcoming hard mode. I decided to help you out here and tell you how to do it right because you always respond so well to player feedback.

1. Bringing up inventory does not pause the world and limit how much the player can eat. You could add a hunger meter or some shit to cap it. Also eating takes a sec or so and can be interrupted by enemies. Right now you can eat your way through any encouter.

2. Teleporting should also be interruptable and maybe capped per day so you actually need to use horses.

X. Add some more test of strength or something for all those shrines that haven nothing but a chest in them how lazy can you get ffs.

@. Add some more damn enemies that force you to adapt to different playstyles.

>teleporting cap
Yeah, because the fun part of world of warcraft was running in 1 direction for 30 minutes just to turn in your quests

>So since you've never actually made a challenging game nintendo

Your first suggestion is the only one that is needed, it would change the experience considerably.

Are you fucking kidding? Do even a small number of the dozens of sidequests and you steam roll anything because it is a jRPG with EXP points and just from mere stats alone, you WRECK EVERYONE. Get Melia and then you can cheese any boss with knockdowns all fucking day. Even for jRPG standards, this game was fucking easy.

Xenoblade is not challenging at all, you fucking scrub.


Your first two points are just stupid and annoying. They are things that autists like myself can impose on themselves anyway

>Your first two points are just stupid and annoying. They are things that autists like myself can impose on themselves anyway
>1. Bringing up inventory does not pause the world

Oh yeah I remember how I could just make the game do that.

It would have been somewhat challenging if only being a couple levels over an enemy didn't actually debuff the shit out of them.

>Bringing up inventory does not pause the world

This isn't dark souls. You have to pull open the inventory constantly to swap gear out. A simple cool down on eating is all you need.

There is nothing hard about traveling from point A to point B a second/third/fourth time over.

Pretty sure they already stated they are adding some big combat trial.

While more variety would be great it doesn't necessarily mean it'll add more difficulty. This point also conflicts with point 1 a little bit, as different enemy types may encourage you to gear swap even more often than you already do.

>. You have to pull open the inventory constantly to swap gear out.
So? I don't understand why the inventory not pausing the game being a bad thing.

Nintendo has made plenty of challenging games.
this isn't one of them.

>You have to pull open the inventory constantly to swap gear out.
You do that in Dark Souls too what?

I don't know if I'd say it's fun, but it adds a bit of realism to making the world feel like a world. You may think I'm defending it, but I'm not. It's just one of those things where traversing the world adds to the sense of adventuring.
Probably subjective though, I'm sure you'll disagree with me.

Some if he points you made were valid but you have to keep in mind that it is still a video game. Making things more tedious does not make things more challenging or fun.

Ironically, this sounds like the ramblings of a stupid child. Is that what you were going for OP?

Not nearly to the same extent as you do in BotW. Dark Souls your shit lasts damn near forever and you can swap weapons out with a single button. BotW your shit breaks constantly and you have to go menu diving to change your gear every single time.

Yeah ok sure Random Neckbeard on the Internet. We'll get RIGHT on that. Faggot.

I had quite a bit of trouble on a couple of bosses. Granted I played Shulk/Sharla/Dunban which I knew wasn't necessarily the best team. I especially had trouble facing the one chick the telethia duo girl and inside bionis where you fight in the heart or some shit.

>X. Add some more test of strength or something for all those shrines that haven nothing but a chest in them how lazy can you get ffs.

You moron, if the shrine is one room with a chest, that means you did the challenge associated with it before you even entered the shrine.

That said, yeah eating should be real time.
The game even already has both the ability to run around with items held in your hands and eating animations, so why the fuck not?

I disagree.

Also although I agree with some of the suggested changes, the teleportation limit is unessacary as it can be easily self-imposed

>I disagree.
Of course you do nintendofag

>using Sharla at all
>not using Melia to fight Lorithia
you fucked up