What are some games where I can make a huge fool out of myself and show the whole world how brainwashed I am?

What are some games where I can make a huge fool out of myself and show the whole world how brainwashed I am?

Come on, man. If you want to go around triggering Sup Forumstards, there's already five billion Far Cry 4 threads going around for that exact purpose.

Parappa the Rapper



The Mass Effect series


>have a non-PC opinion
>be brainwashed
Fuck DrumpfTron amirite reddit?


>t. tumblr

>be brainwashed by mainstream liberal media
>think anyone who doesn't agree with you is brainwashed
It's truly amazing

Jontron is woke

>It's ok to be brainwashed by Breitbart

>dude if you think something that goes against the mainstream narrative then you're brainwashed LOL

All of you are brainwashed sheep and I'm the only one capable of original thought.

Prove me wrong.

Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your savior?


>Brian washed
>Reading Breitbart

Pick one

>being brainwashed by the Christian Jew

>everyone who doesn't agree with PC culture bullshit is a Trump-voting InfoWars reader
Us v Them identity politics didn't win you this election and won't win you the next one bud

i'll allow it, carry on

>tfw living in sweden
Im convinced this whole country is just a brainwashing experiment

I'm sorry

>kikeslave calling others brainwashed

fat pewdiepie

What the fuck is he even doing nowadays? When was the last time he made a video?

Technically speaking he wasn't quite incorrect.


op's pic not related

>some people still dont think men age better than women

A beard goes a long way

I guarantee his wife could grow better facial hair than he does.

They look disgusting on that last picture.

jontron did nothing wrong

>where I can make a huge fool out of myself and show the whole world how brainwashed I am?
I mean you could just post another thread if this one wasn't good enough for you.

I'm sorry swedenbro

Try Gone Home faggot

I always thought she was kind of a butterface before but geeze she has not aged gracefully.

Holy fuck, use that youtube money to suck all that fat. Right now it looks like some sort of blob is wearing her skin.

>says something to offend the normies
>subscriber count only declined by 4k (or one eight of one percent of his 3,000,00 subs)
Really cooks the bacon

All we know is that outta the official cutest Newgrounds couple is that the title goes to Zach and Nikki

I think it actually increased for a while, but it had been on and continues to be on a slight decline because he's so slow at uploading content.

anything by bioware


Yeah when I looked at his sub count, it was previously about 1.5k a day increase, but now only about 800 a day. I waiting for him to upload more shit. My favorite was still the blizzard rant

>When was the last time he made a video?
Just 4 months ago. It's Jontron we're talking about.
