Pikmin 4 and Animal Crossing for Switch confirmed?
Of course Nintendo is going to shit out a game for their big franchises on the Switch you dip
What, did you think they were going to make up NEW shit?
>same Kikeshitendo rehashit for the past 90 years
Yes I want the same shit I already like it they improve upon it too
Pikmin probably refers to that upcoming one on the 3ds that got announced recently.
The Animal Crossing phone game that is coming up.
And Pikmin 3DS
don't say i didn't warn you.
If you don't want a Pikmin four then you can get the fuck out of my face.
>sequels are rehashes
But doesn't that mean that every company is currently rehashing?
Nobody is safe
Im just being realistic here. The AC phone game has had several articles, and was recently brought up again, pretty sure its closing in on a release in the next months.
>90 years
I fucking wish, we'd probably have a dozen more metroids
Nintendo wouldn't bring up a phone game at e3
What else are they gonna bring up?
Probably right on pikmin but I can't see them wasting time on mobile shit. Besides, AC is successful as fuck and we didn't get one for the wiiu
Why would Nintendo talk about the Pikmin 3DS game at E3 when it's coming out soon?
fun that you say that since Pikmin and Animal Crossing are like the 4th and 5th newest IPs from Nintendo
>Pikmin and Animal Crossing are the big reveals Nintendo had this E3
>No F-Zero, no Smash, no Metroid, no Monster Hunter, no Bayonetta 3
Nintendo is dead. It's like they're not even trying anymore. LITERALLY worse than WiiU.
>why would a company talk about a game that is coming out soon at a major event
Well im not sure, user, they didn't have Marketing 101 at the school i went to.
The source is a fucking Boy's Life magazine, you incompetent fucks.
I used to get these as a kid and they never exactly professional.
yu like da metroid, gajin??
das no marioh, das no zel-da
we maiku other em, yu no like?!
now yu want de met roid??
he turn into ball??? haha gajin we no make metroid.. !!
There's only been 3 Pikmin games and the most recent console Animal Crossing was a shifty board game. I'd honestly just want more of the same from these particular series anyway. The new Pikmin game they're talking about in the OP might be the 3ds game anyway.