How did it get away with a "Happy End"?
How did it get away with a "Happy End"?
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What was happy about it?
Because they suffered too much ;_;
That you the player and Pod 042 managed to save 9S and 2B to give them a chance to forge their own destinies and live their life together without one being forced to kill the other.
Because the whole point of Automata is a struggle against pre-determined path.
Machines were created for combat. In the end N2 understands the existential values and decides to quietly go away, taking all memories of machines into machine paradise. Machines left on a planet create their own societies and sign a peace treaty with androids.
Androids were created to serve humans yet even YoRHa androids show increasing discomfort with this and timeline mentions that there already was an android faction that hated the idea of serving humans and fucked off to Australia.
Pods were created by androids and were supposed to be mere tools yet they form self-consciousness and send their mission to hell to save their friends.
And love story between 2B and 9S is a cornerstone of this struggle. They want to be together so much 9S literally asspulls himself from the dead in concert ending, and their struggle is what influenced both N2 and Pods.
>Love story between 2B and 9S
You mean the one that existed in 9S's head?
No, i mean the one that is established across both side materials and main game itself.
> literally asspulls himself from the dead in concert endin
I don't think that's it. Remember that 2B used the memory core of the Ark as a vaccine to fix him up but didn't work? I'm sure the memory core of the ark is what made him wake up. Just Pod 042 and 153 didn't really understand what was going on.
>2B literally dying from grief when 9S didn't wake up
>Both lamenting the fact that as an outro to a side-story that they didn't realize what these feelings were they held for each other.
Even NTR artists make a vanilla doujin every once in a while.
2B very clearly loves him.
By killing every other member of YoRHa including 6O who was a complete qt and didn't deserve it.
I'm sure the fact 9S woke up can be explained canonically as he's a fucking android Jesus by the end of a game who fused with network and even entered machine paradise for a moment. But it's also really symbolic that he bullshitted his own death right when 2B was dying from grief near him.
Technically speaking, Pod 042 saved every ones data
He saved the leaking data of main trio only, unfortunately.
They can probably repair 4S and a few other YoRHa androids in good condition, maybe. But 6O got blown up alongside the Bunker.
>Cruel Blood Oath
not canon
Extremely canon, especially after side materials that also explain why all their weapons have Contract/Oath/Treaty in them.
How is it canon?
Read side materials, retard.
How is it not canon is the bigger question?
>6O got blown up alongside the Bunker
It isn't explicitly talked about in voice by the characters
Cruel Oath itself is about Memory Thorn and the "cruel oath" they made on that day.
>"Happy End"
>with 9S alive
No, it's just another bad end.
>Commander dead
>6O dead
>21O dead
>all of Yorha dead
>Pascal memory wiped and entire village dead
>the entire war was pointless and everyone who died in it died for nothing
Yeah what a happy ending
>machines will rebuild the network eventually
>assholes behind the YoRHa project are still around
>world is still a shithole
>there's really nothing to do
>2B and 9S probably need 5000 therapy sessions to work through their baggage
It's happy for a Taro game I suppose.
2B wants a life together with him judging by japanese weight of the world lyrics so it's a happy end for her.
Sad end for waifufags though.
>the cessation of bad times isn't happy
>the entire war was pointless and everyone who died in it died for nothing
>Machine Lifeforms are in civil war for the first time in history showing change
>All of this could only be realized because Project YoRHa existed
canon means it is stated as true in the franchise bible
and a bible is made by many different works, not even necessarily by the same writers
Asshole behind project YoRHa has been dead for over 100 years.
Oh, and he was 9S' prototype.
>all of Yorha dead
Stoner droids, desert oasis droid and that one S unit in castle library could have survived.
#9 was only behind the backdoor, the rest of the Project was created by Zinnia
They got killed too.
There was more than one person behind project YoRHa and it is possible that they are still alive considering Devola and Popola lived for so long.
Doesn't Jackass's report in the end reveal the "happy" ending is still a bit fucked?
