All these butthurt Alt-rightfags getting triggered by Farcry 5 have never played Manhunt

All these butthurt Alt-rightfags getting triggered by Farcry 5 have never played Manhunt.

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manhunt wasn't made by SJWs

Looks like shit

manhunt wasnt made by kikes trying to push an agenda

The snuff film aesthetic was OK, but no Swastika I guess.

"Looks like we got us a half-breed, fellahs."

At this point, there's not need for a swastika variant. Just use the actual thing.

those guys were complete jokes though, white trash hillbillies living in a junkyard that were there to provide you your first real challenge after the tutorial was done with The Hoods

hell, even Starkweather approves and encourages your murder spree with them in the beginning of a level

Manhunt had all kinds of vilains. The main antagonist pretty much is a Jewish porn magnate.

if it came out today you'd be saying it was though

maybe, but only because current rockstar is jew central

How do you know every single persons political view in a company?

kind of like real life

The different is that an ultra-violent Rockstar game with a snuff film aesthetic is somehow far less hamfisted than any Ubisoft game.

They have the last supper imagery on the cover for fuck sake. There's no subtlety.

actions speak louder than words

>implying Sup Forums plays videogames at all

Like manhunt

>current rockstar is jew central
>company founded by 2 jews
Rockstar was always koshier

How about Unreal 2? You play a black guy on a ship with a white woman, a bowl of gelatin, and the only white dudes are bad guys or the drunken cripple on your ship.

Oh that's right, it was ok then because SJWs hadn't infiltrated or some shit.

Tons of them do. The fact SJW games fail proves it.

pol gets triggered by everything, nothing new here

Battlefield 1 failed so hard right??? Overwatch? Mafia 3? WD2?

You know who fail everytime? Far right faggots in wars

>mafia 3 didn't fail

>all these leftists in full force against conservative minded centre right

Wow, the sjw cucks really are invading Sup Forums and organizing through their discord. Sad!

>watchdogs 2 didn't fail

I'm alt-right, not offended by Farcry 5, and I enjoyed the fuck out of Manhunt.

I just hope Farcry 5 is better than 4 and Primal though.

I hope you all have a good day.


WW2 again ;D ready to lose?


>im alt-right

He is the almighty Sup Forumstard, he knows everything about everything.

>low hanging fruit

>nazi germany
>fascist italy
>nationalist serbs


Also its pretty funny that arabs and niggers are mostly far right, really show that its the most primitive political ideology

They're always right, from what I've heard


Manhunt was good though

Said it last thread
Ubisoft is an SJW company

>retarded nigger killing drumpf and KKK
>gay nigger hacking the patriarchy, drumpf, and KKK
>strong independent cave nigger spear stab xenophobic homo erectus

Expecting anything different makes you a retard, their games are shit regardless of content because they're all a bunch of shriveled kikes who have no clue how to make a game and hire the cheapest talent they can while getting all their marketing research through tumblr.
Their next game will be SJW shit too, and their next one until they get bought out and liquidated because they operate at a loss.

Either Yves Guillemot is a retard, wants to make the company useless before Vivendi does a hostile take-over, or has been using his company to launder money gained through tax evasion and cooking books.

Stop making these threads, stop playing bad video games, go read a book or something retard.

>we will never get a modern manhunt
it would be too good for this world anyways

Back to r_donaldino ;D

you sound triggered you little whiny bitch

Good insult you fat fucking baby.

someone here mentioned they are being buyed by Vivendi is that true? theres nothing i would love more than see this company die by them.


>dem Manhunt reference in GTA3

Says the faggot who typed this

its a western. religious cult is par for the course

They are

In October 2015, French mass media company Vivendi bought a 6% stake in Ubisoft.[11] In February 2016, Ubisoft's Yves Guillemot and his brother asked for more Canadian investors, to help prevent a hostile takeover by Vivendi.[12][13][14] Earlier in the month, a hostile bid worth €500 million on Gameloft,[15] by Vivendi's chairman Vincent Bolloré raised their stake in Ubisoft to 15%.[12] As of December 2016, Vivendi has increased their holds to 25.15% controlling stake in Ubisoft.[16]

Says the faggot who typed this

>nazi Germany list
And everyone is worse off because of it. Idiots seem to think the reason WW2 was started was because of the Jews. It's wrong though. Look up the real reason WW2 happened.

>You're either Sup Forums or SJW

Fucking this

They can't handle that the world is getting progressive, and that naziism and the white race are dying. Loving these racist tears, and I can't wait for some more when the inevitably get triggered again.

