What are some video games where the villains turn out to be the good guys all along?
What are some video games where the villains turn out to be the good guys all along?
What a blatant Sup Forums thread.
Maybe you posted it? Ubisoft are Canadicucks, so no. No it wont be.
>posting tumblr tier cancer from Sup Forumsmblr
I wonder who is behind this post? Libtards are out in full force today.
What's his name again?
At least run the shitposting threads to 404 before making more.
Kaz "Pull the trigger on a ... wait wrong meme.
I can't wait to see that
>a Christian Right wing cult
>ever becoming militant
I'm beginning to think game developers might not understand the South at all. At most a family might go off the grid completely.
I can't wait for all the psycho far-right babies to scream all day on Sup Forums and make a never-ending stream of threads about this for years.
t. flase flagging libcuck
Its not her turn friendo :3
>game developers might not understand anything outside their very limited sphere of personal experience
So if I play Far Cry 5 I get to trigger both SJWs & Sup Forumstards?
Count me in.
>The South
read this as
>dying franchise that people stopped caring about two entries ago makes desperate bid for attention
i'd almost be upset if it wasn't ubishit and if it wasn't a completely dead franchise, but this just reeks of desperation. remember not to fall for their ruse; sage and hide.
What did he mean by this?
South of Canada is too close to the mason-dixon line for leafs.
Tulsa Race Riot
Can I join the "bad" guys in this game?
>far cry
>anything but set dressing
Once again, Anita proves to everyone that she doesn't actually play video games.
this is why leftist cucks are losing
waco wasn't militant
Really makes you think, doesn't it...?
none of those are christian organizations
>waco wasn't militant
I bet you actually believe this too.
>b-b-but that's not REAL Christianity!!!!!
Lmao, you sound like a socialist cuckhold
>Christian right-wing US southerners
>not militant
I know the right is allergic to facts, but come on, there has to be a limit to this shit. It may not happen often, but the dummies on the far right get up in literal arms over everything, whether it's shooting people for looking like an immigrant or shooting people who dare to vote for the political candidate of their choice, or taking and occupying public buildings by force. Enough people get shot or threatened by right-wing country folks that we have to monitor them like they're a whole other wing of fucking terrorism. I know because I live with them. My neighbor put rifle shots across my other neighbor's driveway trying to shoot a fox, right where the other neighbor's kids play, and when the cops came and caught him in a lie about where he was positioned while shooting and gave him a warning, he told them that he was going to build a compound for the next time they came.
they all used christian rhetoric and self identified as christian. What more do you want?
No, god, please, not reality! I can't take it! Wait, hold on, just let me think of how I can use semantics and denial to stay sane and I'll reply to you in a minute.
>Libtards are out in full force today.
Stupid americans believing in the liberal/conservative false dichotomy, cant you see that both of you play the game of the jew?
tumblrinas promote the LGBTQwerty agenda, while conservatives promote the destrucion of countries enemies of Israel
>Lmao, you sound like a socialist cuckhold
care to explain
unlike muslim's organizations where after each terror attack nobody apologizes, Christian authorities specifically stated what is Christian and what is not
>cant you see that both of you play the game of the jew?
So you're a conservative.
>he thinks an apology means anything
>m-muh feelings!!!!
the tables have turned
I know it's hard to believe, but the vocal far-right on Sup Forums only started to exist at all with Obama, and only found their faggy little voice near the end of his term. As a whole, the userbase has always been mostly liberal and apolitical.
So whats the winning move if everything is corrupt and owned by (((them)))?
I like how you couldn't even name a single violent act perpetrated by a militia other than your little anecdote that probably didn't even happen the way you say
Ben "Im a libertarian until some kids edit my cartoons, so I call daddy goverment to protect me from random children" Garrison
>care to explain
>b-but that wasn't REAL communism!!!!
read with your eyes buddy
I don't know what's bait and what's not anymore, send help
I wouldn't call Protestants "good guys".
>you can only be cnservative or liberal
Is that the american education I keep hearing about?
any ww2 game
>unlike muslim's organizations where after each terror attack nobody apologizes, Christian authorities specifically stated what is Christian and what is not
of course there are muslim organizations that apologize after terrorist attacks, it just doesn't tend to get plastered all over the news. But the existence of those organizations does not make the terrorists no longer muslim does it? Of course it doesnt, they may not be representative of their religion in the eyes of the masses of that religion, but it would be some overly politically correct nonsense to insinuate that being terrorists disqualifies them as muslims inherently.
Why would the cast be any different for christians?
>implying any of those would even consider themselves Catholic
Just embrace it.
it's not about feelings really, i find it funny that after each terror attack made by muslims the whole world has to listen and read #NOTALLMUSLIMS #MuslimsAreTheVictims, like all the dead they make among hindus, buddists, shintoists, christians etc don't count each time because Muh KKK Muh taxi drivers Muh Islamophobia
literally the first thing some muslim Head said is that the Manchester muslim community is under attack, no apology
Sup Forums and the alt-ers got BTFO
Everything is bait in these threads desu.
Everyone needs to stop arguing about how they're white and ask the real questions. How the fuck would the main plot for any Farcry game even fly in America? I don't care how abandoned the place is, it wouldn't be allowed.
On the bright side they don't need to worry about their office getting shot up like if they did a game about shooting Muslims, Americans only shoot up schools.
Then why does ISIS target muslims more than non-muslims?
Are there any nuke silos in Montanna? Maybe they took one and the government is pussy footing around.
What language is this post written in
I dont know user, you see, the countries that fight against Israel's interests get destroyed or harassed to economic destruction, but are hated by american liberals and conservatives equally.
Americans would have to read a book of two for them to understand how to fight the jew, but come on man
>complain about Sup Forums on Sup Forums
>tumblr is now in the vidya itself
Get your priorities straight, Sup Forumsirgins
because ISIS and Imans are basically like Mafia. Power control over people with terror attack, with obviously more deaths in muslim countries.
Part of what makes the World hate muslims is that they do NOTHING to go against this system but instead they fuel it with hate.
Do you know some fucked up Imams that talk about jihad shit? go to the police, you do not? then you are part of the problem