>There was more than one person behind project YoRHa
Project YoRHa was fully automated to be carried via pods.
#9 uploaded all schematics to the moon server then allahu akbar'd himself and entire satellite base.
No? Official timeline mentions only one major conflict in next 500 years and it's within machine society itself.
There were two people behind YoRHa, and they're both dead.
But really that doesn't matter.
#9 is the one who had the balls to kickstart the project to begin with. Zinnia planned to shelve it.
None of the surviving characters are human
where are you finding this shit, is this from that fucking concert?
>They got killed too.
They were not affected by virus, maybe even forgotten, and the 'no more YoRHa signatures detected' doesn't mean much with Pods limited capabilities.
Humans were dead before the ayyys even appeared.
Pods killed them. Towards the end of Project YoRHa Pods are supposed to hunt down any remaining survivor. Pod 153 also mentions in Ending E that all Black Box signals were offline.
This. Who even cares about some goddamn robot romance? Taro should've included restoration of mankind or something like that.
>Towards the end of Project YoRHa Pods are supposed to hunt down any remaining survivor.
This is a very poorly thought out part of the project because Pods can't handle even a single unarmed Healer in 1vs1, let alone armed scanner or battle unit, and there's a very small amount of them remain.
#9 probably thought that backdoor will fuck up everyone.
Even if you disregard the concert, the point of YoRHa is to clean up all of the evidence of a ruse to the point where whoever started it intended to kill everyone involved and have the machines automating the project delete all data as soon as everyone was dead.
Isn't much point to that if the creator(s) are alive.
>This is a very poorly thought out part of the project because Pods can't handle even a single unarmed Healer in 1vs1
That Pod was also retarded
>Who even cares about some goddamn robot romance?
It shows that they are more than just machines.
Androids are the heirs of humanity
He's actually probably one of the most dangerous ones because he has 100 bodies and ability to talk like a human.
Thankfully he's eternally locked on moon server to maintain it.
Pork that you eat daily for Vegans also is more than just an animal.
>personality number 9 is created
>murders satellite base in 15 minutes then crashed it with no survivors
>9S is created more than 100 years later
>next thing mentioned in timeline is rogue male squad M002 that fused with machines and woke up machine Atlantis almost causing a fucking judgement day
Who the fuck 9S is based on?
Even Caim wasn't such a murderboo.
If 9S models were so problematic that they would always at some point discover the truth, why didn't YORHA just stop making them
Hes a fucking robot at the end of the day, why is he even programmed to be that big of a problem
At the same time why are E types that are literally designed to kill other models even capable of feeling emotions
>If 9S models were so problematic
Males in general were problematic
>If 9S models were so problematic that they would always at some point discover the truth, why didn't YORHA just stop making them
>Hes a fucking robot at the end of the day
because they're damn good at their jobs
Because their personality is written into black boxes which are still of unknown design for androids, they can't influence them or lock down their emotions.
9S is too good to just discard. His hacking alone can decide a course of a major battle and he can hack and fuck up entire structures on Earth from an orbit.
Why are Taro's writting and characters getting worse an worse with each game?
Did relying on edgy shit and ebin twists ruin him?
why do I get the feeling that 9s himself decided to just let himself be killed multiple times to help 2b feel pain
He allowed himself to get killed so they could meet each other. 2B wanted to kill herself in Memory Thorn.
so he'd get pissy if he wasnt paired with 2b?
Well then who is behind the construction of yorha units anyway if androids dont understand shit
There's another satellite base that is responsible of removing Machine Cores from Machine Lifeforms, the same probably constructs Androids too.
2B fell for him so much she was unable to continue killing him. All she could think after his first death is about his bashful smile.
So when she decided to kill herself instead of killing him, he committed suicide and forced her to promise him that she will always kill him so they can be together at least for a short time.
This by extension only caused 2B to be drawn to him even closer. By the time of a game she becomes hysterical even if he's simply hurt because he's her sole reason of existence.