You're either Normal or an SJW.

Dear god Vivendi need to hurry before Ubisoft goes fulll autism.
Is Vivendi good or bad?

They weren't born when Manhunt came out.

Ironically, 1940's under Hitler was better than modern days.

So Hitler turned out to be right in the end as always.

I think it's faux alt-right trolling.

Everyone knows Christian fundamentalists exist, are armed, and have abusive exploitative cult like behaviors and often times sell drugs. They just don't suicide bomb American shopping malls or concerts and generally keep to themselves.

Only poltards care about this depiction of their glorious white trash redneck heroes

The difference is in manhunt you were killing skinhead criminal degenerates. And the mc is sort of a bad guy

In Farcry 5 you are ruthlessly murdering hundreds of people protecting their community, minding their own business in the middle of fucking nowhere

In previous far crys you were killing mercenaries who murdered for money.

Not to mention the political situation

I didn't really get them being included as some political slant.

Much like Manhunt having escaped convicts from a mental-asylum didn't strike me as being anti-mental patient.

Mafia 3 and Watch Dogs 2 were huge failures.

Everybody is a brave nazi on the internet aren't they?

No better than Sup Forums desu senpai

They're French

Mafia 3 is the fasting selling 2K game ever

I live in SoCali and proclaim my support for Hitler and NatSoc all the time.

They'll liquidate the company and hold on to the rights surely. They're French so I guarantee even if they get political their work will at least be better quality.

The alt-right are mentally ill. It's only a matter of time until a villain being simply white is offensive to them.

SJWs don't own guns and don't know how to fight, it's not hard to be brave against a pathetic animal devoid of intelligence. Give them a smack on their face and it'll probably cave their dome.

That game that came out when most members of the alt-right were still shitting in diapers. Why would you expect them to play it?



He's right libcucks can't take hits and cry.

Yeah, like the time when they said that ebola will ruin many countries, ruin the world

So so right

Same for San andreas.

It if was out today, it will trigger everyone

Just do your own game then

>living under a foreign occupation which can deprive you of resources and freedom.
>uncultured migrant hordes eroding your cities.

A smart man wouldn't choose either.

This, I laugh like a madman whenever I see retards here talk about Sup Forums getting triggered. This board whines more than every other one combined. Consolewars, "muh piracy", "muh sjws", "muh Sup Forums", "muh japanese games", and just general complaining about people who like things they dont like, especially when a new game comes out. something something glass house and throwing stones.

A smart man would know Hitler was right and wouldn't believe the jewllywood propaganda.

Daily reminder that these are the kind of people that are being offended by Farcry 5.

I'm triggered by faggots who create Ubisoft threads instead of getting some standards.

Don't go against the narrative

I know for a fact that I've finished Manhunt before but I hardly remember any of it except for the junkyard part where you have to carry the gas canister and how I dreaded the thought of meeting Pigsy later on. I remember unlocking the sawed off shotgun cheat and all so I must have finished the game.



fuck you siege was great
note the "was"

guys what should I play first, blaster master or shovel knight?

They're pretty open about it nowadays on the social medias.

I think the difference is that it is a culture war at this point. Preferring PC over console, piracy, and my uguu~ games isn't going to impact society.

Games that promote the demonetization of Whites and anything to the right in political spectrum is going to indoctrinate future generations and culturally change it.

Those were proven to be airsoft by /k/

Black guy here, san andreas, far cry 2 and other games never triggered me.

Why some white guys here are triggered? Not every white are extreme nationalist obviously.

And the MC might be white

>indoctrinate future generations

I seriously LOVE this argument, because everyone on Sup Forums its an expert mentalist that can tell how the message of media impact society and children, when actually that shit its harder than most people think and a lot less effective I mean seriously, if there was an effort from some secret organization to brainwash children, developing video games its a terrible way of doing it.

There is nothing wrong with nationalism.


They're as soulless corporate as it gets, all their SJW stuff is hammy 'US TOLERANT GAMERS AMIRITE' cashgrabbing.

>the far right fails at wars
I'll tell you right now if leftists fought our wars everyone would be speaking Japanese

I said EXTREME nationalism

>Who could be behind this post

There is nothing wrong with nationalism, period.

>People actually spend time doing this shit

Autism has no limit

Like killing white person just because they're not enough "american"?

Define not American enough?


>No pray before dinner

Atheist are just long arms of the left and the left always ruins any society.

Unless it's a different nation's nationalism.

>implying people on Sup Forums have played manhunt