Why does Sup Forums pretend this game is good?
Why does Sup Forums pretend this game is good?
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I'm surprised it's not getting a remake before Strange Journey.
because muh Dante
Why are there so many SMT threads?
I dunno but you guys sure do like to talk about it a lot.
I saw it for 25 yurobucks in a shop.
Should I go for it or what. Never played any SMT/persona.
Cause its a solid JRPG with unique atmosphere seldom used nowadays.
>I was too pleb to like this game, this means that everyone else has the EXACT same personality and taste that I have, meaning everyone else just pretends to like the same game
Is this the true, unleashed power of autism?
Normalfags and casuals played P5 and wanted more; found out that other SMT games are actually good and are now having allergic reaction to it like the niggers they are.
Why does Sup Forums pretend this game isn't good?
who knows?
It was the last smt game on an actual console, now that Persona is considered mainline, smtfags feel threatened.
If you're a fan of JRPGs and manly enough to accept MC death = game over, go ahead.
muh dignity
I thought this was a shop because of the Dante sticker
No pretending.
Japs didn't like Nocturne all that much. As far as mainline goes it's the least like any of the others.
Would love to actually hear reasons why this boring grindfest is even considered anything above average
Yes i have beaten it and i forced myself to beat it
No its not hard i remember persona 3 bosses that gave me more trouble than anything in nocturne
>he needed to grind
>"I-it's not hard...!"
What will you do now that you know that it's real?
>grinding in SMT
Want to know how I know you're a faggot?
Didnt grind on purpose you just get attacked so often while trying to roam that you just become overleveled unless you always know where to go or have a shitton of repel bells
Again you get attacked pretty much all the time did you faggots even play the game? High demon encounter rates are a thing in smt games
>Japs didn't like Nocturne all that much
>despite the fact that enough brought it to the point they had to reprint more shipments
I never understand this "japs hated it" meme and in any case why would japan be a factor when the US always buy more copies Atlus shit?
>you get the Picasa demon that has estoma spell and encounter rates become nothing
Just because a lot of people buy it doesnt mean that they all liked it aswell i hate the sales argument so fucking much
Wow one demon that becomes useless after a few lebvel ups that sure is going to help with the abysmall encounter rates for like 2% of the total game thanks for the advice faggot its not even grinding if iam not doing it on purpose so fuck off with your grinding argument i know my shit when its about smt games and nocturne is easy casualized trash go play smt 2 you fucking casual
>play nocturne with Sup Forums a few years ago
>we go through the wonkiest path and complete fifth kalpa before diet building
>on hard mode
It's a great game but some of those dungeons are suffering. Carry the enemy avoidance item and use it when going to save or you're going to die and lose your 4 hours of progress since last save.
>smt 2
Alright user. You can stop false flagging now. We all got our laughs.
Do the Us and jap version feature Dante too?
The jap one has Raidou i think
No but if a game is "hated" you wouldn't be having to ship more copies, there was no articles or polls saying japs hated it. You lot just came up with this bullshit because the later SMT titles sold more. DMC2 came out round the same era and that was game that got shitted on but you hear jack shit about nocturne and nips hating it.
That was a second remake.
Just wanna hear some arguments why nocturne is supposed to be good but without someone using the word challenging because if thats all this game has than you might aswell put strange journey on your top list
Why do people pretend any main line SMT game is good?
P5 got popular so now the SMT elitism is being overdone to the point of it becoming a caricature.
Because they're good.
I'm playing it right now(at the obelisk) and it IS good. It has a few issues but the atmosphere and gameplay are top notch
People just wanna have the persona gameplay without the time management and waifu shit crammed in there it was nice to see my character hit level 40 and my game time only being at 20 hours whereas in persona 5 it was at fucking 70 hours or something like that its refreshing to not have to scroll through a million logs of text
>Wow one demon that becomes useless after a few lebvel ups
You stupid fuck, the demon isn't meant to be used in battle and be in your inventory, the level of the demon has nothing to do with the effectiveness of the spell. The only way you're getting encounter rates conistently is if you're way to underleveled.
You clearly haven't played SMT2 if you think the encounter rates there are not way higher where you can't even move, they had to make a spell so you'll have no encounters through the whole dungeon because it was that bad
This is usually the best reason, we do not care for social links, we care for the story and atmosphere, choosing a side and a philosophy to stick with.
Weak bait. Try harder next time.
Well than...thanks for the tip i was just lying about beating nocturne iam at ikikuburo tunnel right now trying the get inside the manikin city and ive been stuck there for fucking days gonna get my picasa back now thanks user
We're talking about SMT, a niche franchise when people bought the game, you know damn well they like it
The encounter rates in SMT2 are pretty good. You're probably thinking about SMT1 when you can't move and need estoma.
ummmm me me n o make pwetend!!!! me me always sewious about SMT one hundwed pewcent!!!!!! >O
How casualised will SMT HD be since they're probably gonna bank on P5's success and expect newfags.
