Two months later and shortages still persist. I've all but lost hope of obtaining one this year.
Two months later and shortages still persist. I've all but lost hope of obtaining one this year
Ya I dont really get it, its like nintendo hates money
No one buys it here. It's just getting dusty on the shelves.
It wasn't a bait. In Poland no one really buys it. Stores don't really know what to do with shipments.
No, Nintendo just hates Americans.
I was in Australia for the Switches launch and you could walk into any store and buy one without a queue, same in New Zealand as well as Tokyo itself and now that i'm back in Finland it's the same again.
Literally the only place on Earth that has "shortages" is the US.
when people actually have the ability to buy them then the "shiny new toy" period is automatically over and then they have to actually sell the thing on its merits as a product (which will be difficult because it's just an nvidia shield with wiimotes strapped on, and most of its library for the next year is wiiu ports)
they're probably going to keep it up until the holidays and then hope they've got some big hitters that are actually new switch only games for Q1
There are still shortages in Japan.
Pre Splatoon 2's launch, which is when I was there, there certainly weren't any shortages.
>poorfags thought that I bought a switch in order to play BOTW
>I really bought a switch to avoid the shortage
Feels good
they are obviously making artificial scarcity on the switch.
good, now you can be a scalper and sell the switch for a even higher price.
They'll pump out a ton more once ARMS and Splatoon release, dude. Don't give up just yet.
>there certainly weren't any shortages.
I think I'll believe the Japanese over some stupid user on Sup Forums. They simply love handhelds too much. It's starting to be available in Europe though, depending where you live.
I don't know. I thought they would have done that around MK8D release but, it didn't happen.
>They'll pump out a ton more once ARMS and Splatoon release
just like when they pumped out more switches after the release of mario kart 8 deluxe
What they're doing is limiting the production on months without new hot games. They'll increase it as much as they can for ARMS and Splatoon releases, as well as for the holiday season, don't worry.
They didnt completely make up for the shortage during MK8D's launch but I know for sure Target got a lot more of them during that period.
Take it from someone that has one, you're not missing out on much.
Especially if you already have a Wii U.
You can play Splatoon online for free, you already have Smash and Kart (and you can mod those to include future Switch DLC/patches, if you feel so inclined), and the only other games worth seeing on the horizon are Super Mario Odyssey and Sonic Mania (both of which COULD screw up, even if it doesn't seem likely).
polandfag here too. i just saw some sale recently, ps4/xbox with games for 1k PLN or switch without any games for 1.5k PLN, kekd heartily. i dont even like consoles but if i had to choose it would be obvious to get either sony or ms rather than nintendo toy which costs significantly more.
It's like that in all of the UK too, user.
But they did pump out more than the usual amount, just not a fuckton. They probably underestimated the demand once again, I'll give you that, but it is a remake after all, not the newest hot IP. Also, they know MK8 will keep on selling throughout time no matter what.
WTF? I literally bought a Gray Nintendo Switch for €249 here in Sweden. There's so much stock they're literally selling them cheaper than MSRP.
>MK8DX is a game
>but TLOU remastered isn't a game
Where the fuck do you live? I'm pretty out fo the way and they're everywhere
Hahahaha I walked into Target on launch day with no preorder and got the last one. Feelsgoodman
You can already pick them up second hand in Aus for hundreds less than they are new.
Only the US is getting seriously screwed on stock.
They have way more than enough of them in Canada
Where the fuck did I say anything about Sony or Microsoft? I pretty much play Nintendo exclusively (though PS1/2 had some GEMS).
Frankly, the Switch's value proposition just isn't there, especially for the Splatoon fans that will have to pay for online with Splatoon 2.
Hell, pirate that game. Steal it right off the store shelves, just to offset the cost for paying for shitty online. And fuck Microsoft for starting the paid online bullshit.
Is it only out of stock in Japan and the US, maybe? As said, the shortage of Switches seems to have ended over here in Sweden. But then, Europe is Sonyland, so maybe the demand isn't as high. I remember that it was sold out everywhere on launch but they seem to have fixed that now.
They're readily available in the EU for 290 (Belgium). 2nd hand for as low as 185 (including BotW).
Region free, at least importing one shouldn't be a problem now, right?
so I guess this is the switch thread
guys I just bought blaster master and shovel knight, which do I play first?
They're completely out of stock here in Spain, though. And it costs 330 eurobucks here, mind you.
