Let's talk about "Artificial enjoyment", or "Artificial fun"

Let's talk about "Artificial enjoyment", or "Artificial fun".

Artificial enjoyment is a phenomenon in which the player or players perceive to be withdrawing excitement, fulfillment, or pleasure from a source that is incapable of providing such feelings, the user is delusional from a combination of hype, artificial difficulty, and deep-seated insecurity stemming from probable and in most cases, sexual inferiority.

the dark souls series is notorious for demonstrating this phenomenon in a global scale.

Other urls found in this thread:


artifical fun is playing games that aren't Team Fortress 2. /thread

I actually think you're right. Maybe some people legitimately do find Souls games and Souls clones fun, but those people are obviously extremely warped.

If you're having fun, you're literally just having fun.
What you're talking about is people lying about liking something, you autist.

Dark souls is fun, go and kill yourselves, just because you don't find it fun doesn't mean other people can't, you're not the objective decider of if something is fun.

i am a researcher from a prestigious university doing a study on video games and the effects on the brain. the dark souls series is a fascinating phenomenon due to the sheer shallowness and barren amount of available content within each game. contrasted with the zombie like opinions of the fanbase it makes for a very interesting case of delusion and psychosis.

i'll be sure to share my findings with this board in the future

>I'm having fun
>no you're not actually having fun
>no, I like the game and I get enjoyment out of time spent playing it
>nope that's fake enjoyment
What kind of faggot autist thread is this

Picture not related.

The worst offenders in terms of the artificial fun are the western AAA games, that put the so-called cinematic experience over gameplay proper. All those one-button executions, trivialized automated platforming, lack of boss fights and other challenging elements, etc.

man you could probably start a study over how you mad cos u bad

Video games are artificial fun.

tfw you actually notice this isn't a shopped pic and he's not giving you a thumbs up.

I am fucking dumb

literally false. the souls games require nothing more than rote memorization and following simple instructions, there is no room for demonstrating critical thinking and reflexive intuition AKA "true skill"

this leads the catamite cult like follower of the series to believe that they are adept at something perceived as "tricky" or "difficult" when in reality, they are nothing more than simians who have learned and memorized a phone number.

Dark Souls is a cult, but I liked the atmosphere of the first half of dark Souls 1

The kind special snowflakes who ware spoiled by there parents make.
Because they acualy believe there opinion is somehow better than anyone else because they have the im a special boy complex.


I wish I could travel back in time to the point where the internet wasn't exclusively inhabited by retards.

Is you pretending to do a study for university artificial academic credibility?

Name game you think is good and you genuinely enjoy and i could also write about why its actually not fun by trowing around pseudo science bullshit.


>hell yeah i'm having fun
>no you're not, i decide if you have fun or not
the reddit invaders are starting to become a problem

Newfags love taking bait.

>hurr it's bait guys
and dolphins are rapists
We all know it's a bait you nigger, let us have fun


I love when people say this because you can apply that same logic to literally every single videogame in history, with the exception of VN's which are hardly games to begin with


So you be sayin' I'm unable to withdraw excitement and pleasure from playing videogames?

>using the same word being defined as part of the definition

You're a fuckijg idiot. I'm not even gonna look at your shitty thread. Troll harder, bitch.

You should do a study on this 4

Kill me

>or pleasure from a source that is incapable of providing such feelings.

What is the measurement used to define a source as capable (or incapable) of providing such feelings?

Let me guess, your opinion?


/Thread XD

the dullest franchise in the history of game franchises? Seriously each episode following the red wanderer and his pals from R2 and sometimes circle Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of shitty multiplayer, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when from software vetoed the idea of Antionades directing the series; they made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody? just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her their DLC. The Souls series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Kingdom Hearts series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the cutscenes were good though

"No!" The writing is dreadful; the cutscenes were terrible. As I watched, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "Praised the sun."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. From's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Bloodborne by the same Todd Howard. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are Playing Dark Souls at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to play Elder Scrolls online." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you play "Dark Souls" you are, in fact, trained to play Elder Scrolls.

ok dude

STUDY THIS! *unzips dick*

We were born just in time to see this utter masterpiece of a shitpost
what a time to be alive

unlike games such as quake, street fighter, and chess, the souls series utilized challenges that over time and with enough defeats, can be overcome by even the most simple brained of gamers.

we have found that youtube searches and walkthrough are heavily used by souls fans by a large margin over other games of a similar genre.

what are some other fake fun games

What was the original copypasta talking about anyways?

harry potter

Nice, you went to universality to confirm your bias? I bet your next study will be about how surprise surprise, playing games with friends releases more endorphins than playing alone.
Souls games aren't artificial enjoyment such a think does not exist. If you enjoy something it's because it is enjoyable. There is no way around it.
Now you can say it creates a sense of a achievement from an artificial goal, but all goals are constructed by our minds. If I feel accomplished for pushing a very big rock up a hill, it's because I did what I set out to do.
You can call it escapism for neglecting other goals in life and only pursing this one, but there is no such thing as artificial fun since all fun is subjective.

>responding to shitty bait thread

every day

This is by far the most retardedly pretentious thing I've ever read in my life. Good job OP, you've set the bar.

Like any video game ever.

You really failed to tweak this copypasta properly. See me after class.

Ds2 and Ds3 are literal garbage

>there are people out there that actually believe this

tell us about you user, anything to differentiate yourself from a million shitposters before you.

This so much. OP is upset because he doesn't like a game, so he wants to make a fake study about it. Hell, I don't like the Souls games, but that doesn't mean they're objectively bad, just that I'm not a part of the target audience.

People enjoy video games because they fulfill some psychological need. Most video games simulate real life experiences (or experiences similar to what could be experienced in real life) without the risk of said experiences. The Souls games simulate the experience of violent combat, giving the player the same catharsis given when someone beats the shit out of someone else IRL, except there's no risk like there is in reality.

If you really are doing a study on video games, do it on something more like this, not your armchair-psychologist opinionated bullshit.

1 more year till his kind hits the mainstream. Prepare your anus because this will be the status quo. The artificial meme and souls like meme have gone too far for anything else to happen now.

lol meme boi tryna type all formal just to make it seem like his argument is valid but really he just a cuck

Right after you check this 6

Wow OP read a fucking book.

Not video games.