This is the most fun MMO, and that's simple to prove. It's always functionally 3D, so it has that on most MMOs...

This is the most fun MMO, and that's simple to prove. It's always functionally 3D, so it has that on most MMOs.. It;s also the most go-fast.

Inb4 zz and spreadsheet memes. If you actually have a question, just ask it.

My question is why do you intentionally lie on the Internet and advertise it to everyone?
Y'know there was an EVE clone made with mechs, and it only failed because it didn't already have a community that had sunken massive costs into it for over 10 years right?

Perpetuum is cool, but it's not really 3D; nor is the training aspect of either game super interesting to new characters. I posted on their forum suggesting to remove the skill training to no reply.

Also, it would help criticizing a specific claim.

EVE is one of a kind but it's not for everyone. I got on and off with it every few years.

Still doesn't change the fact that it still is quite a lot to take in when you start playing the game. Also some of the recent PLEX and injector changes fucked up the market by quite a margin.

The game is deep, and 99% have yet to experience it.

It is but then again it's more about what you do not how you do.
The "what" part is really diverse and deep in basically any thing you'll tackle to do. The "how" part actually sucks.

.. at least in any reasonable manner. *

Not an argument.

You think EVE started it had a community that had already played it for 10 years?


>1.4B plex

I enjoyed it when I played it about 5 years ago. I always thought I would maybe go back to it. I never found my place whether it was mining (boring as shit), fighting/ratting or trading/manafacturing. I ended up doing loads of it and never really sticking to one so my character kinda had skills everywhere. I joined a nulsec corp too which was fun whilst it lasted, but it was always just kill a few rats as a group, or mine as a group with everyone pitching in and then split the pot.

The game itself feels slow, and I also hated how the player who started playing before you will always be better than you because of the wait time on skills, regardless of what skills they are and you can't grind out skills like other games with exp etc.

If I went back to it, would I use the same account or would creating a new one be more beneficial? Sell it to me OP.

I think EVE had no competition for at least 10 years

literally the only thing worth doing is exploration and pvp, everything else is fucking boring

I used to think EVE was an MMO but when you go to login it only used to say like 40k playing. That's fucking nothing compared to other MMO's.

1) EvE is one of the most fun MMOs
2) EvE requires more time input - both play time and real time - than most MMOs

It simultaneously makes EvE one of the best and one of the worst. The "second job" joke about MMOs is closer to reality here.

So you're saying don't play it?

if you MUST play an MMO eve is probably the best one, otherwise play something else because its just not that fun

Except it's really easy to find quick content.

I don't think I could commit time to an MMO again to be honest. Learning everything for the first time again would seem cool but I'm 30 this year and I feel like I'm growing out of them, although I know the EVE audience is probably like 30+ average anyway.

doing anything in this game takes ages
but I have to admit the Sup Forums corp was kinda fun


I'm currently playing through this as a total newfag, how gimped am as an alpha?

>WoW is a sandbox
If anything Star Wars would have made more sense nigga, but regardless of that I don't hear about any player control down to "you can't fucking go anywhere kiddo just delete your account" player agency

Apples and oranges


It went Ultima > Everquest > EVE > WoW

Sprinkle some shitty games like Maplestory, Runescape etc inbetween.

Just consider it an unlimited trial period. You'd have to have a lot of knowledge of the game to maximize fun with the skills you can get.

I'd commit to something like an MMO but only because of the persistence.
If you pitch the game to be something related to persistence, but had gameplay that respects the actual amount of players it needs to be fun (so it doesn't enable the presence of thousands of players just for TD and gameplay exclusively for LARPers), I'd play.

Something like Wurm but with a more sensible grind/world interaction/things to do

very limited in what ships you can fly, you can make decent ISK from wormhole exploration

all-out doesnt have ships though so why would anyone join

I enjoy exporlation in null sec and talking shit to radom people who show up in system while I'm in a cloaked heron

Stop posting western garbage.


It did though.