Will it be another 2014 or another 2015?

Will it be another 2014 or another 2015?

Everything is shaping up for another 2015.

it won't matter because nintendo children will hail every single announcement as the coming of the messiah regardless of the specifics. Remember when Star Fox Zero was announced? Remember when Other M was announced? Remember when Mario Maker 3DS was announced? Remember when Sticker Star was announced? Remember when Luigi's Mansion 2 was announced? Remember when Okamiden was announced?

People had some retarded expectations for 2015.

>"We're only going to talk about stuff releasing in 2015 and early 2016"

Then people start hyping up nonexistent products like they're going to pull a Metroid and F-Zero out of their ass to be released in half a year, then act indignant when Nintendo did exactly what they said they were gonna do.

They're already started in the red with that Rabbits abomination

They would have to announce a new proper Metroid or F-Zero just to break even or they are going to lose by default

It's pretty much impossible to be as bad as 2015. Even if they don't show any unannounced games it would still be better than 2015.
The big new announcements that year were Triforce Heroes and Federation Force. Even nog going to E3 would top that.

Okamiden was great fug you

I remember neither of those e3's. remind me

Nobody realized how shitty those would be when they were first announced.

Why not look at the announcement of Fed Force or Amiibo Festival? Everyone was pissed.

everything will be bright colorful, main stream and stuff we already know about.

2014 had all the good Wii U games

2015 had Shiggy talking about creating mario levels for 40 minutes before they shoved skylanders in our face before it was over.

I don't remember either of those. outside of puppets and actions figures.

>Luigi's Mansion 2
Great games.

Also the same could be said of all other publishers. Remember when The Order was announced? Remember when Phantom Dust was announced? Remember when No Man's Sky was announced? Remember when Scalebound was announced?

It will be another 2008 and you know it.

>Oddyssey info
>Zelda DLC info
>Splatoon 2 info
>final ARMS info before release (assuming it doesn't get leaked before hand)
>Animal Crossing mobile/Switch
>Fire Emblem Switch info
>Pikmin 4 (assuming it's not just Hey! Pikmin)
>Xenoblade 2 info
>obligatory 3DS game announcement
>confirmation whether the Mario+Rabbids thing is real or false
They have a lot of possibilities for a good E3 from things they've already announced/confirmed/talked about alone if they're not retarded.

Wii U Finally gets multiple good games announced for it, Zelda revealed, Reggie vs Iwata, and of course the fact that all other conferences that year were boring as hell
Nintendo announces tons of shitty-looking games that pissed of a bunch of people (Fed Force, Amiibo Festival, Triforce Heroes, Star Fox Zero) spend way too long talking about games with developer stories, end with some awkward social media campaign to get people to sing the Mario theme song, which I never heard about ever since.

What did he mean by this?

Why are people so angry at that game? It's almost funny

Don't forget FE Warriors and the Splatoon and ARMS Tourneys.

But it isn't live though?

I guess people can just spot shit games from a mile away.

Sorry Mr Ubi shill.

Oh shit, you're right. I disliked Hyrule Warriors so much that I might have suppressed FE Warriors from my memory.

>Bad games
agreed my fri-
>Luigi's Mansion 2

Whats the point of hyping games when you cant find the Switch? Nintendo really needs to work on its supply issues, its been almost 3 months and I still cant find it.

No who cares if the game is shit? Why are people angry at it?

Seriously it's like metriodfags being angry at Federation force. Like how pathetic can you be?

This. Nintendo has talked big game this time and said they have a huge E3. It's the first year of the Switch so it makes sense they have unannounced games and shit, especially since everybody expected more games at launch but it was just Zelda + Mario Kart. If that's their strategy then it seems to have worked out, it sold out with Zelda and Mario Kart alone.

Also the thing Retro's been working on for years, and the thing Reggie said about Metroid or Mother 3, I don't recall.

>end with some awkward social media campaign
That was the worst. Especially cause they went to it with some "and there's one last thing" tease.


>Fire Emblem Switch info
Never ever until we're three months close from it releasing.
>confirmation whether the Mario+Rabbids thing is real or false
Oh, there's actually people on this planet that are still in denial. Also, wasting on such a shitty game doesn't also make it a good E3.
>Zelda DLC info
We already got everything there is to know. If they say anything about it will probably be a repetition.

Being angry at Federation Force is sort of understandable, seeing as it's been so long since we've gotten a proper Metroid game. Not so much the case with Mario games.

having mario already makes it better than 2015


Holy shit. I hate using this word but that was cringy as hell.

Okay fine for FF, but I agree with the rest of your point. Why get angry at a game when you have a mainline Mario coming?

