This is curious young female omnic. Say something nice to her.
This is curious young female omnic. Say something nice to her
I'd fuck her robo-centaur pussy desu
neo-centaurs are everything wrong about "creative" fantasy characters. they and all centaur philiacs literally all deserve to be gassed
Your game is casual SJW shite, and everyone playing it is a fucking moron.
Stop embarrassing yourself, go back to your Ponyville.
She is so goddamn adorable
How the fuck does a centaur with a handcannon manage to be this adorable
>all those chinks fake-picking Orisa on APEX because she's not balanced yet
Stop bullying Orisa!
Something nice to her.
What the fuck is that?
>is one of the cutest characters
>her porn is the kinkiest
>OW players can only have discussions over waifus
Not surprised, just disappointed
Most OW players don't waifu Orisa tho, it's normally Widowmaker or Mercy or some shit.
Orisa is patrician tier.
Wait until the disgusting jew kaplan releases doomfist and makes him a transexual black woman and overwatch threads will skyrocket
>has mommy voice
>is only a few months old
Robots can't have gender.
But that doesn't mean I can't have a robaifu
haha that is messed up, you should post some lol just to see how messed up it is go ahead.
Well user, the game is total dogshit. Do you expect anything else.
>SJW shite because of an extended lore change that didn't effect gameplay at all and one butch female character who is apparently straight
It still kills me how upset about the "Tracer's Queer" nonsense. 75% of the fanmade porn was just her scissoring with Widowmaker.
Don't social justice warriors get mad at things don't like?
Isn't that what you're doing? lamo
>posting loli
Outside of tracer being a fag for no literal reason, the sjw shit on the game isn't really that much
unless they make 76 and reaper gay, in that case then fuck this shit
Literally shrek color pallete
>implying that's a bad thing
i want she to roll on me
Some men just want to see the world burn
he said lol
are you a pedo user?
Name ONE(1) reason I should ay Overwatch again.
you mean overwatch?
No, that is why i'm not posting loli
i can't
>needs someone else to give him a reason to do something in his life
How sad.
Haha thats funny, its a robot why would someone draw that? You should post more for a laugh.
To get the platinum and all the trophies?
Only reason I played it. Its an ultra rare plat.
She's insanely fun to play. Best new hero since release by far.
>-15% damage on PTR
>community outcry
>We listened to you our best community and decided not to roll out that nerf -9% damage nerf goes life instead
>mfw it actually happens
I am going to save this pear and I will jerk off to it later
What do you do?
>after that ana ''nerf''
>expecting decent balancing
*nervous unzipping*
y'all need help.
Seize her resistance
get what I'm sayin
Ana's nerf was needed though, she had insane heal on solo target on top of crazy utility. She was a much better Mercy with no drawbacks.
fartposting is fucking brilliant and it is seriously the height of chan culture
i'm not even kidding, every fartpost brings a fucking tear of ecstasy to my eye
i'am saying about the one they said ''we will nerf the Biotic Grenade and the damage''
and everyone said ''lol why the damage''
>ok we understand so we will only nerf the damage and not the thing that everyone wanted
Agreed. It's so unabashedly stupid.
>still no irish drunken omnic with a barrel shotgun
fuck you jewzard
And her nerf addresses none of that, instead it turned 3 shot kills into 4 shot kills.
They should buff Mercy's pistol though
>instead it turned 3 shot kills into 4 shot kills
Yet it was enough for Pharah to get into meta, though, along with meta in general to change completely from 3tank to dive.
Was she the downfall of Overwatch?
Game hasn't been good since then
>Yet it was enough for Pharah to get into meta
Ana nerf alone didn't influence the pharah, nobody stopped you from picking soldier or widow and successfully countering her before. She wasn't good because she's not that good against triple tank, she just can't outdamage the Ana.
Mercy buffs helped too. Pharah's only good when she has a Mercy attached to her hip.
Phara's good when you know how to play her, she doesn't need a mercy to be effective.
That's why she literally wasn't picked until Mercy got buffs right?
People sucked as her? Yea.
She wasn't picked because people thought that she was bad. If you think that meta is not dictated by easily impressionable retards that mostly parrot what others say then you're an idiot. For christ sake, pharmercy wasn't that easy to deal with even before the buffs, but people still thought that soldier alone can fuck them up. He can't.
Why isn't anyone posting her CUTE dance?
Ana nerfs are the reason why Pharah is picked more often now. Tank meta is dead while at the same time it's harder for Ana to kill Pharah.
What is the purpose of this slot on her backside?
Spare battery pack and pussy
tfw you get the only skin you want after 10 boxes of arcade bullshit
ugh... that is so problematic and offensive skin.
this is my hole. it was made for me.
who FUCKING cares
I wouldn't be surprised, but are people actually complaining about that?
>Lucio is a musician/dj
>has a weaponized sound gun
>jazz musician/steampunky skin comes out
why? if he was any other race no one would be mad, he's a musician and its a musician related skin, it has nothing to do with his race