They specifically make Persona for casuls
I thought of that too but after SMT IV and Final, I hope they will still make it for hardcore retards
Final is the hardest game game in the series combat wise, so probably not.
Because they are objective good.
Because the game meets you halfway by being good, so it's a very comfortable lie to tell.
What did he mean by this?
Only genuinely and well-designed hard part in Final is boss fights and the final dungeon
Rest are pretty braindead before Apocalypse's Agi penalty
what penalty? haven't played final yet
it's so epic hard xD im so hardcore lol dae dark souls?
Is that supposed to be a bad thing? Boss fights are where most of the challenge is supposed to come from. Dungeon crawling is a test of endurance.
Nah, in SMT exploring dungeon shouldn't be braindead shit, literally half the fun.
It's fun, unique and has a good atmosphere. Not my favorite Megami Tensei game, but it's still great.
It's pure kino.
I need more r63 demifiend in my life
Ya sure about that?
Because it's difficult. Personally I think it's shit like all other dungeon crawlers but if someone likes dungeon crawler genre it's probably a good game for them.
Can confirm. I'm having so much fun purging demons with Megidos!
Japs didn't like Strange Journey
they liked Nocturne so much they remade it twice
and it allowed several spin-offs to be made after it
They're giving Strange Journey another go because it's a good game Atlus wants to give another shot before the 3DS ends it's lifespan
Because some of the people who played the game had fun and enjoyed, so they decided to talk about it.Because preferred ways to entertain yourself are completely subjective.
So notions of good and bad are completely imaginary.
you bet I am
Apocalypse Mode has a -100 Agi penalty for your party.
Buckle up.
you're doing God's work user
Leave Persona and Sonyfags to me.
It has great atmosphere and gameplay. Honestly it's the only mainline SMT I actually like, the rest are all shit.
>all those dungeon """"""puzzles""""""" in P5
Legitimately made me upset, I too hope that they don't make SMT HD dungeons as brain dead
If your talking dungeon design than yeah Nocturne is better but the actual combat in those dungeons is harder in Final since buffs don't make or break a fight anymore. Just cast one Sukukaja and you can never lose even in hard more.
Because IV and IVA certainly had brain taxing puzzles, right?
I liked the one at the end of Okumura's Palace, even if it was too short, and the rest of them were inoffensive at worst and helped to vary the gameplay a little at best. I can't complain about them.
At the time of its US release it was pretty impressive. It also featured Dante from the Devil May Cry series which was a potentially big plus.
No, because they didn't even have proper dungeons, they should just stick to Nocturne style instead of whatever they were trying to do in IV/Apocalypse, or at least stick with the old dungeon crawling.
I'm still of the firm belief that Dante's appearance in Nocturne can at least fit into the timelines of both games
>Dante fucks off at the end of 2 into some portal
>Dante runs into Lucifer of SMT Land
>Tells him he can go home if he does that candelabra bullshit
>Goes home afterwards
>boring grindfest
you don't even need to grind. this was beaten at level 53 on the hardest difficulty. git gud
One of the easiest bosses in the series. He weak to electricity and never goes first. If you don't cast buffs and debuffs at the first few turns of course he's going to be difficult. He only continues his beast eye spam if you let him.
fuck you matthewmatosis I know you're in here
why is this video always posted? the guy is doing a low level challenge. doesn't represent the boss fight at all
Again, if you cast AGI and VIT buffs at the beginning of battle, this will never happend. He will always miss. He only uses Dekuna and not Dekaja so it's better to buff yourself or only debuff him to -2.
I promise, PROMISE you don't actually know whether or not Japanese gamers liked the game and are probably just parroting something you read on Sup Forums a few years ago.
Game is a corridor simulator with random battles every 5 steps. Atmosphere is great but level design and gameplay are beyond terrible.
>there will never be a remake of SMT IV and SMT IV:A all in one package with tons of branching points and a new route for krishna/maybe something else too that ditches the majority of demon realm find the door bullshit in favor of unique environments to scrounge through to make the whole game feel a lot longer than it really is sort of like how minimal effort overworld map of mikado would create an illusion of size much moreso than navigating a dropdown menu
Slow down, you angry faggot lol
Persona 5 + contrarian SMT fag who want to take their time to shine and prove the masses how superior mainline his.
>philosophy to stick with.
I have never played a SMT game that gives any actual compelling philosophy(Nocturne/SJ/SMT4) that make me want to actually stick with it.
I usually just pick whatever feels the most appropriate, but please stop with this philosophy bullshit it's very superficial.
>cant even control your own party members
>all these SMTcucks hating Persona because le social links/waifushit
Just don't do them if you hate social links or romance that much. It's not like the game is forcing you to do them.
>Finally trying this game because Sup Forums doesn´t shut the fuck up about it
>insert cd
>Ubisoft logo appears
this is a meme thread now