What went wrong, Sup Forums?


>heavy railroading and handholding
>almost all s.links have the same structure
>no one but Morgana/Ann/Ryuji seem to have contact with each other outside of story
>saturday morning cartoon villains
>majority of game is from Joker's perspective, yet we get all SUI director conversations because dummy players are too dumb to figure out what's going on in the story, apparently
>early 2000s jRPG grade translation
>effin rotten adults dammit, for real?
>Goro's plot """twists""" that you could see coming dozens of hours away
>Shido doesn't feel like proper main villain, his connection to all previous villains is a huge ass-pull
>PS2 textures and geometry

Not on pc

Its the easiest Persona to date. Therefore the newfags it introduced to the series via its insane mainstream popularity will only be satisfied if the series continues down that path.

tl;dr it will only get more and more casual

also paid dlc exceed the price of the full game

It's harder than P4G

Story and characters are shit

Shit persona game

Yeah, if only it was hardcore as the other Personas, they were so hard.

With enough work you can break the game in every Persona by endgame. P5 is still harder than P4

Literally nothing.

>overblown story complaint
You can make the same shitty strawman argument for any of the game in the series. Doesn't mean that they're not good game.

The end felt pretty rushed, otherwise I can't really complain beyond nitpicking.

Im not saying the others were hard, retard

But p5 is even easyer

t. p4 was my first persona


Not true. P4G very hard is harder than P5 Merciless mode.

How about the boring and long dungeons? The repetitive themes and elements? How social links do not even affect the story? Or the lack of downtime for the party to bond and develop? Or the extremely predictable plot?

Seriously just because it has your waifu in it doesn't mean it's perfect

It's not though, it's just as hard as either of them, that is to say, it's not hard at all.

I wouldn't say so, early game both offer trouble with little options for SP recovery, but by the 2nd/3rd dungeon you've already gotten Takemi's discount and now have SP Bandage 3 which alleviates a lot of pressure.

P4 you get your recovery drinks from the vending machine and they run out fairly fast.

Kids thinking they are doing justice by brainwashing "adults". The game and the developers seem to actually crown these kids for doing it,and made the only character that calls them on it the villain

I loved the game, am on my 2nd playthrough, but I gotta admit the final arc is rather weak.

>Main cast is way too one dimensional.
>Game felt rushed after the casino palace.
>Yaldy was a shit final boss.
>Social links still have no impact on the story.
It's a solid 6/10 for sure. I liked Tae and Tora.

No other game in the series comes close to P5 writing.

Top tier taste

>either of them

the series has more than other 2 games

>No other game in the series comes close to P5 writing.
What did he mean by this?

The dungeons are long because they're designed to be done over multiple sittings, not to mention there's only eight in the game so they need to be long. I would disagree on them being boring outside of Okumura's.

The dialogue can get repetitive, but having a central theme tie together everything in the game is not a bad thing.

Confidants had a good enough impact for me, I like that they actually affected the gameplay, I don't see how they could affect the story anymore than they did without it coming off as contrived.

They develop in their Confidant and the texts and Mementos dialogue does enough to show a dynamic between the group. I wouldn't have been opposed to one or two moments of downtime, but I'd prefer it the way it is to having an overabundance of shit SoL events like P4G did.

The only part of the plot that was extremely predictable was Goro being the traitor and knowing who was going to join your party.

P4 was poorly written too you know.

Okay, I wish it was as hardcore as P1 and P2, they were so hard.

Whole series is. But it doesn't mean one can't be worse than the other, and P5 is by far the worst.

I should have expected total lack of reading comprehension.

>disagree on them being boring
Seriously? It's literally the same fights and brain dead puzzles the entire time, save for bosses. How about the randomly generated mementos then?
>dialogue can be repetitive, but it is still good because theme
Not when the theme is repeated over and over again
>good enough impact to me
Low standards does not excuse the lack of effort

For the confidants being enough part I disagree. We need more moments like in P4

>only part
Every single heist plays out the same. Bad guy is introduced, wow so bad, you go and steal his treasure, yay we save the day! How can someone not notice the obvious structure after like 2 of them?

>P4 you get your recovery drinks from the vending machine and they run out fairly fast.
You forgot about jewfox being an infinite supply of sp so long as you have the cash which you always did.

I don't know, the heists made it feel like there was some actual progress when you finish a dungeon in this game unlike p3/4.

>Satanael is Fool instead of World
What a shitshow.

>some of the best dungeons in the whole series
>whaaaa it's not varied enough
fuck off faggot

Just because they were better than shit doesn't mean they have to be mediocre. Idiot.