I cant believe you paid an extra $300 to play indie games, holy shit dude
Blaster Master is a blast. I'm not even sorry for saying that. And the music is just fantastic. Shovel Knight is great too, but it's yesterday's news, so go with BM first.
most of nintenbros like to claim TLOU remastered and persona 5 are not PS4 games because they are ports and multiplatform games.
but when sonybros do the exact same thing and claim BoTW and MK8DX are not switch games because they are multiplatform games and ports, nintenbros just get angry get for making such a claims.
well BotW was worth it and 35 usd in games is not much.
mind answering my question?
It's almost like if you could also play other no n indie games on the Switch too. Also, the thing is the best way to play any kind of game, really, cause you can play it whenever, wherever and however you want to play it.
>It's almost like if you could also play other no n indie games on the Switch too
Like multiplats and wii u games?
I can play ARMS tomorrow. You jelly?
Just buy it in Mexico for 500 usd
>Europe is Sonyland
Not when it comes to handhelds. But people buy Nintendo's handhelds for Pokemon and Mario, not Zelda so it's not surprising. Splatoon 2 and ARMS will start moving more units in Europe.
Should I buy a Vita?
>there are still people who get upset at how other people decide to spend their money
theyll make more when they have games to sell on it lol.
The Switch is for all intents and purposes the Vita 2. It's already getting weeb games and everything, so just buy that instead.
walked into the gutter that is Walmart yesterday.
they had a stack of like 5 Switch's behind the glass.
kind of surprised they had any desu, the walmart here is shit when it comes to the game section.
Eh, console wars, go figure.
No, I'm always keeping consumers in mind, and I'm just appalled by Nintendo as of late. Memory Cards let you take your saves with you, e-Reader had versatility, eh, whatever.
But this recent round of money-milking is just beyond heinous, especially the season passes.
That's because nobody there can afford one.
it's 299€ in Italy.
they are full of dust.
That's precisely why they still had them, cause people didn't think of looking there, since they think they're shit when it comes to the game section.
not really
Not our fault you Italyfags have shit taste. I remember back when the Wonderful 101 was out of stock in all Europe, except for Italy. On the one hand I'm glad you have that shit taste, since I could import mine from there, but come on.
I've been wanting to buy one of those, but wouldn't it make the system hotter?
we are a people of scammers
so we smell a scam from a mile away
enjoy your fisher price toy
The hell are you talking about? Have you even seen the thing in person? Cause that's a high quality product, dude.
>"What TV service do you have?"
>"Excuse me sir, I need to check your receipt."
yes I did.
my vita feels better in hand, and it's actually portable.
>the next smt, monhun, and sos are damned to be in this piece of shit of a console
>if I want to play them I'll have to support Nintendo's shoddy overpriced tech and paid online policies
>their multiplayer will also be locked behind a paywall
I hate this.
P sure he's talking about the Wii U since the other guy mentioned Memederful101
>they are obviously making artificial scarcity on the switch.
Which is why they paid more to air ship additional units right?
Portable doesn't mean "fits in your pockets", otherwise the Gameboy Pocket would had never existed.
>>Portable doesn't mean "fits in your pockets",
ok thanks
check my portable x360 by the way
When one thousand people want your product and you pay to have one hundred shipped then yes.
I still have no reason to buy a Switch. I have no interest in Mario Kart, Splatoon, or Arms and I don't want to drop $300+ just for one game I'm only kind of interested in.
What's wrong with Switch? This way you can play MonHun on your TV or on a handheld. It's the best of both worlds.
This fatass wants to get his moniter kicked the fuck out
>back pocket
>with all the demo straps and shit attached to it
Fits in my slim jeans with no problem if I detach the joycons first. Cases are a better option for the Switch anyway though
>people of scammers
>still get scammed on a daily basis by regular people and the government
Yeah, sure.
I went to a random Best Buy and hey had like 10 just sitting there on he shelf. Snatched one and now I'm patiently waiting for MARIO odyssey.
And what are your alternatives?
Systems that are equally as shoddy and PC with none of those games?
Paid online that costs more?
Lack of local multiplayer games?
Namely the paid online and shoddy build quality at that asking price.
>but it's $20
For now, when they realize they can get away with it they'll raise it more, on top of it being the same horrible online heyve always had.
The only plus side is that I'll get better at soloing whatever garuga variant I'll need to grind for the armor.
Oh, you're baiting. Nevermind.
>when they realize they can get away with it they'll raise it more
Memes aside this ain't Sony we're talking about who did actually raise their three month sub in Europe.
