It's a "Pat's not around so I'm going to get super passive-aggressive about the 'dumb' things he says" episode

>It's a "Pat's not around so I'm going to get super passive-aggressive about the 'dumb' things he says" episode

He's still doing that? Wish he'd take up some new shtick since it'd be better than his actual personality.

Geez, I hope your parents didn't fight if this is how you spend your time

They were playing a computer minigame and he started blasting Pat about his Dark Souls habits like, "Is this enemy Anor Londo" or "you need to drop your shield, Woolie! Drop your shield!"

Woolie was just sandbagging it the entire time, it was awful.

hearing woolie bitch and moan that "i wanna spend time with whoever i want whenever i waaaaaaaaaaaant!!!!!" like hes never played any kind of game with a route system

>It's an "OP is a faggot and makes an off-topic eceleb circlejerk thread on Sup Forums" episode

>its another "Woolie is in the video" series
Christ, why couldn't Liam take him with him when he left.

give examples and/or timestamps, i haven't been watching this shit

Phoneposting, but the most recent video at the pentagram boss fight (it's near the end) is where Matt starts ragging on Pat for absolutely no reason at all - like, the lack of comedic timing makes it seem like a vent, more than a bad joke.

Matt's the culprit. He does the same thing to Woolie when he's not around.
I've only watched specific highlights for the NitW LP, but I'm glad that they seem to be doing all of the side stuff, though, I'm not a big fan of their voicework, I think Woolie makes Mae a little more cynical than she actually is.

Not watching, waiting for this game to go on sale.

The voice work is just weird to me, like Matt insisted on it because it fills the airspace with his voice. The game has charming dialogue, and they're just deadpanning it throughout.

I also don't understand why they "improvise" what they're reading. Someone saying "I need to go to the drugstore and get some pills" becomes something like "I'm going out to buy some drugs later today". I don't even know why it bothers me that much, but it does.
Hey at least they don't give up mid-sentence saying "ah fuck it".


>they spent the whole podcast with Vinny just talking about Woolie's dumb video
What the fuck, dude.



>holy shit Vinny on the podcast hype
>try to watch it live
>stream dies every 5 seconds
>try to listen to it again after the download's out
>Pat's audio is fucked
It hurts

It wasn't worth listening to anyway.

For some reason, Pat is being completely unbeareably autistic in that particular podcast

>The game has charming dialogue
If by charming you mean everyone talks like they're 14 with a sarcastic attitude, then yes. The only thing besides art that matters in a VN is the writing and this game doesn't have that at all.

Don't waste your money, the art style is the only good thing about the game

I've watched exactly 2 videos from this group of faggots.

Have they EVER improved audio quality at all whatsoever or do they still sound like retarded 14 year olds recording in a basement next to several fans with mics they got at kmart for 2 dollars on clearance?

The only people that really talk like that are the characters who are childish and mercurial to begin with, people like Mom and Dad or even Bea seem to be pretty normal.

It's charming for the people whose circle of friends acts similar in tone or mannerisms. If that's not the case, the dialogue will look like shit.

Just Youtube it, it's a VN with some occasional microgames.

Unless you REALLY want to play the Demontower sidegame in it, in which case there's a link to the whole game free somewhere.

The animator's a Marxism-supporter, so he'll understand :^)

Yeah, they have improvements over time.

The funniest thing about NitW is, despite all of Matt's attempts to make it lame, the LP's still absurdly comfy. It's not hype material, but something you'd flick on while out on the porch or with a window open.

You make it sound like he fucking tore into pat for like a solid minute or more, literally all he did was a "is this anord landooo?" joke and they dropped it immediately.
They're fucking friends man, they gently rib each other almost constantly, are you some autist who thinks even the slightest diss is disgracing your honour or something?

I stopped watching when I started to get the feeling working together for so long under Matt's leadership had probably put a strain in all of their friendships.

It just stopped being entertaining and it seemed like their friendship wasn't as genuine as it was. And then I heard Liam left, Pat has been streaming with his gf, Woolie has his own channel and Matt took a break.

Can anyone give me a quick rundown with what's actually going on with them? Did they collapse as a group?

Nope, they're just fine. They even still hang out with Liam. Shit's fine, dawg, they just wanted to do more solo content, or in the case of Pat, get more shekels.

>Can anyone give me a quick rundown with what's actually going on with them?

Overall quality of the LPs have improved - you still get stinkers but it's not a constant stream of shit like the Late Liam Age. The Dark Souls LP was pretty good, as is the Yakuza 0 and Resident Evil 7 LP.

>watching patless lps in the first place
why ?

>It's a "I'm going to watch these E-Celebs even though I hate their content thread"