Where is this told
I didn't read any of the side stuff because I think a games story should be able to stand on its own
And? It's still in the game, fuckhead.
It might not come as a surprise to you but it's told in a side-story.
Only YorHa units have black boxes
fucking lmao
great storytelling taro, truly great
I meant YoRHa Androids, not the regular ones.
I see what you mean.
I can't wait to play Automata again in a few years when I've forgotten most of it. It was such a great experience. Ending E hit me way harder than Nier or Drakengard ever did.
Leaving out 2B's story really fucked the game up.
Not really. Her relationships with 9S were left more vague but majority of fans already considered them in love even before side materials bashed this fact over everyone's heads
>finish game
>get assignment
why is this allowed
So maybe delusional shippers get the story out of sheer coincidence, but for everyone else, their bond is not communicated nearly well enough to be the centerpiece of the entire story. There are so many people who finished the game and didn't understand that 2B and 9S didn't meet for the first time in the opening mission.
>delusional shippers
It was enough to just pay attention to the subtle hints in her behaviour.
The way she becomes hysterical when he is hurt or is missing, the way she became jealous in Amnesia, the way she selflessly sacrifices herself, her flight unit message, her weapon stories, etc.
Waifufags are the ones who were delusional as fuck.
>There are so many people who finished the game and didn't understand that 2B and 9S didn't meet for the first time in the opening mission.
That's the point, no one really did. What you should wonder though is why the fuck 2B is so attached towards a person she met a few moments ago.
>get the story out of sheer coincidence, b
Pretty sure they just aren't retarded and consider Weapon Stories too.
I wanna play this but I'm low on money right now. Any way to pirate it? Thought it had some kind of protection to it.
>yfw the japanese game cover is the canon ending
Got cracked, you can pirate it.
>theres nothing to do
>not hacking 2b brains and give her aheagos every day
Nah, he wakes up.
Him carrying an injured, crying but smiling 2B would be more canon.
It's abundantly clear that there's some history there as early as the prologue, and you're explicitly told that 2B has been killing him over and over again.
It's not that people didn't get that they were in love, it's the justification that's lacking. Unless you extrapolate like crazy, why they loved each other isn't sufficiently explained and it feels shallow. Unless you're a shipper because then you don't care.
I was too dumb to understand that, I guess.
I like that even Taro himself supports the happy end for main characters. During the credit shmup scene he's not even a threat, Square Enix is.
It's like he was taking a huge dump on a needlessly dramatic and shitty ending of FF15.
What was in the prologue that makes it abundantly clear? The only thing I can think that comes close is 2B freaking out, but that's as clear as mud because most people chalked it up to 2B being a caring person. Or bad writing in the demo threads but we'll ignore that.
You're told at the end of route A that 2B's killed 9S more than once, but it just shows flashbacks of the opening. So it's easy to think that the two times shown are the only ones and it's just that traumatic.
I didn't pick it up myself but it shouldn't be too hard to figure out.
2B is clearly repressing some kind of feelings toward 9s throughout the game and while she seemingly doesn't care that much about him, she immediately flips her shit if he so much as gets a booboo
>End of Route A literally has 2B saying "It always ends this way"
>not having a million red flags go up
If you were actually surprised at the reveal that 2B killed 9S more than once you might be actually clinically retarded
>but that's as clear as mud because most people chalked it up to 2B being a caring person
nigga her entire squad dies and she's still an ice queen
one scanner boy gets hurt and she becomes a panicking mess
>You're told at the end of route A that 2B's killed 9S more than once
she says "it always ends like this" and their story on route A is gradually getting close to each other but 9S dying before it could lead anywhere
She might as well thought, that all her friends always die..
You'd have a point if she cared if anyone else died, she didn't even care when her comrades died in the tutorial.
They didn't wake up though..
There's no time to mourn during combat.
Oh no, they do.
2B first, 9S two weeks later.