This game is the best game ever made.
Far Cry 2
No but it had the potential to be one of the best.
if they removed the forced new vegas color filter shit then its a 8/10, else it's just a 6/10.
I agree
Did you forget to bump your last thread?
Aww, the white supremacist is feeling nostalgic for a time when game developers catered to his inbred racist worldviews.
Oh I'm having such a good time lemme ju-
>suddenly malaria flares up because game reasons
>my weapon continues to jam constantly
>mercs do not have gun jams even though most of them are rusty pieces of shit, have infinite ammo, and know where you are because there is no stealth in this game even though the game implies there are stealth mechanics
Farcry 3 is better.
If not for extremely repetitive missions and enemy routes. And the extremely annoying:
> You must fail so that you can start all over on new location.
It is fun though, and I wish the series would return to this kind of grittiness
No, it's shit.
>frustrating gun mechanics cause guns to explode or ram every other shot
>pointless malaria illness that does absolutely nothing
>clear out an outpost only for it to re-spawn immediately
>vehicles handle like tanks
Can someone with a sub post Icy's review of this game?
I've been curious for years what makes it his GOAT.
I've seen people calling Far Cry 2 STALKER in Africa. Is it true? I'm craving more STALKER
Too many flaws to even be considered a great game. It was a cool tech demo though.
well it's a massively flawed FPS game so that makes them similar, I guess
>wahhh respawns
Did you guys even play the NES classic, Ninja Gaiden? Were you born yet?
Do you like gun jamming, malaria and having to spend most of your time driving from point A to point B?
Play Homefront: The Revolution. thank me later.
for me, its Far Cry Instincts: Predator
3 feels far more like stalker than 2, simply because of the fact that the only danger you face in 2 is from other humans. 3 has tigers and komodo dragons chasing you everywhere.
For real though, what games were better than this prior to 2007?
>he didn't like the malaria and gun degradation mechanics
it's literally what made the game so tense and therefore great
>no stealth mechanic
lol git gud kiddo
It's one of the best and criminally underrated.
>it's literally what made the game so tense
But it didn't? Once you bought a gun, you got access to its copies forever, and gunshops are everywhere. And malaria is barely even there.
It's hilarious when plebs thinks games like FC and FC2 don't have stealth just because they're used to playing the baby stealth of stuff like Thief or Splinter Cell.
We should have a thread about the actual hardest games to stealth sometime. I've forgotten so many of them.
Stalker is one of the hardest but greatest games to stealth, for sure.
I fucking love this game. Always find myself replaying it
Well in FC1 stealth isn't really there for you to escape enemy contact, it's there as a tool to confuse the AI and gain the upper hand. Make a noise, retreat, flank the AI as it converges on your last "known" location.
The absolute biggest flaw with this game is the infinitely and immediately respawning outposts, with niggers that hound you indefinitely meaning you have to stop and kill them every few hundred feet.
This is something that even mods can't fix, since when you leave the outpost area the game doesn't store any memory of it meaning it immediately resets, and modders have been unable to change this.
leave far cry to me
>surrounded by enemies
>getting your asshairs singed by bullets
>hearing the enemies getting closer and closer
>poke your head out of the grass and fire a burst
>have to make a tactical retreat with grenades and my shitty pistol
literally one of the best memories I've had in an fps. I swear the people who bitch about gun jamming just don't like difficulty in their games. I can kinda see the malaria shit being annoying because it's more like an annoyance that can't be easily worked out on the fly by just retreating and regrouping.
I got PTSD from car sounds thanks to this game
Sup Forumsshit aside the game might be great
>plane in the background
we can fly now?
>shit that happens in every shooter
Keep us posted, Icycalm.
>propeller planes
holy shit that would be neat
I sincerely hope it turns out to be good. I've been hoping for a game that takes advantage of a Montana setting for years now.
>happens in every shooter
oh gee I guess there's no reason to hate fc2 is there chief?
I'm saying I never experienced jamming in FC2 after like the first 30 minutes. I bought a G3, used it, would switch to a new one every time I'd be taking a new mission in a bar.
ok? your experience was different than mine bro. try it harder difficulty next time
That was Infamous...
>numale beards and nunazi haircut
your word against mine
t. teenager who cant grow a proper beard
>Malaria simulator
>Game map is glorified corridors between mountains with nigger camps every 10 feet that you have to clear every 5 minutes
>Niggers with aimbot can shoo you from 400 meters away with their shitty rusty weapons
>Stealth is useless, since every niggers in a mile radius know exactly where you are even if you hide in tall grass and use sniper rifle at a distance
>Gun go from new to broke after three magazines
>Story and ending are stupid
Yeah, no
>respawning enemies
It's shit. The original was the only decent far cry game.
