Are games getting progressively better when it comes to sex appeal?

Are games getting progressively better when it comes to sex appeal?

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Not really.



Is that a coffee table? Is she thinking about inviting her over for a cuppa joe?



But nu-Lara>old Lara when it comes to sex appeal.
Old Lara was god tier for raiding tombs, but she can't compete with rotr lara

>draws porn
>draws nulara at an angle so you can't see her ass
>draws oldlara at a poor angle where you can't appreciate dem titties
fucking hate jago


Left photo is unironically better looking

Right has too much shading and is completely unrealistic

kinda? its less weird nipple armor like that and more actual women. western devs are entering the uncanny valley though a lot which is a rough patch that i think we're getting through within the next year and a half honestly.

Oh, boy.

is that a Skyrim mod?


Manfaces seem popular among Western devs.

Mods help alot, especially in Elder Scrolls and Bethesdas Fallout games.

The left pic is literally a few pixels, while the right atleast resembles a human being.

I've yet to see a good game with good cocks

Shin Megami Tensei II

play age of conan they put physics on the cocks there.

Excessive fan-service is a good indicator that the actual game is shit.
Good games integrate sexual themes into the world (i.e. Witcher series) in a way that makes sense.


The term is flat as a board you dumb cunt.

You're as stupid as the "artist"


Nigger, we went from fake Tomb Rider nude cheats to fully voiced 30 minutemanal, vaginal, oral hardcore gangbangs.
I say that, despite everything, we can only move forward.


you're gay, son?

One more webm I'll be.

more Nigri please

I would rather just fuck an actual horse



its not a term, its a phrase you inbred.

and he wasn't saying the phrase, he was defining the image.

Why is she so fucking lanky? Isn't she supposed to be a hunter?


Ya, na. I'll stick to perfect 2d, thanks.


It is a term you dumb cunt.

Way to make yourself look like a fucking retard while defending one.

How does she fight with those little twig arms?

>Why is she so fucking lanky?
Lanky? (tall-skinny?) dunno, maybe it's just the pose, she's a midget

>Isn't she supposed to be a hunter?
yes, kinda

Zack Effron really let himself go.

This. She's so lanky for someone that's supposed to draw a bow

>Jessica Niggery gets paid a quarter million dollars per month just to exist
Can someone explain this to me?

Inb4 "she's hot" even if she is there are better looking girls than her that make much less money whoring themselves out in much more difficult ways

Not enough of a woman for me. She needs more meat on her bones

>she's hot
she is popular

In 20 years, porn simulators 8K@60 will fuck anything.

Marketing and pandering.

Most women are too stupid to realize just how much money pathetic virgins are willing to throw at them, but the few that do end up like her.

Others go even further, like Felicia Day.

Only Japanese/Slavic ones at this point. Western devs love man jaws and slimy skin now (except overwatch which choose $$$ over politics).

you're right, but mind that her bow is smaller and made purposely for huntresses

Japanese games are but western games are getting worse.

Kate Upton got $40 million to do commercials for a fucking freemium cell phone game

Overwatch could seel 10x as more if they actually did fanservice properly.

Even Blizzard, who's historically been pretty open to fanservice, has pruned up a bit.

>but mind that her bow is smaller and made purposely for huntresses
She also hunts giant robots with said bow.
Then again she lives in a world where everybody is fucking retarded and you can kill a fucking army by hidding behind a flower.

This. More THICCer and also with a huge dong

We're just lucky most women are too stupid to realize the potential of beta bux and the internet. Any moderately cute girl with some setup and planning could easily do a whole range of shit from ASMR videos to game streaming and never have to work at all from betas throwing money at them.

>More THICCer and also with a huge dong
Just give her a magical d

not for me, games stopped using anthro characters a long time ago

One could argue a table is a board with legs.
Women who are flat are a board with legs.

Check mate.

can you get good ass shots of her?

Women don't need to be short to be strong, fuck off.

please, futa are for faggots

>Even Blizzard, who's historically been pretty open to fanservice, has pruned up a bit.

Want to know why? Because it doesn't sell.

This is not the 90s anymore. The majority of the video game market is neither teenage boys going through puberty or the sexually frustrated virgins that make up the majority of this board, it's "normies". They have little interest in fan service, waifus, anime tropes or any of that other crap. They actually find it creepy and off-putting. They just want fun and they want it to be easy. Shitty glorified dating sims like Persona 5 are not topping the video game charts, it's the latest high profile first person shooter or the latest iteration of madden or the latest sandbox murder game and they are topping the charts by very large margins.

Women are not strong period.

The height isn't the problem, you big, dumb bastard.

Not anymore. In the west at least since the cancer spreading non stop.

But japan... well you can see it by yourself

sadly no, devs are retarded and made only chast outfits. She has nice hips anyway

>sex doesn't sell anymore, get with the times

Sex has always sold and always will, you pseudo-intellectual retard. You think Automata did so well because it was a great game? (which it was, mind you)

No, it did really well because everyone was talking about fat android ass and drawing it and posting it on the internet. If 2B was covered up fully, the game wouldn't have sold even half of what it did, and even the creator himself admits it was pure sex appeal.

Never go into marketing. The golden rule of marketing is that sex always sells. Your fedora and how you choose to tip it at women doesn't change that.