>We need more moments like in P4
The P4fags are out. Brace yourself.

Dungeons with different themes don't make gameplay any more varied, genius. It doesn't matter if you're in generated mementos or story Palace, it all comes down to
>WHOA, LOOKING COOL JOKER (or whatever the fuck marysue hacker says after Morgana)
>repeat ad infinum

>t. only played persona 5

fuck off

The dungeons were all interesting visually, had good music, and competent layouts. Encounters were enjoyable because you had to conserve SP while still trying to get through it in one go. Mementos is shit though beyond the dialogue.

The theme is repeated because it's the central theme of the game. It gives the game a storng sense of identity and it's portrayed and handled in different ways for each character. I don't understand how you see it as a bad thing for it to be thematically consistent.

It's not low standards, it was good enough for me because it was a fairly sensible way to give Confidants some proper usefulness while not seeming too contrived, and even then, things like playing shooting games with some kid making you a better shot is pushing it a little. How exactly is the fact that Joker is friends with his teacher supposed to reshape the story? Or the fact that he's friends with some girl that plays Shogi? What impact could these have on the story without seeming forced? The way it is works for me not because I have low standards, but because having these non-essential side stories play any meaningful role in the story just wouldn't work, but the way they are now is a compromise that does.

We'll just have to agree to is agree on this, having stupid shit like the P4 or P3 hot springs would only bring it down for me.

Yes, they tell you as much in the interrogation room before each dungeon even starts, you still don't know anything about the characters you'll meet in those dungeons, how it all connect to the overarching plot or any of that. Though I will say Shido being the big bad was also very predictable from the moment you met him at the elevator, stuff like Igor and the personalities of the characters you meet in the dungeons were not.

Worst girl had an assured spot on the team because the cat couldn't take a hit for shit.

Every game ever is repeating the same thing over and over again.

Best girl didn't show up sooner.

Nothing. It has all the same flaws as any other Persona game, just with some improvements.

It just comes down to which poorly written cast/story you prefer.

>p3 hot springs was stupid


The events were trash or offscreen in this game. Only good one was the first buffet.

>dude mitsuru-senpai's gonna execute us lmao

>why arent the teenagers im playing as always SERIOUS and MATURE such as myself?

I don't mind that they weren't being serious or mature, I just didn't find their behavior there endearing at all. Though I generally find Junpei find endearing.

You tell those rotten adults!! Steal his heart!! X'P

damage control

>it's okay because previous games were shit too xD
Totally makes it okay, uh-huh. Lets forget that jRPGs as a genre evolved past such bullshit decade ago.

It's not damage control, the hot springs in P3 are dogshit, that's not to say characters can't be fun though.

>thread about specifically p5
>its shit because X
>but the other games of the series did X too therefore you cannot claim its worse than them

I like to play Persona games during comfy times in my life. If it came out in February like it was supposed to I would have enjoyed it much more, even without the Japanese audio.

>previous games
No I said every game. You can boil every game that has ever been made to a basic repetitive loop of what you do in it. You just don't like this particular kind of loop.

if it came out in 2014 like it was supposed to I would enjoy it even more

>Enemy debuffed from debilitate
>Party buffed with matarukaja
>Futaba charges everyone
Here comes the pain train!

The hot pot meeting is better than every events P4 has.

Would you rather the dungeons be short and rushed? It's a JRPG with long intuitive dungeons that play well with the motif and theme of each with the stealth gameplay tying in with the design
Everything in the dungeons are extremely well designed and purposely created to fulfill different types of gameplay side attractions
It's what any game designer would love to be able to pull off as frequently and as well as the Persona team

Oh do tell me how ANY major game released in last 10 years boils down to mindless grind that is Persona combat.

I never said P5 was the hardest persona game retard

Nothing, and it deserved every praise it can get.
The only one hating this is because their favorite persona games doesn't get the same treatment.


Some of the ideas are interesting but I don't think the writers are competent enough to do it well, unless I'm misunderstanding something. The Joker/Sae angle was interesting and all but the payoff is weak because Sae is frankly the worst prosecutor ever, what the fuck do you mean Joker needs to testify due to not having enough evidence Shido fucking confessed on live TV

I get that it's a very "Japanese" game targetted at it's own culture, so there'll be shit they did that probably goes over my head. This idea that all the parents of the abused students at Shujin knew what was going on but simply didn't care was too hard for me to swallow though.

