How to game related job?

I've met quite a few retarded devs now.

They have no history and can't even name some classic games or have experience with old school retro stuff.

On top of that al their inspiration comes from CoD or Halo, there's no going outside the box.

I'm pretty sue I could tear up the industry with some great new innovative and quite cool ideas.

But how to get a foot in the door? Do I need to go to University? There's a few around England but then what do I do? I like art so should i do 3D animation? Game Design? Anyone have experience or pointers?

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DEfinitely do not go University, unless you're a liberal sjw

literally the only way you are getting into the industry now is if you paint your hair pink and shave half of it off, and pretend you're the other gender

Avoid univeristies at all cost. And aspointed out this industry is fucked

No one from Sup Forums will ever get an important job in the video game industry.

Why not?

Because people who come to Sup Forums now are massive retards and are not lucky/smart enough to hit a sweet spot that launches them into stardom or relevancy.

Notch proves you wrong, fagboy

I said important job.

apply for qa
start as tester
get noticed if you're good or just stay in qa, it's a good career nonetheless

I'm a dev and that's how I started. Attended no university whatsoever and I just literally got hired for "playing a lot of videogames all the time"

Total lack of self awareness. Making it in any creative industry requires hard work, a good personal standard for quality to gauge your work (IMPORTANT), and a good attitude.

Complaining about SJW devs in the industry (i.e. potential coworkers who share a different opinion), being an asshole about the achievements of others while imagining your own potential grandeur, and not realizing how much work it takes to really pull off a successful game. These are the qualities of the average shitposter on Sup Forums.

Going by these observations, it makes perfect sense to assume that most of the retards here will never make it anywhere.

It's easier to get into the mafia than it is getting a job for a AAA developer.

Just give up

Don't do a game related degree, they suck and will be immediately out of date.

get a degree in a field you like, related to videogames.
Computer science, graphic design or fine art, etc

Then get a job in that field (any job, not vidya related) for experience, and while you're at that job work on stuff in your spare time. If you're a programmer make a simple game, if you're an artist or animator, work on a game with somebody else. There are tonnes of hobby programmers online that want artists to contribute to their projects.

Tl;dr: Get work experience in a tangentially related field and work on small games in your spare time.
Devs want to see a portfolio, so make one. Game degrees are shit.

How to get a job in Video Games | Media Molecule Live Stream:

I never understood this tester meme, how does testing games get you noticed? What can you possibly do as a tester to get noticed?

I understand you have to give feedback but then how do you get foot in the door from that? What questions should you be asking them to get them interested in you?

>he's an idea guy
>he doesn't even know what he'd want to do in the industry
>he has to ask Sup Forums how to stop
You'll never get in and make a contribution to anything other than slot machine and mobile devs, so give up now

what do you do now as a dev?

But what if you're super passionate about games know a lot og gaming history and experience over multiple platforms, can recognize and adapt to social situations while not being a douche to current socio-political infrastructures, would that help? Also where are game testing places in the UK I can never find any anywhere and i live in London

No. Nobody gives a shit. Learn programming, project management, writing, or art.

Sorry I'm not a quiiter I'll die trying to get in because I've met and seen some atrocious shit going on specially with devs and if they can do it i surely can, i even know one game tester who is fuckng some feminist


Your portfolio is all that matters. Do you do shit or have you spent the majority of your life just learning shit? College degrees mean little.

ITT : unemployed basement dwellers

there's a thing called humanity

I wanted to apply as designer, I've started knowing and discussing with designers, observing them, studying their job etc and when I was confident enough and they had an open position I asked to the head of design to apply for the position. I passed the test they gave me and I changed office. At least 5 designers here started from QA like that

Ok cool i like animation so what about that surely that will cover art as well

Learn to code
Start a shitty porn game
Develop it and shill your patreon
Spam it all over leddit and /h/

Bam, you're now making more than people who went to med school for 8 years and got their doctorate.

What was the test I've heard about these but n one goes into detail are they hard?

>I'm pretty sue I could tear up the industry with some great new innovative and quite cool ideas.

"Ideas guy" snowflake. You have no abilities or experience. Nobody will hire you.

Such an average story at this point. I keep seeing these threads on here and elsewhere and the tactic is always the same.

It can't be that easy

>college degrees mean little
t. user who has never applied to a triple A studio where they literally ask as one of the necessary qualifications that you have a bachelors

Guess what, faglords? The only way you'd get a job without a degree is if you're contracted by someone or if your work is godly. 99% of companies will use screening software to throw your resume in the trash if you don't have a bachelors degree.

