What kind of new weapon type(s) would you like to see in Monster Hunter 5? Currently the insect glaive is the only weapon without a counterpart (greatsword and longsword, lance and gunlance, switch axe and charge blade, etc.), so I'm guessing there'll be a new staff type weapon. Personally I think a staff or spear without the insect gimmick and just higher damage would be cool, but I can't see it happening since the weapons get more and more gimmicky with each installment. Thoughts or predictions?
What kind of new weapon type(s) would you like to see in Monster Hunter 5...
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Chakra , it can be used as both melee and range. Something like pic related, but maybe just one of them.
What? the hunting horn is the other weapon. They're both boost weapons
I wanna see more ranged weapons
this honestly looks like shit so they'll probably add it
I could see this in a monster hunter game
Frontier's Switchaxe
Good point, but i always thought of hunting horn as the hammer's twin
Same, I see it as Hammer twin too.
why? doesn't exactly play like the hammer so why?
What was different about the switch axe in Frontier? I haven't played it
I'd rather see the existing weapons gameplay getting deeper than adding badly designed and unbalanced new weapons.
More cats!
More meowstress for MH5!
Mainly because it looks like a hammer and deals stun/exhaust damage instead of cutting like the rest
Aww cmon, user. You know they aren't gonna change the old weapons after all this time. We need new weapons considering only about half of the weapons are viable
they are saying they are counterwparts you dolt , like twins that disagree
....really? well, I guess I could see that but makes wayyyy more sense as the anti-ISG. either way, I don't see all the weapons as having counterparts. Some are just there
This. Plus the new zenith style combines storm and heaven style.
I'd like them to introduce something super agile and anime to shut up all the CUHURAYZAY fags who complain about the game being too clunky. Something like, Poison Stiletto, super fast stabby short range dagger thing that you can cancel anything into anything but it does barely any damage and is mainly useful for applying status and shit.
That's what the dual blades are for. Especially with the advent of Brave style.
I'd rather they focus on introducing new Ranged weapons this go around while balancing each classes some more, without styles.
Aerial style needs to be integrated into the regular gameplay though, just make it so that you have to hold the button down to do the aerial hop.
What about minion-based "weapons"? Like the hunting hound they had planned, or something based on pets/raise monster eggs from previous hunts? It could work in a similar manner like between upgrading IG and leveling up Felynes.
Another concept art of the hunting hound.
>so that you have to hold the button down to do the aerial hop.
Please, this. I don't play aerial more often because i can't play monster hunter without a normal roll
I'd rather they just tune what they have right now than add new shit. I don't have a problem with styles and I've been playing since MH1. They're optional and add some variety in play. I'd be fine with arts going though I think.
Version made for people instead of ants, sorry.
>b-but user most of the weapons suck
Yeah maybe if youre heroic speedrunning with 3 heavy xbows and a lbg. All the weapons are viable user-kun
Would like to see a magic staff with some fire bolts n shit
Obviously you can play with all weapons and I have but only about half feel good to use
Magic based gunner weapon like a staff. Explain the magic with sci-fi shit all you want like bugs or some other shit, that's not the point.
Some kind of Whip
why did they cancel this idea?
I don't know if I agree with you. There are only a few melee weapons I don't enjoy. I've never even tried range and probably never will.
I would totally prefer a monster friend over a felyne, but that's just me
They mixed the Wyvern Boomerang + Hunting Hound into one.
Wyvern Boomerang ? Did I miss this in the game?
Well, I've tried every weapon for at least 25+ hours each and honestly I really think we need new weapons or need to fundamentally change how some weapons work.
For example? I think every weapon has their niche.
Yeah, the wyvern boomerang was something like a ranged DB, basically. Mix the agility of the IG with the Palico's ranged boomerangs.
I want Fist
A lot of people don't like felynes, and by a lot of people I mean me because I hate those obnoxious little shits
But they're cute silly mascots so they're here forever at this point
This. Fist combat would be awesome, going full Saxton Hale on monsters' asses.