I love this meme that society and men have somehow evolved over the past ten years. It's cute, honestly, the lies people tell themselves so they seem virtuous and intellectual.

I want thicc to end...

tell that to your mom after she shit you out

Why are gamers so triggered by sex now?

This will never not make me angry. People wonder why games aren't taken seriously, and freemium games doing shit like that is exactly why.

i remember fapping for this game

I want you to end.

Because men are women and women are the way they've always been, just worse.

There's a very long answer to that question, but it's mostly society as a whole. In short, millenials want things to argue about and protest against to make them feel like they aren't wasting their lives on their phones, twitter and PCs. So they attack whatever makes them look progressive. Nudity is just one of them. The same thing is happening in politics. Go look at kids protesting shit in the streets. Most of them, when confronted, don't even know what they're protesting for and are completely intolerant of different opinions.

This generation is fucked, man. Too many kids with too much information and time on their hands. It's gonna get worse.

>Never go into marketing. The golden rule of marketing is that sex always sells.

Actually, you're wrong. It was just assumed that sex sells but when research was actually done into the old adage it was discovered that not only is it not true, the reverse is actually true.

It doesn't even need to be researched. It's been demonstrated time and time again, especially in the video game industry. Just look at the highest selling games list, they are usually pretty tame when it comes to sex.

You are living in a bubble, user. Just like all those furies that found each other on the internet and convinced each other there's nothing wrong with their depravity the same has happened with Sup Forums. Well, there is something wrong with you. You degenerates are a tiny portion of the market, you are not worth targeting,

Waifubait still doesn't excuse shitty games

Lewd characters and outfits in games like League are consistantly top sellers, and normies are the majority of the audience.

What if I told you that League hasn't introduced a sexualized character in four years and even that one was a flat chested tomboy

>Lewd characters and outfits in games like League are consistantly top sellers

I suggest you google what is the actual highest selling shit. It's not what you think it is.

They recently stated they're going to start making more due to demand, and even when they were avoiding making sexy champs they were making more outfits for the ones they did have.

Playboy riven is one of the most owned skins outside the ones you get free by liking them on facebook.

>Sex doesn't sell, it actually does the opposite
>Sources: My ass

I think the guy you're talking to wasn't referring to League at all, he was referring to the bestselling games in the world being the asexual Battlefield/Madden/CoD series and the moderately sexualized GTA series

>dark earth

I should replay that sometime

cause nerds put pussy on a pedestal and they're easy to browbeat

>>Sources: My ass

Google it and you will see dozens of studies spanning years showing that using sex to sell yields no positive result and in some cases actually negative results.

But you don't want to check, do you? You want to maintain that bubble of yours.

Yeah, I'm sure the whole world is wrong and you're right.

>ywn be this deluded and enlightened

What if I told you League has been steadily losing players for at least 2 years now? What if I told you League originally become popular over the alternatives because of the heavy amount of fanservice in it? Go look at any of the old female characters in it. Literally all their lines and emotes are innuendos.

League is more popular (especially at it's peak) than any of those games ever were.


stop posting

There's a limited space at the top. Appealing to the widest possible audience has the highest gains, but there are only so many products that can actually pull that off. Sex appeal can be a good thing for games that aren't able to hit that absolute maximum of popularity. Look at Automata or Dragon's Crown, those games would have a real hard time breaking a million if the sex hadn't gone viral.

can trump do like, anything, without looking like a giant asshole dickhead egotistical psychopath?

>walking in a columnal blob with other 'leader' shitheads

>retard chimpmonkey powerplay position bodylanguage dickery

jesus, just how insecure is he for fucks sakes?

That's less "sex sells" as much as it's "weeaboos are the cancer killing the industry". At least they don't reproduce and will!l eventually die off.

You're omitting that those studies involve using sex to sell things completely divorced from sex. The big one was alcohol, if I'm not mistaken. But that has nothing to do with selling a product, like a game for example, with a sexy character that is actually in the game. That's a huge difference, because now you're actually selling the sex that's advertised.

>Look at Automata or Dragon's Crown, those games would have a real hard time breaking a million if the sex hadn't gone viral.

You are talking about games that didn't really sell in high numbers at all and fell far, far short of the numbers that top the list as if they have been enormous successes. One million world wide is not something to brag about when shitty "normie" games do that without breaking a sweat. And for those games, those sorts of figures are considered a flop.

"Sex sells less than the absolute widest appeal, but more than many alternatives" isn't nearly as catchy. And you're a complete retard if you believe there are over a million weebs in the world, those games hooked a much larger audience.

It's a massive success considering the low production budget, and absolutely pitiful marketing budget compared to those "normie games" that flop at a million sales. Sex allowed them to punch far above their weight.

A million weebs is very much plausible. Certainly a more plausible concept than intelligent, normal people buying shitty games.

Most weeb games are a massive success at 100k, you absolutely need a wider audience to even think about approaching a million. And normies buy awful games all the time, what are you on about?

no, you fucking stop. If I have to choose between "people who play video games" and "gamers" I'll fucking choose gamers because it's only six letters.


>It's a massive success considering the low production budget

Exactly. They have a low production budget because that's the only way to justify the production. Those sorts of games are niche, they do not sell well because sex does not sell well.

I can't believe you are seriously using a low sales figures to prove popularity. Are you retarded?