>annoying mechanic
I bet you think memesouls is hard core as well.
You could kinda fly in 4
They had gliders and helicopters and shit
you forgot the ever respawning outposts
When a game uses shock controversy or politics is when you know it has nothing new to offer on the gameplay front.
See Modern Warfare 2 "No Russian" mission and the scene where the little girl blows up in Modern Warfare 3.
I can guarantee that it will reuse assets from Far Cry 3, 4, and Primal.
>Sup Forumsshit aside
Can you please apply rope to neck
I just finished 4, why were Pagan and Longinus the only likable characters in the game?
Is it like Far Cry 2 or casualized Far Cry 3 and 4?
no russian was the best mission in any video game ever
t. an Ukrainian
Latvian? Estonian?
Not many.
Boiling Point was very similar to Far Cry 2 though.
People actually take the time to type out comments like this whilst thinking they're funny, but it is actually quite sad.
>bad game = tech demo
You can't call a game of this scale a tech demo. Tech demos are short in length and don't have any extra content.
>everyone I don't like is joking
Aww sweetie. Maybe once you go outside for the first time you'll see how the world really works.
Easily the worst thing about this piece of shit game
>find a shirtless nigger in the jungle
>proceed to spend a whole Ak47 clip shooting directly at his bare chest
>finally what appears to be the giga nigger 3000 with adamantium chest dies
>every enemy is like this
And then I had a game breaking glitch at the end of a mission and never came back.
Alright you have me convinced. I'll pick it up from the next summer sale for 2,5€ (yes it actually goes for that cheap)
I have to agree with this.Sneaking in FC2 is really challenging since you don't get a cheat vision or a map to see where enemies are and you are playing through first person.Makes sneaking that much harder and fun.
It's the best Far Cry, and with a few details changed (like weapon mods and having checkpoints respawn when you rest rather than the second you turn your back on them) it would have been one of the best games ever made.
>With few things changed, it would go from garbage to good
okay edge lord running backwards and spamming grenades is soooooo tactical
That arguement doesn't work if it is actually possible to change the things that make this game garbage.
That one realism mod (that also fixes things like the constantly respawning enemies) plus a graphics mod of your choice that removes the shitty brown filter the game has because of the "dude brown means realistic lmao" fad that was going on around that time and the game becomes the second closest alternative to STALKER there is.
>comparing a nes game to this
How's it like being retarded
>No mutants
>Second closest alternative to STALKER
I don't think so
If you did the missions helping civilians escape, you pretty much never ran out of malaria pills.
If you went to the gun dealer and paid to unlock guns, and made sure to pick up a fresh one FOR FREE in your armoury before setting out on long runs, your gun would never let you down. Unless you insisted on using brittle shit like the American AR, or that overly advanced derp-caliber sniper rifle which was just worse in every way than the Dragunov.
If you understood that "stealth" meant "use a silenced weapon, be careful not to let others see your target die", or "use the opportunity to take the first shots and kill one or two, RELOCATE before they pin you down and surround you, and then make use of the enemy's confusion to engage again from another direction", stealth style raids were never a problem.
At least talk shit about the game for its actual faults rather than "I didn't understand how to play it therefore it was bad".
No, it would go from pretty fucking good to pretty fucking legendary.
You have some non-existant standards there, bub
No but i played 2 and that was enjoyable.
Any game that respawns enemies like that are just errors in code that devs are to lazy to fix. Except FC2 was just another shit FPS.
Far Cry 2 is one of the best examples of "almost good."
With literally a few things changed, it could be good.
With a few bigger changes, it's GOAT tier, FPS wise.
Yo, that is some gay ass nigga response. Sweetie? You takin' too many dicks up yo ass bitch.
People who complain about the guns jamming a lot haven't even played the game
Far Cry 3 has the opposite problem where when you take over outposts, the world becomes emptier and emptier and boring.
I'd rather play a First Person Shooter to SHOOT things.
I think Far Cry 3 did it well. You were almost always adventuring in hostile territory in the game, so it felt like a nice change to have some area be peaceful thanks to your efforts. Usually by the time some area was cleared of enemies, you had already explored it quite a bit.
>I can guarantee that it will reuse assets from Far Cry 3, 4, and Primal.
do you even ubisoft ?