This. A fast blunt weapon would be nice. SnS with coatings doesn't count
cmon, user. you and I both know nothing I could say could change your stance. besides, I have to hit the hay in 10 minutes
but it was never added in game?
I'm a pretty reasonable guy actually, I've been thinking about it on my own and gunlance needs a rework. People just play it like a bad lance, the shells need to be more effective.
Shell spamming was monstrously good in 4u if you used wide shot with all the right skills, I can't imagine it got any worse in Gen/XX
I dunno about that man. Shells do flat damage and scale poorly to G rank. For example if you watch a speedkill the gunlancer will likely barely fire their lance.
Then I hope we meet in the next monhun thread, user so we can talk about it more.
I'll just make a quick list of what I think needs to be redone because I don't have time
>hunting horn
and a couple more
I can agree with most of that but lance. I fucking love lance and it feels nearly perfect to me. Sleep well dude.
what is this?
Nope, those two were scrapped in Gen. or X, can't recall.
But after that, they mixed both of those ideas, making the playable felyne in the process. (monster that isn't an human that can throw boomerangs that has passive support habilities)
My guess is that they were lazy in that moment.
What the fuck. This would have been so damn cool. If they are worried about it being too strong make it so you have to feed the pet "treats." Then you could have the treats make the pet do elemental dmg, def up, etc. (Unless the pet itself is elemental I guess)
It be cool if you could mount it too. You get fast movement and won't use up your own stamina when running in exchange for less attack abilities and more stamina burning for your pet.
will do, user. Goodnight and see you in the next thread
Considering the success of MH Stories, the popularity of felyne companions and the fact that you already get a wyvern companion in Frontier I'd say the potential for monster companions is more than zero.
What game?
Muscle wizard
Dragon's Dogma online. I pray every night capcom will port it over for us.
Take a look at the concept art books for Monster Hunter some time, they're filled with really cool stuff that simply didn't make the cut. You can find full scans of all 3 volumes on sadpanda.
Holy shit that is dope
Anyone planning on getting Stories?
Been playing for about 40 hours using the English translation. I don't know if I just got lucky or something but this Bulldrome I got at the start of the game has carried me the whole fucking way. His attack and HP are so God damn high and his special abilities are extremely powerful. I even made the most powerful tigrex I could with the powers of eugenics and it still couldn't compare to that angry fuck.
Dual Gauntlets, that play like a cross between hammers and dual swords, with some kind of alternative to rage mode.
I just want slashing/blunt to depend on the weapon, not the weapon type. It would add a lot more depth when choosing what to bring. I mean, you can swords that are dull slabs of metal that can cut and you have literal axe "hammers" that can't.
Is it enjoyable? Yeah the main issue is how braindead the game is.
Can I get the horn functionality from Unite back?
Without music my hunts are not the same
Oh shit, i always wished that game was multiplayer
If you're really into the world of Monster Hunter I would absolutely recommend it. My only major complaints so far are that you can only have one monster out at a time and some bosses are brutally hard if you don't grind but even just grinding for 5 minutes is enough to trivialize them instantly. I wouldn't go into it expecting much balance or depth, but it's fun and having a squad of your favorite monsters is cute.
Kind of like the idea of having a Monster pet that you can battle with you. Any issues outside of slight grinding?
Oh also you can create genetic abominations like an Agnaktor that fires water jets from it's mouth or a fire breathing Khezu and that's pretty damn funny to me.
There's a lot of RNG to deal with if you're looking for specific monsters to fight or hatch, it was really obnoxious trying to get a seregios egg for instance
Hammer and Heavy Bowgun mashed into one weapon.
Nothing major really. Some minor things like not being able to buy potions or mega potions until the fifth city but finding the mushrooms you need to make potions can be even more tedious than the mainline games, or how obtuse the egg system is in general. Most monster eggs follow the color scheme of the monster inside but sometimes you get off colored eggs that spawn the same monster but don't seem to be any better. Also the language they speak in cutscenes is annoying as fuck. You never notice it in the main games because they never speak full sentences but it is not a good fake language.
