Still the best Alien game prove me wrong

Still the best Alien game prove me wrong.

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Aliens vs Predator (1999) is better, but aside from that, it has no competition. I'd play the shit out of it, but being a dumbass, I can't figure out why there's so much mouse lag.

You're not wrong.

AvP 1 was great but not better.

>reaching the Hive

>prove me wrong.

playing as alien in avp2010 was smooth tho,
but you are not wrong.

>you will never play AvP2 multiplayer wth Sup Forums ever again

AvP1 was scarrier, AvP2 was too bright

I miss the good old days where I would wreck anyone in multiplayer with the runner alien.

Are the Marines on the cover all black? Did Sup Forums bitch incessantly about this when the game released?


The single player was fantastic but the multiplayer man, especially after the previous ones

>rock-paper-scissors melee combat
>no fun game modes like evac, different race survival, different race hunt
>no class specializations
>no life-cycle
>no different classes at all
>tiny, convoluted maps
>predator "jump to spot" action
>backstab executions (WOO BACKSTAB TRAIN)
>no taunt button

Mein italian nigga.
Did my first ram upgrade to play with it 32->64.

We could do it again. It's been a few years since I last played

>overrun on that compound map

should I play this?
tried the demo back in the day, wasn't impressed at all

>survival on quarantine
>all in the basement
>"assigned" to the front door at quarantine
>being best marine Jones
>out of rockets
>6 of us vs 10 aliens
>some ass refusing to share ammo box cause MUH PULSE RIFLE
>got shotgun
>all marines standing in position
>completely silent for nearly a minute
>mfw *BLEEP*

>console rts

I'm not even going to.
Man I'd love to play that multi again, headshotting everyone with speargun as light pred, ppl raging and accusing me of aimbot on it, adding your name on the sniper rifle texture via photoshop, being kicked from servers for staggering. Best online game ever.

>playing dark levels in 1999 AvP and trying to find the xenos with the shitty ass flashlight

Its good give it a go

This game did everything right

Predators make AvP games worse.
They should just have called them AvM

All this thread is doing is making me even sadder about how shit Colonial Marines was.

Co-op multiplayer as marines holding off xenomorphs is the perfect game pitch, yet Gearbox managed to fuck it all up by being the dumbest cunts in the industry.

>mfw being a heavy predator in avp2 multi

Predators were top tier fun.

AvP 1 is harder, but it's not scary. There's hardly any plot, level design is terrible and the game is way too fast.


Now just hold on th-


Never mind.

>tanking a point blank shotgun blast and marine dying to your acid

>Bang bang
>Did someone tickle me?
>[Prae-bae] Acid [pR0_M4r!3R_XxX_1337]

>Released 2010
>15 euros on Steam
>10 euros on keyseller sites


Whoever said you were wrong?

its not worth even 5

Not even half as good as AVP2.

Guess I'll just put it on the wishlist and wait then

thanks for the blog post

AvP 2010 was fun.

Fuck off /antipol/, we don't need you to ree about things nobody is reeing about.

I played through each campaign at least twice,
Hunting humans as Xeno was most fun.

Marine campaign can get annoying at sticking points but is otherwise one of my favourite FPS.

Multiplayer was awesome as alien, but pretty average as everything else.

I don't see how this didn't get at least solid 8/10 reviews.

It is a really solid game, really diverse with a completely OK story considering its AVP, and AVP is usually pretty horseshit plot wise.

avp1 did xenos better(more random, faster, deadlier)

No probs, tune in next week for my review of Vanquish

>There will never be a sequel to AvP2
>You will never play again as either marine, xeno or Yautja
>In case of marine, you will never play as Andrew "Frosty" Harrison and go three times into an Alien Hive filled with Facehuggers, Drones, Praetorians and more
>You will never get into A.L.I.C.E. in order to get to your dudes

I'm in very deep pain here.

And console only.


The idea is sweet, but the fact that it's console killed it.

oh boy I get to read review by a noob on a game I finished years ago?

cant wait!

Tactical squad game done similarly to SWAT 3/4 where you lead marines to save colonists or ship crew.

>still no new Concrete Jungle-like video game


Isn't Natural Selection basically a spiritual AvP succesor?

this is what we wanted and what we will never ever get

>tanking a point blank shotgun blast and marine dying to your acid
Then you remember that marines usually use OHK Sniper Rifles in all situations or just nade you with pulse rifle :^)

t. never played better avp games.

I would be happy even with a left 4 dead but with aliens instead


Is there anyway to emulate it?

> bitter mustardfags

Lol did you faggots really never grow up with a Xbox or PS2?

Game was fun as fuck, sucks to be you.

