A thread dedicated to Greatswords in vidya.
Post iconic, rare, or maybe a personal favorite of yours!
Greatswords in vidya games
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>that moveset
>that range
It's perfection made physical
Pure perfection
There's only one.
The Master Sword.
That looks like fucking dogshit
Spikes on the hilt? You kidding me?
That's a fucking longsword! Get outta here with that babby tier shit.
Best 2h coming through
The teeth don't allow the thing to cut.
It's not even a fucking sword it's just a spiky stick.
At least it's functional
Oh baby, rectangular greatswords make me moist.
BEHOLD! The greatest greatsword ever created!
Fuck Rebellion, Alastor will always be bae. Thank god for DMC4 mods.
I'm gunna be sick
This is from AQ, no? I'm pretty sure someone squashed the picture. In game it doesn't look that badly proportioned
>jrpg weapons
Yeah its from AQ
The old Dragon Blade looked way better to be honest
Best frying pan coming throught
Why the fuck? Soul Calibur looked at least somewhat practical before IV.
Bigger problem with this design is that you'd risk having the guard stab your arm as you swing it.
Fucking bastard i was googling the image DELET THIS
True beauty
Why is the Buster Sword so great, bros?
It's so simple, yet so stylish.
because it was inspired by the best Big sword in existance. Dragonslyaer from Berserk.
no its this
I usually get shit on for liking this more than the Buster Sword but I like its design more and that it's literally a bunch of smaller swords made as one
fucking /thread
My fuckin man, I hate the bullshit they pulled with DMC3.
>LOL Rebellion was actually Dante's sword all along guys! And it was left behind by Sparda for him, so it's super important to the character!
Rebellion would look great for any other game, but I never exactly felt the spooky skelly broadsword fit Dante overall.
>stainless steel
More like stained glass.
Pic related will always and forever be my favorite vidya greatsword.
Also great choices.
Name a greater and more annoying weapon to ever exist
Protip: You can't
Artorias had great taste
The DaS1 greatsword is the best greatsword, and they should have brought it back for the sequels, those motherfuckers.
The giant's toothpick
>DS2 and 3 moveset
I like the untricked version more
Demon's Great Machete is the best greatsword in Dark Souls 1.
The 2HR2 makes my dick rock fucking solid every time I use it.
Agreed, the oversized DaS 2 and 3 greatsword is gay and only exists to appeal to muh guts cosplayer faggots.