Also this, some monsters are hilariously hard to obtain for no good reason.
Comboing with your sword powers up your gun, the guns excelling at either damage or status
The pattern on the egg shows its type, the colors show the species
So some monsters like zamtrios and nerscylla are easy to identify since they're the only amphibian and temnoceran, but there's a shitload of flying wyverns so you'll need some context to figure it out
Oh, and if a monster retreats to its nest after beating it then the eggs inside will almost always be the same species, paintballs are supposed to make them flee more often but it's still a bit of a crapshoot
Yeah I know color and style determines what's inside but I've gotten two Khezu eggs that were different colors before and I couldn't tell why. It wasn't a red Khezu egg, they both came out as Khezu but one egg was called sparking and the other was called glowing or something else.
Sorry if I missed any Whip-Bros, but yeah, not seeing fucking whip anywhere. Whip is great, medium/long range weapon, fast, can be cutting or light blunt, SHOULD be high elemental/status focused low RAW per hit. Also special attack should be a mount-launch (Indiana Jones style).
Yeah, I've got no idea how the descriptions play into it either
I know weight determines the number of open gene slots, and smell indicates either the number of genes or the quality of its IVs, because of course there are IVs
Oh I didn't know what weight or smell did, thanks user. I just assumed weight was another pointless description of what might be inside.
The thing about weight is that most species seem to have a limit on how many open slots they can innately have anyway, so you'll never see shit like gendrome with more than 6 slots
There's items to open up locked slots anyway though if you're willing to grind or cheat for them
I've only found like, 3 awakeners and they were all for monsters I don't give a shit about.
Needs a new ranged weapon instead of another transforming weapon. Giant boomerang that plays like the prowlers, javelin on a chain, or a cool flamethrower that changes elements and status depending on the fuel you put in it.
a new gunner weapon. though if they add a bowgun shot type that rivals pierce and let me load different kinds of arrows on bow, that'd be good enough for me.
Magic caster. Fuck the lore. You have horns that heal wounds and cats that dance to give you stamina and adrenaline. Don't tell me you cant bullshit in some magic.
They could say you're harnessing the power of the monsters for the weapons. Say a lagiacrus weapon could cast lightning balls or something like that.
As long as by magic you just mean another basic ranged weapon sure. Anything beyond that I'd be against.
Meet me halfway. Elemental flamethrower. You could put in stuff like sacs and ground up claws of certain monsters to make fuel for certain elements and status.
What game is this?
>Hunting Kit
>Gunner weapon that involves utilization of certain resources on the fly, like iron ore and earth crystals to make "parts"
>If you combine the right parts, you get one of three major emplacements, each influenced by the monster of your kit
>A cannon/arbalest-style weapon emplacement that only you can use, which can either function as a weapon that burst-fires multiple bullets simultaneously in one "burst", or rapid fires them similarly to a HBG
>A literal temporary cannon or arbalest which comes with a respective ammo box
>An enormous bomb/super-potent trap which temporarily disables your ability to hunt, but is absolutely devastating to anything caught in the blast
Destroy LBG and HBG and start making new conventions from the limited ones they've set as an absolute standard. Now that we have "Big Gun" and "Little Gun", you can't really make any other form of ranged ballistic without going full-retard "Hunting Sling" or "Dedicated Throwing Knife Weapon".
cause frontier a shit
They should just merge bowguns into one with two variants, but they have one list of hunter arts and stances and remove the siege mode from HBG variant. Then you have room for actual job that revolves around stationary weapons.
Consider the following: Bigger Gun
looks cool, but sadly also looks like toukiden, which means it's likely shit
>tfw Hunting Hound never ever
I want dual-kinsects.
You'd wear them like gauntlets and attack with punches while wearing them, with X being the right kinsect and A being the left kinsect. Then R+X and R+A would launch them off for ranged attacks, during which tapping X or A will make the bugs do their own attack string until called back with R+B. Could even have unique combo-finisher moves that go from melee into launching the kinsect off, or firing both at once.