Merciless is meme difficulty. P5 hard + merciless for bosses is harder than P4G very hard

Pretty much, merciless only gets harder for bosses or minibosses without weaknesses. Anything that has a weakness gets raped harder.

holy fuck stop posting

It shouldn't have an ending, persona should be open world and open ended

I disagree

>This idea that all the parents of the abused students at Shujin knew what was going on but simply didn't care was too hard for me to swallow though.
I believe the stuff with Kamoshida was actually based on true events.

I know you are 10 but let me clear this up for you.

Unlike in America a mere confession will NOT be worth much in court.

The idea is that you might be forced or coerced to confess something. So every confession MUST be backed by evidence to be valid

Slowest beginning for a video game ever.

you need to be 18 to post here

Just fought the Uriel sub boss. She straight up shat on him with one Triple Down crit on the summoned angel, then another Triple Down.


But combat in it doesn't boil down to 3 seconds of gameplay and 20seconds of cutscenes.

She's such a best she makes for a better 2nd physical attacker instead of Yusuke.

It wasn't at all.

Let's just agree to disagree then.

That's not how it works in Persona either unless you're overleveled

>Only good one was the first buffet.
Shit taste

you obviously didnt play either

>This idea that all the parents of the abused students at Shujin knew what was going on but simply didn't care was too hard for me to swallow though.

Kids in Japan can spend their entire young lives preparing to get into a good college. The pressure to succeed drives an alarming number of them to suicide. What do you think a free trip through college on a sports scholarship, or a letter of approval from a national sports celebrity would be worth to someone like that?

Not true. P5 gives you too many options during combat for you to have any difficulty during a fight. The game also just gives money away so you're never going to come to a situation where you're strapped for cash. It doesn't help The Reaper and the Velvet Room attendants are easier than their 3/4 counter parts.

ummm..... me me think this go wrong wrong :D *posts picture of what went wrong wrong with pee pee 5*

That's literally how P5 is, though, stop trying to deny facts.
You ambush an enemy, watch intro, use skills+baton until all enemies are downed, then all-out, watch after battle stats. You literally spend more time watching shit happens than you actually press any buttons, it's a simple fact of how the game is played.

Irony. If you thought Operation babe hunt or the fireworks festival were good you have brain problems.

It's a good game, however I feel for every good thing it does it ends up doing something bad and so on.

Atlus still doesn't know how to effectively use the entire year that these games are suppose to be taking up. It seems they're hitting bullseyes in the beginning phases and then realize that they've only written for 3 months so a good chunk of the game feels like it's there simply to fill in a formula rather than to be anything meaningful. And there's still lots of weeks filled with nothing but repetitive dialogue but thankfully nothing as bad as being sick for a week in P3.

And for the love of fuck, what were they THINKING not giving you any indication that Hierophant was story based? Like they really shouldn't even give you the option to hang out with him if it won't advance until Futaba joins.

I liked how for the first time in Persona, status conditions were worth a shit since they allowed you to disable annoying enemies with no weaknesses like Oni, Scathach, etc.

button passes need to be unlocked + there is no guarantee you will have the right skills to knock everyone down

also you're a huge faggot

The ending went on for

Back to facebook

they only make the game much easier and enable you to cheese Reaper

>go into mementos on polen days
>wait for reaper
>does he have despair? if yes go on, if no repeat
>survive for 3 turns
>he kills himself

>there is no guarantee you will have the right skills to knock everyone down
>he didn't have personas with every element there is for 1 and all targets
I knew Persona games were for kids, but I guess I overestimated the age by a long shot.

That reaper exploit is purely optional and honestly I'm thankful for it since it helps you grind to 99 to easily fuse level 80+ persona in NG+ without having to pay out of the ass. It's odd how you're only naturally at around level 70 by the time you're going to fight Yaldabaoth.

there is no way to predict what personas you will need unless you played the game before or you follow a guide

Im only explaining the obvious because it makes you seem even more stupid for continuing.

You have to beat him to get the Divine Pillar. Some people like having it + equipping Firm Stance for secret bosses.

Divine pillar + Firm Stance + Satanael minimizes the fuck out of any damage you take, but honestly I prefer to have ali dance, angelic grace and the crystal skull accessory which gives evade magic (high).

Going into the game blind means that you're probably not going to know the weaknesses of every enemy in the game, so the only way to find out is through experimentation. Even then, later on in the game, enemies will have little to no weaknesses that allow you to perform Hold Ups

>there is no way to predict what personas you will need
Nigger, you literally fuse personas with skills you want to get em. You can even later give any persona any skill you want by using the chair or itemization. Are you seriously telling me you're so retarded you needed a guide to figure it out? LMAO