>>final ARMS info before release (assuming it doesn't get leaked before hand)
That already got shown in the direct, they're trying to create for some other new shit im guessing

>We already got everything there is to know
There are two DLC parts. The second part is the story stuff and the dungeon, the only thing people actually want from the DLC.

>shitty game
They haven't even shown gameplay yet. Shitty why? Ubisoft? Understandable

>Zelda DLC
Have you forgot the story and dungeon DLC, the DLC pack2? We haven't seen a glimpse of that yet. I want to see the new enemy tier as well.

>final ARMS info before release
It's releasing a few days after the Direct. Reviews will already be out by then probably. Doubt they'll waste time on that game, they'll just save it for Treehouse and that tourney.

It'll be another batch of shallow distractions which we'll all forget by next year. Then we'll be right here waiting for the next batch, hoping it does a better job of keeping our minds off of life and all the activities we wish we were doing instead of playing video games.

Unless we get Monster Hunter. That's better than a normie life.

>Never ever until we're three months close from it releasing.
Is this because that one-time Shadows of Valentia thing? Also, it might as well be close to being done.

The same could be said of the detractors. Nintendo could have the best E3 ever, announcing a bunch of new games that people want and you still get
>Nintendo is dead.
>Nintenbabbies will eat anything Nintendo craps out
>Thinking the finished product will be anywhere near decent

They can always reveal new info. Red got announced for Sun & Moon barely before release, Mewtwo got announced as a DLC pre-Smash Wii U release, etc. Knowing there's going to be free DLC for ARMS, they can announce content that will release like a month after launch to keep people anticipating.

Future free DLC, user.

Definitely 2014:
Zelda BotW announcement---->Mario Odyssey blowout
Xenoblade Chronicles X----->Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Pokémon ORAS---->Pokémon Stars

I hate NINTENDO WON posts as much as anyone else but most of those announcements sound good on paper

Nintendo x Ninja garden Devs working on a metroid? What could go wrong?

They'll probably show a trailer, shill the tournament and make very very clear that it releases the next day.

2015 >:(

I'm hoping for another 2014, but it'll probably be somewhere inbetween.

People call 2015 the worst E3 for Nintendo ever but I feel like everyone forgot 2008. 2015 at least had games. 2008's only announcements were Animal Crossing City Folk (essentially a Wii port of Wild World), Wii Sports Resort, and the grand finale was fucking Wii Music.

>Is this because that one-time Shadows of Valentia thing?
The same happened with Awakening and Fates, so it happened with the last three titles iirc.
I remember it, but I don't see Nintendo giving us a lot of informations so far from it's release.

Payday 2
Splatoon 2
Mario Odyssey
Mario + Rabbids
Xenoblade 2
Unannounced Nintendo first party games
Unannounced Third party games (COD WW2?)

This will be a really big year for Nintendo,
Lets just hope they have more huge software hits before Christmas.

Holiday 2017 will make or break the Switch for best console.

>Console gets released in off season
>With one game

>somehow sells like the hottest of hot cakes

>weeks go by

>"may be selling like the hottest cakes of all time"

This conference can't come fast enough, but I will.

2015 was shit BECAUSE of Mario

This, I have a bad feeling Sony is going to win this. Microsoft claims it first party games but those are games we already know about, one new ip, no Halo 6, I'm even worried that they won't have an up revival.

>Pokémon Stars
Not happening. Not at E3 at least.

>everyone forgot 2008
No one forgot 2008. It's just that this isn't a press conference but a Direct, so you can't make the same mistakes like they did with the terrible Wii Music demo.

Man, 2015 was so bad.

Well, they recently sent out this survey asking what nintendo stuff you like and Metroid wasn't on the list of choices

All the Switch Wii U ports that will inevitably be made.

Good games that got played by the handful of Wii U owners, that were genuinely good games.

Games like ZenoBlade Chronicles X and Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE

I know a port is no small task, but these well received games were great despite their hardware limitations.

A Switch version would be their Supreme final form.

And Virtual Console still needs to be talked about, it was promised and they haven't made a peep, like they are keeping it a secret until its ready.

When they announced Zelda wouldn't be appearing at E3 2015, I began having serious reservations about it

But fucking no one could have predicted games like Starfox being yet another reboot, amiibo Festival, Federation Force, or a game as lifeless as Tennis Ultra Smash.

Because they know that nobody actually likes Metroid, it's just something people whine about without particularly caring about it

XCX and #FE will not be ported. They are niche games.
You might get Smash and Mario Maker. That's it.
Remember that TP sold well on the Wii, and niche shit like Cutsom Robo still didn't get ported.

Seems like this E3 will be as shit as their 2013 and 2015 E3s.