>8 years


Contrary to what most people are saying here, there are some unis with good programmes that could help you land a job in games. Just do your research, check if any graduates actually landed a job at a significant company. Also realise that portfolio still matters and you're going to have to work hard to make yours stand out. University can be a good motivator to work hard, but not everybody needs it.

For the love of god, learn something other than just design though. Combat design and level design are practical, but nobody likes 'the idea guy'. You need to be able to turn your idea into something concrete, otherwise you're expendable or the game just won't get done. A lot of people think they have great ideas, but don't know the first thing about production and whether their idea can actually be made into reality or not.

screening software?

Oh wow, sensible advice. That's quite rare here.

It really is though.
Just find some niche fetish and cater to it and you'll be rolling in money. I'm pretty sure this guy is making way more than your average incompetent failing at the next Mass Effect/ Dragon Age abortion

>AAA studio
They are worthless anyways. The overwhelming majority of employees are paid like shit, work unpaid overtime during crunch, and have literally zero job security. The only ones who see actual money are the goons at the top who never place their hands anywhere near a major project. It's like working for McDonald's versus either opening your own burger shop or working for the mom and pop burger shop down the street.

>they literally ask as one of the necessary qualifications that you have a bachelors

not in videogames.
a computer science or art degree will do you a lot better towards getting a job in the games industry than a "game design" degree

Idk why these guys act like this. Get a degree in CS, learn to code. Get job programming at a game studio and try to work yourself into the design team.

If it doesn't work in the game industry then you have a practical skill set to fall back on for an office job

> be OP
> start a kickstarter for a cool new video game idea that might just be a failure later like all kickstarter games
> present a shitty demo in a youtube video
> get bucks

There, easier than trying to join a team of AAA companies

software that reads and analyzes key words in your resume to see if you meet the minimum qualifications for a job.

For example, using a zenimax ad an environment artist, the program might scan for any of the key words like "hard surface", "radiant", "unreal", "lighting", "texturing", "3DS max", etc. If you don't have those qualifications then it's a waste of time for hiring managers to even look at your shit, so the program will throw it out and you'll get a rejection letter come the end of the period in which you'd hear back.

What's your skill set though? Do you code or just draw levels on paper or some shit?

Like seriously, why are you even bothering wageslaving when you can just be raking in retarded amounts of patreon bux?

It's really 4 years for bachelors then 4 years in med school. Then 4-6 years of a fellowship

That's what these threads aim for though. Sup Forumsirgins making these threads don't give a shit about actually developing by rather the prestige and attention from making the "next big thing" or their dream game.

doctors don't get a doctorate at the end of their studies

because they get you on the taxes you dont even get half of that plus if you don't do the tax properly you going jail, mopst of these motherfuckers will be going jail trust me

I honestly have no idea how that shit works

They get an M.D. right? Is it not awarded until after fellowship or is a doctorate different

They're not actual wages, the IRS might not even tax them at all.

a real Doctor with a Doctorate has spent 7 years studying and has contributed to the advancement of his field, either with new research and ideas, or by validating somebody else's claims. It means you have expanded human knowledge in some way.

A medical doctor just goes to uni for 4 years, spends 4 years as a junior doctor in a hospital and then finally as a fellow below a senior doctor. They don't expand human knowledge, they just get good at treating illness.

a doctorate is different, to get a doctorate you need to expand human knowledge in your field. a Ph.D is a totally different thing to an M.D

Math, Computer Science, Physics

any other answer and you are nu-male sjw untalented faggot.

Just like make game.

If you've mastered standards you should already be aware of the screening process and how to market yourself accordingly. They do this in a lot of industries. Reminds me of a band I played with recently, amazing musicians, but I'd never hire for a gig, don't know numbers or call key.

That's the thing though is that a lot of anons don't seem to realize that the industry is a business, not a fucking charity. All the heart and love and >passion in the world doesn't mean shit if you don't have the basics that they're looking for, one of which is commonly some kind of education beyond a high school degree.

I don't know if people here are underaged and still have a chance to get their shit together or if they're miraculously and suddenly motivated NEETs but the misinformation spread in these threads is a waste of everyone's time, theirs included.

Yea Patreon is a taxable income people dont know thhat but they will be sending the IRS to your house if you dont pay

Why don't you just make your own game?

With GameMaker and Unity, you can learn basic programming within a few months.

All you need then is artwork, music and a proper design.

However you should always go for at least a college degree, and even if you choose to make a game on your own, have a back-up part time job in a reliable sector

Creative jobs rarely offer a steady paycheck.

Reading this thread is depressing.

It's sad how little Sup Forums knows of applying for basic desk job.