Which won't be happening until either Sony and Microsoft lower their prices or they manage to surpass them in sales.
I don't have any real alternatives aside from pc emulation.
So that sucks.
user Nintendo is a company, a paper entity that exists solely to gain more money.
What incentive would it have to not raise the prices if it was doing well? People that weren't paying for online are a non factor and they already bought the system so they're irrelevant, and people that already pay for their subscription are more likely to stay as long as it's not an exorbitant raise in the cost.
>Walk into Best Buy
>4 Switches just sitting on the shelf
>Walk into Walmart
>5 Switches sitting on the shelf
Wow that was hard.
>What incentive would it have to not raise the prices if it was doing well?
The real question is what incentive do they have to raise it?
Once establishing a price and then later raising it breaks consumer trust and affects sales in the long run. Personally I know several people who chose not to buy a PS4 because of the price increase.
Oh yeah you're also forgetting that Nintendo games generally aren't reliant on online multiplayer compared to the PS4 and Xbox. So there's a potential loss in sales there from people who just play online with their IRL friends especially given the Switch's portability.
Why do you think they set the price lower than the others in the first place?
>What incentive would it have to not raise the prices if it was doing well?
A low price means means more customers.
They have potential profit to gain, which is the end goal.
Just a one dollar increase means a lot of money gained, and people are already okay with paying 60.
Consumer trust doesn't take into account the fanboys that like apple's maggots eat up everything they excrete with open wallets, and that last point is sadly just testimonial evidence.
I also didn't buy a ps4 because of the paid online but the thing is still selling really well.
They don't lose any sales, the people already bought the product why would it matter if they aren't using online (something that was free previously)?
Any person that pays is bonus money they wouldn't have had otherwise.
They already raised it from 0 to an actual amount.
And already people are defending that.
I'll be too poor to buy one until next year anyway so it doesn't matter anyway. Expecially when it's 400 maple bux.
>They already raised it from 0 to an actual amount.
It's still sold out in Western Europe. Check any of the Amazons or Mediamarkts.
>They have potential profit to gain, which is the end goal.
And you don't profit from breaking consumer trust user.
>Consumer trust doesn't take into account the fanboys that like apple's
Except we aren't talking about Apple fans here are we?
We're talking about Nintendo fans. The people who essentially killed third party support on Nintendo systems because of the low quality games in the Wii era and the lack of support and optimization for the Wii U ones. Not to mention Nintendo's games themselves sold poorly like Starfox.
You underestimate how critical they are while overestimating their loyalty.
>They don't lose any sales
Yes they do?
There will be a reduced amount of people who purchase subs from the current owners and people who were previously on the fence about buying it will be turned off by the practice.
>why would it matter if they aren't using online
You don't realise how much money subscription services bring in do you. If I remember right it's one of the PS4 divisions biggest moneymakers. Even more so than first party games that are produced.
>Any person that pays is bonus money they wouldn't have had otherwise.
You have no idea how these things work do you.
They're going to increase production for every major first party title release, and increase production even more for the holidays. There hasn't been any huge release since launch, so of course it's limited right now.
You're fucking retarded.
You realise all of the earnings goes into the games, R&D, production and server costs right? What do you think is going to happen if they start losing money because no one is buying their systems any more.
Are you one of those idiots that think people HAVE to buy something?
It's the trial period.
They came from free online to paid online, and people are fine with it, no loss of consumer trust or none that mattered in the wake of how popular the thing got.
>yes they do
That is money they were not making previously and that they hope people will pay for, their base for subs is 0. Any number above that is money they were not making before for the same service offered.
If you were giving away 10 roses a day, but then decided to charge a dollar a rose and only one person bought it then that's one dollar more than you were making previously.
If you have passport, you can come to Mx and get one, they are not selling here
>server costs matter in diddly dick
>implying the earnings will go anywhere but the Nintendo's pockets
God goy, don't forget the season pass and to preorder.
Nope. Scalping is cancer and I won't condone it
>It's the trial period.
Nintendo is still the last company to do it. Microsoft and Sony have always been way greedier than Nintendo ever was.
Just because your peers kicked people in the dick for shits and giggles first doesn't excuse you when you do it.
TLOU remastered was released in less than a year of the original.
Persona 5 is a ps3 game.
Also games on switch have a plus for every game. You can play it anywhere.
Nintendo didn't start kicking anyone. How's high school treating you?
>putting pokemon multiplayer behind a paywall
Sure seems like it.