Jockey -> Facehugger
Hunter -> Aylien
Smoker -> Aylien or Weyland android with mission
Boomer -> Predaylien
Tank -> Praetorian
I guess that's how it'd go but what the hell would the witch be?

>what the hell would the witch be?

some of those android fucks, they were bitches in the movies too

>get ps2 for like $30
>get game for $25
Wow, so hard. Maybe I just like having my games on one device.

Because we are hated.

The PSX2 emulator is the first step. Then get a ISO of the game for the PS2 and voila.

But in all honesty if it had multi, then it would've had a longer lifespan.

The thing is it was ONLY on consoles and it didn't had a multiplayer. A must in RTS games.

Because of this it didn't live that long.

Pity since Ravagers are fun.

Is isolation worth it?

> multiplayer RTS

> having any sort of lifespan

Lol, you mean like Greygoo? Or any RTS that isn't starcraft 2?

Only thing the game was missing is a fucking skirmish mode.

> steam

You don't even own those games m8

>skirmish mode.
That too.

Also I meant any sort of RTS that is not SCII and is still alive to this day.

Probably the most on-point Alien game since the marine campaign in AvP.

Its issue is that the pacing gets all wonky towards the last third of the game. Otherwise it's fantastic.

if you get over the fact that the alien just spawns next to you instead or free roaming the area then sure

>Rocksteady developed Predator game

Yay or Nay?

They wouldn't know how.

>still no sequel
>Lance Henrikson will probably die before you hear his voice in a new piece of media again

There's a mod that greatly extends the tether between the player and the alien, making it act more natural (ie it doesn't magically know which area you're in), but also opening up for more unexpected appearances.

Predator is not interesting enough to have a game on his own.

hes pretty much a generic splinter cell agent character, yeah just play splinter cell basically instead

Hes good enough to warrant his own campaign on a regular avp game but thats it

so i just realized that microsoft gimped the disk mounter in windows 10 and it wont mount anything that isnt an NTFS volume so what is a good disk mounting program in 2017?

I would agree, with the addition that he would be OP in a splinter cell type game, if you do a Predator game it should take place in the jungle and you play as one of a group of humans trying to survive.

PowerISO, till the end of time

daemon tools lite

The singleplayer was terrible, the only good part was being able to be stealthy as Xeno.

nope both of those have installers that include "offers" i refuse to use that sort of bullshit

The whole "combo them until you can cutscene them" idea of combat was terrible. Led to some imbalanced as fuck multiplayer too.

if you're too stupid to install it then you have no busyness using disk mounters anyway

Any Alien game emulating Aliens or AvP is trash for nostalgic manchildren. Alien Isolation is the only one worth your time.

Get WinCDEmu you stupid faggot.

>dont want to support developers with shitty practices
>hurr you must be too stupid to install it

i found a better solution called winCDemu no offers no bullshit just an installer

I found a few developer ps2s at a garage sale a year ago and fired this game up after all these years. There's only a campaign mode and it isn't that good. I really wish it had some multiplayer or a skirmish kind of game mode. Could have been way better.

>cant click the ''YES I WANT THAT TOOLBAR'' off
>why are you calling me stupid?

the problem is not rather or not you could refuse the problem is them bundling it in the first place it should be illigal to package installers with "offers" its dinshonest and shitty

I guess its true what they say. Autists can really not accept blame or responsibility and will blame everyone else instead.

>hurr you dont want to support the spread of shitware? you must be an autist

i clicked cancel the second i saw the fact they had "offers" and like i said winCDemu is better in every conceivable way

yes yes user I will be patient with you its ok no one will think less of you

>defending shitty practices

do you think killing net neutrality is also a good idea?

Im using this article to help me talk to you but they dont say how to deal with stupid questions

Help me out here

i think its time for me to leave you be seems you are having comprehension issues

no wait Im sorry, what did I do wrong? do you need a moment to ''stim''?

damn wikihow

Ahh, not so fast Morty. You heard your mom, we’ve got adventures to go on Morty. Just you and me, and sometimes your sister, and sometimes your mom, but NEVER your dad! You wanna know why Morty? Because he CROSSED me.

>mfw I was the only one that bought it

fucking couldahve been great if I had had people to play against

AvP 2010 multiplayer was unbelievably awful.

What do you guys use to make avp2 run well on higher resolutions?

are you an ign reviewer ?

just get mods

sure it was kiddo

the multiplayer was amazingly fun...

until the human in your team got the seeking missile that missile was the strongest thing in the game

I was a huge avp2 fan and this was a major disapointment.

maybe the single player is sort of ok

>do you need a moment to "stim"?
I'm cracking up rn

gog release when