I seem to recall 2014, 15, and 16 all being similar in their mediocrity. Treehouse feed was fun because of the memes with you guys and Audrey's tits last year, but on the whole, I can't remember the last time Nintendo made an E3 presentation that legitimately impressed me.

Ancient game everyone already played
Nobody wants to pay $20 for DLC
Mario 2006
Literally who weebshit
No new first party games
Nintendo is never getting third party support

Wow, great year.

What all is on the survey?

suck eggs you fucking sperglords. who gives a shit what people like? oh right, basement dwellers like all of you. go to hell

2012 was also bad as well with the announcement of the wii u.

mario, zelda, splatoon, fire emblem, pokemon, kirby, animal crossing.

essentially everything but

Cool post, user
You should be proud of it

Please announce that a new dev team is working on the Switch Mario Party game. Mario Party 8 was already kinda shitty, but since Nd Cube took over MP every single release has been hot garbage.
Here's to hoping we get something like Mario Party DS, which was surprisingly really good.

super negative bro, good cuntribution

>basement dwellers like you

>posts on Sup Forums

No DK?

Why the fuck does the hat have eyes

This is going to be a shitshow.

>Custom Robo

I fucking miss Custom Robo at least Virtual ON is back


Hold up my nigga, gonna need some evidence on that.

I know its unlikely but I'd love a new Custom Robo on Switch, it would be perfect for multiplayer.

Ever Oasis
MonHun Stories amiibos
3DS announcement will be Mario and Luigi SS remake
Smash 4 port will be the closing act with a new character (Ice Climbers)

Another 2013 I hope.

Just show us games. Who cares that Takiwaki Chingchong got inspiration from his flower garden [laughs] and decided "hey. Why not make a game?" [laughs]. That shit takes up easily half of their E3 directs.

ORAS weren't announced at e3 though.
Pokemon games almost never are.

It's called Arms now

Xenoblade Chronicles X was not announced at E3 2014 dumbfuck. It was first announced in a early 2013 Nintendo direct, and then more footage was shown at E3 2013. It didn't get an official title until E3 2014 though.

And XC2 won't be announced at this E3, the comparison fits.

>They would have to announce a new proper Metroid or F-Zero just to break even
You people say this every fucking year.


It's not going to fucking happen, especially not F-Zero. Let it go, they gave you an F-Zero Mario Kart track and car, they think that's enough.

>mario 2006
This meme is never going to catch on.

>Will it be another 2014 or another 2015

I'm hoping for another 2016.

But XCX was also shown at E3 2013 and 2015
3D world was also shown at 2013, not sure why you're comparing Odyssey to BOTW
And a mainline pokemon has never been announced at E3

The only thing that can outdo Sonic 2006 is Sonic.

I wish they were that big.

I'd start a kickstarter to get her to take topless pictures.

>Dat bra outline
I'm sure youngsters discovered a brand new world to explore, thanks Ninty

It would be 2015 if they suddenly said that Mario Odyssey wouldn't be at E3 just like Zelda wasn't at 2015

i fapped two times in that stream

There were way too many cute girls to only fap two times.

What made 2015 the shit show that it was is that we knew absolutely nothing that was going to show up except Star Fox, Mario Maker and. yoshi and everybody was pissed off that Zelda was announced not to show up

None of the new announcements was good except for MAYBE Paper Jam but that game was mixed

2017 is already guaranteed to be good due to Mario Odyssey being there

They need an even better 2014 this time, but the rabbits game already is showing signs of 2015, if not even worse than we can comprehend

actual legit non falseflagging nintendo fan here.

if they only show off and talk about the shit we already know of (like splatoon, arms etc) then this e3 will be utter dogshit in my eyes.
those types of games do nothing for me, so i'm hoping for some new games we've not heard anything about to be revealed from genres that i actually give a shit about.
if it's just that same list of shit then they can fuck right off.

To be fair most people had a good reason to be excited.

>Remember when Star Fox Zero was announced?
It was a new iteration of a dead IP that didn't seem to gimmicky. We all were excited for it.

>Remember when Other M was announced?
like said there was no reason to believe it would be bad.

>Remember when Mario Maker 3DS was announced?
noone defended it besides false flaggers.

>Remember when Sticker Star was announced?
I don't recall anyone defending this either.

>Remember when Luigi's Mansion 2 was announced?
And it turned out fine?

>Remember when Okamiden was announced?
Oh you're shitposting.

I agree with you, I have a bad feeling Microsoft and Nintendo will fuck up this year and only talk about what we already know. Also with no Halo 6 or Metroid 5 my interest in both of their E3 events is very low now.

It'll be a bunch of bullshit and lies.

But you fucks never learn and get hyped anyways.

Cant wait to see nintendorks praise musou games when that fire emblem warriors game gets shown off.